Archive 2012

Stuart Parkin recognized for great service to interdisciplinary materials research

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Experimental physicist Stuart Parkin of the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California and member of the Gutenberg Research College received the 2012 Von Hippel Award


Mainz physicist is awarded EU funding of €2.75 million for research on the aerosol composition in the upper atmosphere

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ERC Advanced Grant for Stephan Borrmann of the JGU Institute of Atmospheric Physics and the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry


Origin of ultra-fast manipulation of domain walls discovered

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Research success for the international research team including a fellow of the MAINZ Graduate School of Excellence


New DFG-funded Emmy Noether Junior Research Group examines the role played by W bosons in the structure of matter

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Matthias Schott is to form an independent work group to precisely measure the mass of the W boson


Stabilizing shell effects in heaviest elements directly measured

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Results will help to pin down the "Island of Stability"


XENON100 sets record limits for dark matter

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Further constraints of models of new physics with WIMP candidates


Physicists in Mainz and all around the world cheer the discovery of the Higgs particle

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Success at the world's largest particle accelerator LHC / Experiments involving scientists from Mainz University show first direct evidence of the Higgs boson


Mainz University successful in the German Excellence Initiative: Cluster of Excellence and Graduate School approved

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International committee of experts votes to approve JGU Cluster of Excellence and Graduate School / €50 million for top-flight research at Mainz University


Two new high-performance computers make the German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate a leader in scientific computing

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Super-fast computing capacity will support and strengthen top-flight research in Mainz and Kaiserslautern
