KoKoHs Working Papers


Pant, H.A., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Lautenbach, C., Toepper, M. & Molerov, D. (eds.) (2016). Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education – Validation and Methodological Innovations (KoKoHs) – Overview of the Research Projects (KoKoHs Working Papers, 11). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University. [Download]

Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Pant, H. A., Lautenbach, C. & Toepper, M. (Hrsg.) (2016). Kompetenzmodelle und Instrumente der Kompetenzerfassung im Hochschulsektor – Validierungen und methodische Innovationen (KoKoHs): Übersicht der Forschungsprojekte (KoKoHs Working Papers, 10). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University. [Download]


Toepper, M. & Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. (2015) (Eds). Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education - Report from the International Conference at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz from 28-29 November 2014. (KoKoHs Working Papers, 9). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University. [Download]

Lautenbach, C., Schulz, K. (Eds.) (2015). Developing International Research Projects in the Field of Academic Competency Assessment – Report from the „KoKoHs-Autumn Academy“ from October 6-10, 2014 in Berlin (KoKoHs Working Papers, 8). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University.[Download]


Brückner, S., Dunekacke, S. & Happ, R. (2014). Causal Analysis Using International Data – Report from the “AERA Institute on Statistical Analysis for Education Policy” (KoKoHs Working Papers, 7). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University. [Download]

Kuhn, C., Toepper, M. & Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. (2014). Current International State and Future Perspectives on Competence Assessment in Higher Education – Report from the KoKoHs Affiliated Group Meeting at the AERA Conference on April 4, 2014 in Philadelphia (USA) (KoKoHs Working Papers, 6). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University. [Download]

Toepper, M., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Kuhn, C., Schmidt, S. & Brückner, S. (2014). Advancement of Young Researchers in the Field of Academic Competency Assessment – Report from the International Colloquium for Young Researchers from November 14-16, 2013 in Mainz (KoKoHs Working Papers, 5). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University. [Download]


Berger, S., Hammer, S., Hartmann, S., Joachim, C., & Lösch, T. (2013). Causal Inference in Educational Research. Approaches, Assumptions and Limitations. (KoKoHs Working Papers, 4). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University. [Download]

Blömeke, S. & Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. (Eds.) (2013). The German funding initiative “Modeling and Measuring Competencies in Higher Education”: 23 research projects on engineering, economics and social sciences, education and generic skills of higher education students. (KoKoHs Working Papers, 3). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt University & Johannes Gutenberg University.[Download]

Blömeke, S. (2013). Validierung als Aufgabe im Forschungsprogramm „Kompetenzmodellierung und Kompetenzerfassung im Hochschulsektor" (KoKoHs Working Papers, 2). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt-Universität & Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. [Download]

Blömeke, S. & Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. (2013). Kompetenzmodellierung und Kompetenzerfassung im Hochschulsektor: Ziele, theoretischer Rahmen, Design und Herausforderungen des BMBF-Forschungsprogramms KoKoHs (KoKoHs Working Papers, 1). Berlin & Mainz: Humboldt-Universität & Johannes Gutenberg-Universität. [Download]