For further information, please click on the projects acronym.
ÄKHOM Medical competences: Hamburg-Oldenburg-München
ASTRALITE Assessment and Training of Scientific Literacy
BilWiss-UV Returns and development of educational knowledge—Validation of a competence test for teacher students
DaZKom-Video Performance-Oriented Measurement of German as a Second Language Competency (GSL-Competency) of (Pre-Service) Teachers.
ELMaWi Assessing Subject-Specific Competencies in Teacher Education in Mathematics and Economics – A Quasi-Experimental Validation Study with a Focus on Domain-Specificity
Ko-NaMa Simulation-based measurement and validation of a competence model for sustainability management
KomPrü Performance based assesment of communication skills of students
MultiTex Process-based assessment of multiple documents comprehension
PlanvoLL-D The Role of Professional Knowledge of Pre-Service German Teachers in their Lesson Planning: Validation and Methodological Innovation
ProfiLe-P+ Professional Competence in Academic Physics Teacher Education
Pro-KomMa Professionalization of early childhood teacher education: Convergent, discriminant and prognostic validation of the KomMa models and tests
PRO-SRL-EVA Product- and Process Oriented Modeling and Assessment of Self-Regulation Competencies in Higher Education – Further Validation
TEDS-Validierung Validation of the Instruments from the International Comparative TEDS-M study and its Follow-Up TEDS-FU
ValiDiS Competence modelling and assessment: Validation of the test score interpretations of a scientific reasoning test
WiWiKom II Valid assessment of students’ development of professional business and economic competencies over the course of their studies - A quasi-experimental longitudinal study
WiWiSET Validation of an entrance examination in the study domain of business and economics – A national and international comparative study of universities and universities of applied sciences