Boards and Committees

The Faculty’s boards and committees form a part of academic self-governance. Academic self-governance is a basic component of the university’s functioning.

The Faculty Council is the highest decision making body of the Faculty of Biology. Members are elected every 3 years (students annually). It meets 4-6 times per semester and is chaired by the Dean. All members of the Faculty can find the minutes of the public part of the Faculty Council Meeting in the Faculty SharePoint (see homepage for link).

Dean and Vice Deans Prof. Dr. Eckhard Thines (Dean)
Prof. Dr. Roland Strauß (Vice Dean for Studies and Teaching)
Prof. Dr. Susanne Foitzik (Vice Dean for Research)
Group I (Professors) Prof. Dr. Joachim Burger
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Dormann
Prof. Dr. Daniel Dreesmann
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hankeln
Prof. Dr. Martin Heine
Prof. Dr. René Ketting
Prof. Dr. Edward Lemke
Prof. Dr. Brian Luke
Prof. Dr. Helen May-Simera (also vice GStB)
Prof. Dr. Marion Silies (also GStB)
Group II (Students) Samira Großmann
Jana Höppner
Liv Steger
Julia Ziegler
Group III (Scientific Staff) apl Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Albers
Dr. Carlotta Martelli
Dr. Florian Menzel
Group IV (non-scientific Staff) Simone Renner
Christiane Stürzbecher
Advisors Equal opportunities representative (GStB)
Dr. Mark Bajohrs (Management of Faculty Council)
Frederik Kölpin (doctoral candidates)
The Academic Affairs Committee attends to issues on study and teaching affairs (particularly devising study and examination regulations).

Group I (Professors) Prof. Dr. Roland Strauß (Head)
Prof. Dr. Daniel Dreesmann (Deputy)
Prof. Dr. Uwe Wolfrum
Group II (Students) Marten Fischer
Julia Ziegler
Group III (Scientific Staff) Dr. Günther Ochs
Dr. Christian Uhink
Dr. Joachim Urban
Group IV (non-scientific Staff) Dr. Viviane Grant
Advisors Prof. Dr. T. Hankeln
Dr. Peter Schubert
Dr. Mark Bajohrs
The Examination Board decides upon all issues concerning examinations for undergraduate, intermediate, diploma, bachelor, and master.

Group I (Professors) Prof. Dr. Thomas Hankeln (Head)
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Dormann
Prof. Dr. Joachim Burger
Prof. Dr. Martin Heine
Prof. Dr. Edward Lemke
Group II (Students) Liv Steger
Group III (Scientific Staff) apl Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Albers
Group IV (non-scientific Staff) Christiane Stürzbecher
Advisors Prof. Dr. R. Strauß
Dr. Sylvia Siesenop
Dr. Mark Bajohrs
The Board makes suggestions to the Faculty Council who decides in case of the Master Molecular Biotechnology.

Group I (Professors) Prof. Dr. Susanne Gebhard (Head)
Prof. Dr. Ralf Heermann (Deputy)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Schneider (FB09)
Prof. Tanja Schirmeister (FB09)
Group II (Students) Moritz Künzer
Group III (Scientific Staff) Dr. Karsten Andresen
Group IV (non-scientific Staff) Cornelia Braun
Advisors Prof. Dr. T. Hankeln
Dr. Sylvia Siesenop
Dr. Mark Bajohrs
The Board makes suggestions to the Faculty Council who decides in case of the int. Master Microbiology.

Group I (Professors) Prof. Dr. Ralf Heermann (Head)
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Thines (Deputy)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Schneider (FB09)
Prof. Dr. Helen May-Simera
Group II (Students) obstained
Group III (Scientific Staff) Dr. Nazzareno Dominelli
Group IV (non-scientific Staff) Simone Jäger
Advisors Prof. Dr. T. Hankeln
Dr. Sylvia Siesenop
Dr. Mark Bajohrs
Applications and questions should be directed to Dr. Mark Bajohrs using

Group I (Professors) Prof. Dr. Thomas Hankeln
Prof. Dr. Edward Lemke
Prof. Dr. Marion Silies
Prof. Dr. Andreas Wachter
Prof. Dr. Shuqing Xu
Group II (Scientific Staff) Klara Leber
Antonia Preuß
Group III (Scientific Staff) Dr. Mark Bajohrs (Head)
Lukas Hellmann
Group IV (non-scientific Staff) Birgit Reubert
Simone Renner
Advisors Dean
The Research Committee attends to all scientific matters (exchange forums, new concepts, third party grants etc.)

Group I (Professors) Prof. Dr. Susanne Foitzik (Head)
Prof. Dr. Marion Silies (Deputy)
Prof. Dr. Joachim Burger
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Dormann
Prof. Dr. Claire Jacob
Prof. Dr. René Ketting (IMB)
Prof. Dr. Brian Luke
Prof. Dr. Uwe Wolfrum
Gruppe II (Studierende) obstained
Group III (Scientific Staff) apl. Prof. Eva-Maria Albers
Dr. Bastian Hülsmann
Dr. Carlotta Martelli
Group IV (non-scientific Staff) Nora Knabe
Advisors Dean
Dr. Mark Bajohrs