Collaborative Research Centers

JGU is (co-)applicant

Coordinator: JGU
Multiscale modeling is a central topic in theoretical condensed matter physics and materials science. One prominent class of materials, whose properties can rarely be understood on one length scale and one time scale alone, is soft matter. The properties of soft materials are determined by an intricate interplay of energy and entropy, and minute changes of molecular interactions may lead to massive changes of the system’s macroscopic properties.

Coordinator: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Our ability to predict the weather up to a week or more ahead saves our societies billions of Euros annually and protects human life and property. Exponentially increasing computing power and new observations have led to continuous improvements in forecast quality over many years, but nonetheless forecasts are sometimes strikingly poor. Increasing evidence suggests that this is not merely due to defects in our forecasting methods, because in a chaotic atmosphere, some weather situations are intrinsically hard to predict. The great challenge today is to identify the limits of predictability in different situations and produce the best forecasts that are physically possible. The Collaborative Research Center "Waves to Weather" is conceived to meet this challenge and to deliver the underpinning science urgently needed to pave the way towards a new generation of weather forecasting systems.

Coordinator: Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
The Transregional Collaborative Research Center Spin+X investigates spin properties from various perspectives and by connecting several scientific disciplines. Its research encompasses the whole range of spin research spanning from microscopic properties, to emergent spin phenomena and to the coupling to the macroscopic world. This constitutes a new discipline that we refer to as Advanced Spin Engineering, which seeks to create new functionalities based on spin physics. Spin+X builds on an outstanding research infrastructure in physics and chemistry at TUK and JGU, as well as in engineering at TUK, which are at the forefront of spin-related science and technology.

Coordinator: JGU
The ELASTO-Q-MAT initiative, embodied by this CRC/TRR 288, has the goal to understand, advance, and exploit new physical phenomena emerging from a particularly strong coupling between a material's elasticity and its electronic quantum phases. To this end, we will study the effects of elastic tuning and elastic response of various types of electronic order in representative classes of quantum materials that share a high sensitivity to intrinsic strain or externally applied stress fields.

Coordinator: JGU
Projections of climate change rely on an adequate representation of UTLS processes and their feedbacks in climate models. In the Collaborative Research Centre TPChange this will be addressed by a combination of field measurements, laboratory studies, theoretical approaches, and multiscale numerical modelling. Based on an improved understanding of relevant processes at different scales, we will develop parameterisations to improve state-of-the-art climate models. Our goal is to specify the impact of UTLS processes on composition, dynamics and ultimately on future climate and climate variability.

Coordinator: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
QuCoLiMa (Quantum Cooperativity of Light and Matter) intends to explore the distinctive traits of quantum cooperativity within a large variety of quantum platforms at the intersection of quantum optics and condensed matter. We aim at understanding what is the interplay of quantum interference and entanglement in the collective response of many-body quantum systems interacting with light. We will explore in particular the role of the quantum properties of radiation in establishing and mediating quantum cooperative phenomena in a variety of complex matter systems, entering the regime of many-body physics of quantum cooperative light-matter.

Coordinator: JGU
RMaP is centered in the life sciences and embraces timely approaches and methodologies leading to fundamental insights in RNA biology. Area C is devoted to the development and maintenance of enabling techniques deemed crucial to RMaP’s effort. In comparison to other RNA related research clusters, RMaP, for obvious reasons, needs to develop and maintain particular competences with respect to RNA modification analytics.

Coordinator: JGU
RMaP is centered in the life sciences and embraces timely approaches and methodologies leading to fundamental insights in RNA biology. Area C is devoted to the development and maintenance of enabling techniques deemed crucial to RMaP’s effort. In comparison to other RNA related research clusters, RMaP, for obvious reasons, needs to develop and maintain particular competences with respect to RNA modification analytics.

Coordinator: JGU
Essential biological processes such as transcription from DNA to RNA and translation to proteins (as shown on the right) are governed and depend on the interplay of multiple biomolecules in a complex environment. The interactions of the biomolecules cover a wide spectrum of interaction types, ranging from dimeric interactions to large complexes up to the hierarchy of packing and unpacking of the genome. In this Collaborative Research Centre (Sonderforschungsbereich, SFB) life scientists and polymer scientists will jointly study biomolecules as biopolymers with a focus on their polymeric nature.

Coordinator: JGU
"Defect engineering" is an established term and approach in hard-matter science, most prominently in the context of tailoring electronic, mechanical, and optical properties of inorganic semiconductors. In sharp contrast, the potential of defect control in soft matter, with ist inherently rich free energy landscape and structural diversity, has not yet been comprehensively explored. Whereas strategies to make and functionalize defect-free, well-defined polymeric and colloidal structures have attracted much attention in the past, attempts to classify, assess, and control defects in soft matter are scarce. The mission of the proposed collaborative research center (CRC) is to shift this paradigm.

Coordinator: JGU
The research objective of the Collaborative Research Center is the development of new, multi-functional nanoparticulate drug carriers for the immunotherapy of malignant melanoma. With this goal, chemists, biologists and physicians are working intensively together in three complementary and closely networked areas: Synthesis of new materials and structures, Nanoparticles and Immune Response.

JGU participates

Coordinator: Goethe University Frankfurt
The concept of uniformization is ubiquitous in mathematics. It serves as a tool to replace a complicated geometric object by a simpler one without altering the local structure. The original mathematical complexity is now encoded in a suitable symmetry group. This translation into another language opens up new perspectives for the study of the original mathematical objects. A very active and successful area of research uses this rich framework to study the geometry and arithmetic of algebraic varieties.

Coordinator: Technical University of Darmstadt
The SFB 1245 “Nuclei: From Fundamental Interactions to Structure and Stars” investigates the strong and electroweak interaction physics from nuclei to stars. The strong interaction described by quantum chromody- namics (QCD) is responsible for binding neutrons and protons into nuclei and for the many facets of nuclear structure physics. Combined with the electroweak interaction, it determines the structure of all nuclei in the nuclear chart in a similar way as quantum electrodynamics shapes the periodic table of elements. While the latter is well understood, it is still unclear how the nuclear chart emerges from the underlying forces. The CRC builds on the exciting connections between the experimental and theoretical nuclear structure fron- tiers based on EFTs of the strong interaction.