Atomic parity violation research reaches new milestone
Measurement of parity violation for different isotopes of atomic ytterbium agrees with predictions of the Standard Model of particle physics ...
Full steam ahead to the quantum web: Mainz University is involved in European Flagship on Quantum Technologies program
EU announces first funding for Quantum Flagship program to develop quantum technology / Researchers at Mainz are partners in two projects on quantum computers and quantum metrology ...
Peering into the Sun from the depths of the Gran Sasso massif: Borexino sheds light on solar neutrinos
Borexino Collaboration publishes results of research into the Sun's 'ghost particles' in Nature ...
Earth's magnetic field measured using artificial stars at 90 kilometers altitude
An international collaboration uses laser-generated stars to determine the Earth's magnetic field in the sodium layer of the atmosphere ...
Bose-Einstein condensate generated in space for the first time
Physicists put in place groundwork for accurately testing Einstein's equivalence principle/ Recent publication in Nature ...
Mainz University successful in Germany's Excellence Strategy program: PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence approved
International Committee of Experts vote to award PRISMA+ EUR 64 million of funding for cutting-edge research in Mainz ...
Magnetic antiparticles offer new horizons for information technologies
Computer simulations reveal new behavior of antiskyrmions in gradually increased electric currents ...
Detecting damage in non-magnetic steel with the help of magnetism
Researchers at JGU and the University of Kaiserslautern publish results of study of materials testing ...
IceCube researchers manage for the first time to identify the source of a neutrino from the depths of the cosmos
Elementary particle originated from a galaxy three billion light years from Earth / Black hole acts as particle accelerator ...
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz ranked number 1 in the natural sciences in Germany in the 2018 DFG Funding Atlas
Mysterious IceCube event may be caused by a tau neutrino
Theoretical physicists calculate the origin of a high-energy particle track captured by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory ...
Photoexcited graphene puzzle solved
A boost for graphene-based light detectors ...
EU funding for four outstanding early-career researchers in Physics and Palaeogenomics at Mainz University
Individual Fellowships provided through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions program support new research projects ...
Antiferromagnetic materials allow for processing at terahertz speeds
Increased data volume and writing speed in a new antiferromagnetic-based memory ...
HALO research aircraft measures emissions from major cities
Researchers from Mainz analyze emissions from major Asian cities to better understand and predict the extent and impact of urban air pollution on the Earth's atmosphere ...
Construction set of magnon logic extended: Magnon spin currents can be controlled via spin valve structure
Harvey Meyer is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for fundamental calculations on strong interaction effects
Cosmic x-rays may provide clues to the nature of dark matter
Physicists propose a new theory of dark matter based on the detection of unusual x-ray radiation from galaxies ...
Antiferromagnets prove their potential for spin-based information technology
Physicists at Mainz University demonstrate technologically feasible read-out and writing of digital information in antiferromagnets / Basic principle for ultrafast and stable magnetic memory ...