Faculty Council

The Faculty Council is the highest decision making body of the Faculty of Biology. Members are elected every 3 years (students annually). It meets 4-6 times per semester and is chaired by the Dean.

News and events are announced in time on the Faculty’s welcome page. As a Faculty member you can subscribe to the Dean’s Office’s mailing list for receiving invitations. You can find those parts of the minutes open to the Faculty for download on the right column (only in German on the German site).

Group I (Professors) Professor Dr. Walter Stöcker (Dean)
Professor Dr. Susanne Foitzik (Vice Dean)
Professor Dr. Roland Strauß (Dean of Study and Teaching Affairs)
Professor Dr. Thomas Hankeln
Professor Dr. Daniel Dreesmann
Professor Dr. Carsten Duch
Professor Dr. Martin Kaltenpoth
Professor Dr. Eckhard Thines
Professor Dr. Uwe Wolfrum
Group II (Students) Tilmann Büttner
Stefan Klose
Alexandra Pöchmann
Ali Su
Group III (Academic Staff) Dr. Mark Bajohrs
Dr. Frank Depoix
apl Prof. Dr. Bernd Lieb
Group IV (Non-Academic Staff) Angelika Schmitt