The DFG grants a prolongation until fall 2018
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has prolonged the Research Training Group (“Graduiertenkolleg”) Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions (GRK 1581) which was established in 2009. Thereby the continuation of a structured training for doctoral students of six research groups in hadron and particle physics is secured for another 54 months. After the excellence cluster PRISMA has been granted already last year and the graduate school MAINZ has been renewed by the DFG, the GRK is very happy about this approval of its future-oriented concept for the training of young researchers.
„We look forward to continuing and developing our concept for a structured and research-oriented training of PhD candidates during the coming years“, says Matthias Neubert. Budgets for guest researchers’ visits, retreats and summer schools have also been requested.
The GRK’s events and qualification concept are as well open to other doctoral students whose PhD projects fit in the research fields of the GRK. Within the past four years a total of seventy PhD candidates have been supported either as fellows or as associated members, approximately a third of them came from abroad. Among those candidates who have already received their doctorate degrees there was a significant correlation between the fact of being supported by the GRK and a shorter duration of the PhD project.