The JGU Faculty of Biology may award the following academic degrees:
- Dr. rer. nat
- Dr. phil.
- Ph.D.
The corresponding doctoral degree regulations can be downloaded from the box on the right side (in German).
Admission as a doctoral candidate
To be admitted as a doctoral candidate to the JGU Faculty of Biology, one must submit an application for admission to the Dean of Faculty 10. The appropriate form (green) is available in the hall of the Dean's Office (Gresemundweg 2).
In addition to the applicant's personal information, the working title of the planned dissertation, and the examination subjects, the application must also contain the signatures of the advisor (and co-advisor) as well as of the relevant examiners. A co-advisor is needed in case the dissertation is being prepared outside the Faculty of Biology, unless the advisor of the external institution has been co-opted by the JGU Faculty of Biology (e.g. Professor Dr. W. E. G. Müller and Professor Dr. M. Loos).
Co-advisors must be full-time members of the Faculty of Biology and conduct the examination in the specialist area. Applications for admission should be submitted as early as possible, i.e. at the beginning of the experimental phase of the dissertation process.
Admission as the doctoral degree assessment procedure
The actual doctoral degree assessment procedure begins with the application for admission for the doctorate. This application form is available at the Dean's Office (room 01-224) or the Registrar's Office (room 01-216).