Together with the publisher Springer, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz offers an advanced training for interested and qualified Biology lab assistants in terms of a four-year distance study of Biology. After two additional block internships at the university, graduates of the distance study program acquire the Bachelor of Science in “Molecular Biology.” This is the first distance study program in the field of Biology in Germany and the first cooperation of this kind between a scientific publisher and a university. The close involvement of the pharmaceutical industry ensures the immediate career relevance of the distance study program.
The program addresses lab and technical assistants from the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Medical Science, and Pharmacy with several years of work experience. In addition to their very practically oriented training, participants are supposed to acquire substantial theoretical expertise in order to be able to plan and act autonomously, independently, and on their own responsibility in their everyday project work.
The duration of the distance study amounts to four years. The curriculum is strongly based on the syllabus for Biology studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics). In addition, students acquire knowledge in Animal and Human Physiology, Medicinal Microbiology, Pharmacology, and Toxicology.
Distance learners who were employed for three years during their studies can acquire a true university degree, the Bachelor of Science in “Molecular Biology,” if they continue in Mainz for one more year after receiving their certificate. Certified distance learners can transfer to this six-semester program in the fifth semester.
The distance study “Biology for Biology Laboratory Assistants” has been accredited by the State Office for Distance Learning in Cologne (Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht) with the number 656098.
You find further noncommittal information on the Springer Campus website or please contact Petra Bender (