Research Area GHS




After a lead time oft two years, the Gutenberg Health Study was founded in 2007. Since April 2007 the study is successfully conducted by the Preventive Cardiology and the Medical Prevention of the Cardiology I of the Center for Cardiology as a research project in cooperation with other involved clinics of the University Medical Center Mainz. Meanwhile the GHS is well known in the region, but also an international renowned project in Research and Sciences.

The Gutenberg Health Study is a on a large scale, prospective and representative population study. The medical condition of the population of the Rhein Main Area is determined in the context of this study. The main focus is to investigate the heart and cardiovascular health.  But also cancer diseases, eye diseases and diseases of the immune system, the metabolic processes and the psyche are investigated.

During the years 2007 to 2012 a representative random population sample of more than 15 000 people were included in the study and examined in the study center. The health developments as well as occurred diseases of the participants were documented in the following years.

The interdisciplinary study is conducted by the University Medical Center Mainz and profits of a great intramural network and the cooperation with various national and international partners. Numerous clinics and institutes of the University Medical Center Mainz are involved in planning, organization and implementation of the study. In total more than 100 employees and scientists work for the success of this great project.