Individual Projects



The role of interferon-gamma in angiotensin-II induced vascular dysfunction an inflammation
PD Dr. med. Philip Wenzel DFG-grant no: WE 4631/4-1


Effects of endothelial specific PGC-1-alpha deletion on the modulation of the vascular function
Dr. rer. nat. Swenja Kröller-Schön DFG-grant no: KR 4011/2-1


Importance of the periadvential fatty tissue on the vascular wound healing process [SFB 1002, University Medical Center Göttingen] Prof. Dr. med. Katrin Schäfer DFG-grant no: Scha 808/6-1; Scha 808/7-1


Interleukin-6 (IL6) and the interaction between IL-6 and interleukin-17 (IL-17) in the development of vascular-inflammation at vascular dysfunction
Dr. med. Susanne Karbach DFG-grant no: KA 4035/1-1


Cardial and vascular late effects of long-term survivors after  cancer in childhood and youth
Prof. Dr. med. Philipp Wild DFG-grant no: WI 3881/2-1


The effects of CD 40 Liganden Defizienz on vascular Dysfunction, immunoglobulin production and the density of lymphatic capillaries in a mouse-model for high-salt diet
Dr. med. Steffen Daub DFG-grant no: DA 1835/1-1




COST-Action EU-ROS (BMI1203)
The European Network on Oxidative Stress and Redox Biology Research Presidency: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Daiber

The COST-project examines in an EU-wide cooperation inter alia the effects of oxidative stress on cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Besides biomarkers for oxidative damages should be verified and identified as well as innovative, highly effective antioxidative therapy strategies for cardiovascular, neurodegenerative and other diseases should be developed.