Institute of Molecular Physiology | imP




The Institute of Molecular Physiology (imP) has its focus on the function, dynamics, and structure of biological systems from nano- to supramolecular scale. This includes interactions of proteins and nucleic acids, (epigenetic) gen regulation, genome stability, DNA repair, signal transduction, and intracellular transport processes. Member groups cooperate closely and use shared facilities for cell culture, animal and plant breeding, high-resolution light microscopy, electron microscopy, x-ray structure analysis and micro calorimetry. We use a multitude of biophysical methods to analyse protein-protein, protein- nucleic acid and protein- ligand interactions. There are diverse networks with the other two institutes of the department, as well as with the IMB, the IBWF, the Institute of Biochemistry (FB09), the University Medical Center and the Max Planck Institutes in Mainz and Frankfurt. The International PhD Program (IPP) coordinated by the IMB is also trend-setting, the Translational Research Center for Neurobiology FTN, the Research Training Group GeneEvo and the Max Planck Graduate Center (MPGC).

Coopted Professors

Retired Professors