The Master studies course Molecular Biotechnology is a consecutive course of studies for the Bachelor degrees in Molecular Biotechnology, Biology and Molecular Biology at Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (JGU) or equivalent courses of studies at other universities.
The Master's program in Molecular Biotechnology is offered in English only.
Information on the Bachelor degree program "Molekulare Biotechnologie" (in German language) can be found here.
Prüfungsordnung (regulations of studies; in German only)
The aim of the Molecular Biotechnology Master's program is to train a new generation of biotechnologists who have in-depth knowledge and skills in the fields of biochemistry, microbiology and physiology. This interdisciplinary program, which is carried out jointly by the fields of Chemistry, Pharmacy and Biology, includes a master’s degree program and a previous bachelor’s degree program.
While "technology-oriented biotechnology" is generally characterized by technical content and methods of process engineering, the molecular biotechnology course at JGU has a different approach. The term "biotechnology" means primarily the identification, further development, use and application of processes and components in and from microorganisms.
Particular attention is paid to the identification and characterization of pharmaceutically active substances from microorganisms and their biosynthetic pathways. Identified lead structures are used for drug development in the areas of disease therapy and plant protection.
The master's program in molecular biotechnology thus lays the foundations for later interdisciplinary work in a research-oriented environment. It is therefore interesting for people who have a broad interest in chemical, biological and biotechnological issues and who see their strengths in the life sciences.
Admission Requirements :
Admission requirements:
(1) Proof of a Bachelor's degree in Biology, Biochemistry or Biotechnology with a grade of at least good (2.5) or a degree from a university in Germany or abroad that does not differ significantly from this. In the case of a foreign overall grade that is less than 2.5 when converted into the German grading system, an original certificate from the university at which the degree was obtained must be submitted stating that the applicant is among the top 20% of the graduating class in natural science subjects. This certificate must also show how many final grades were included in the percentile rank. If the certificate is based on fewer than 50 final grades, it will not be accepted.
In addition, at least the specified credit points or comparable achievements must have been acquired in the following subjects: Mathematics and Statistics (12 CP), Physics (6 CP), Chemistry (9 CP), Biochemistry (12 CP), Cell Biology/Microbiology/Physiology (12 CP), practical exercises/internships (30 CP) as well as a written Bachelor's thesis.
Achievements that were not completed in the underlying Bachelor's degree program can also be taken into account. The Examination Board will decide on this.
(2) A further admission requirement for the Master's degree course in Biotechnology is proof of the required language skills in English at a level of at least B2, which enables students to read specialist literature in English, to participate in courses in English and to complete written coursework and examinations in English. Evidence that is recognized is specified in Section 7 (5) of the Enrolment Regulations of Johannes Gutenberg University. This proof is also deemed to have been provided by submitting a German Abitur certificate showing that at least five years (four years for G8) of English were attended at school and that this was completed with at least "sufficient" or 5 points.
(3) A further prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree course in Biology is that the entitlement to take examinations for this degree course has not yet been lost. A corresponding declaration must be submitted to verify this.
(4) If a degree certificate is not available by the end of the application deadline as proof of a Bachelor's degree in accordance with para. 1 no. 1, an application is possible on the basis of a certificate of examination and study achievements already completed amounting to at least 135 credit points, which must have been issued by the responsible office of the previous university or on the basis of a provisional certificate of recognition from JGU Mainz. The total number of credit points must be stated.
By the end of the application deadline, two thirds of the credit points according to paragraph 1 no. 1 must be proven.
The grade according to paragraph 1 no. 1 is based on the average grade of the examinations completed to date, which must be evident from the certificate; the final result of the Bachelor's degree is not taken into account in this case.
If there is an admission restriction for the degree program, the provisions of the selection regulations in the currently valid version must be observed; in this case, the final result of the Bachelor's degree is not taken into account in the selection procedure.
If an applicant is selected on the basis of the certificate referred to in sentence 1, admission is granted subject to the provison that proof of a successful previous Bachelor's degree is submitted within a period specified in the letter of admission, which proves the general and subject-specific admission requirements If this proof is not provided within the deadline, admission expires.
(5) No knowledge of German is required for the Master's degree course in Molecular Biotechnology.
(6) Even with existing admission requirements, admission to the Master's degree course in Molecular Biotechnology depends on successful completion of the admission procedure. If there are admission restrictions for the Master's degree course, admission is granted in accordance with the selection regulations.
Your application is to be submitted through the application portal of JGU Mainz.
Application Period:
Winter term: 01.04. - 15.05.
Due to their extensive training, molecular biotechnologists are able to implement interdisciplinary approaches. Depending on the focus, they compete with biochemists, biologists and other biotechnologists when starting their careers.
Employment opportunities are mainly in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries (research, analysis, process development, production, application technology, marketing, patenting, documentation), at universities and research institutions and in public administration.
It is expected that most of the graduates of the Master's program in Molecular Biotechnology will pursue a doctorate. There is a wide range of doctoral opportunities at the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Chemistry, Pharmacy, Geography and Earth Sciences, the University Medical Center and at affiliated research centers such as the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research or the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry as well as the "Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff-Forschung".
Responsible for Studies course/Recognition of certificates: Prof. Susanne Gebhard, PhD/Prof. Dr. Ralf Heermann
Fachstudienberatung: Dr. Günther Ochs
Prüfungsamt: Dr. Peter Schubert
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1. download the registration form (PDF) and save it directly to your device (mobile or computer).
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