Bachelor in Biology (B.Sc.) and Molecular Biology (B.Sc.)

The Bachelor’s degree program in Biology is designed to focus equally on biology at the molecular and the organismic level, while the Bachelor's degree program in Molecular Biology puts a much stronger emphasis on the molecular level. Both programs are identical in the first year.

During the last ten years, a fundamental change occurred in the field of Biology: molecular methods have found their way into all of the biological disciplines. In addition to biochemistry, genetics, and cell biology, molecular methods are also being applied today in physiology, developmental biology, neuroscience, and behavior research as well as in morphology, systematics, taxonomy, and ecology. Since animals, plants, microorganisms, and humans are being examined with both molecular and cell biological methods in equal measure, earlier barriers between the classical subjects Botany, Zoology, Anthropology, and Microbiology have fallen to a large extent. This development has led to a surprising permeability of biological subjects for those biologists whose education has a focus on molecular biology and has resulted in a remarkable improvement of their career perspectives. At the same time, the demand for specialists of any kind thoroughly trained in molecular biological methods has increased considerably due to current genome research and proteomics in relation to biomedicine.

Admission requirements: higher education entrance qualification / A-level or a subject related access to higher education in compliance with § 61 para. 1 University Law.

Educational objectives: The Bachelor's degree program “Biology” aims at conveying ample basic knowledge of Biology and related basic sciences with a focus on a practical attitude and methodological competence
The Bachelor's degree program “Molecular Biology” aims at conveying ample basic knowledge of Biology and related disciplines and particularly in-depth knowledge in the field of molecular biology with a focus on a practical attitude and methodological competence.

After successfully completing the study program, students can independently perform assigned tasks within the subject. The Bachelor's degree thus constitutes the first academic degree, which already qualifies graduates for the job market.

Modules, credit points, examinations, standard period of study: The degree program is divided into ten modules. Credit points according to ECTS are awarded for the successful completion of any mandatory and elective course (180 credit points in total are necessary to reach the study objective). Examinations are scheduled alongside lectures. The standard period of study amounts to six semesters.

Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.). This university degree may be attached to the name.