Translational Seminar (CTH)
The CTH Translational Seminar takes place on Wednesday at 5 pm in the lecture hall 207. Two subjects are treated with a subsequent discussion.
Robert Müller-Lecture (II. Med.)
The Robert-Müller-Lecture is a training session for cardiologists, which is offered by the II. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic of the University Medical Center Mainz. In the course of this lecture renowned national and international Guest Scientists report about research results. The current dates and topics of the Robert Müller-Lecture can be seen in the calendar of Events.
Training Cardiology, Angiology and Intesnive Care (II. Med.)
The Wednesday training of the Cardiology I of the Center of Cardiology takes place every Wednesday from 8 to 8:30 am.
Statistics-Seminar: Biometrics in epidemiological studies
The aim of this meeting is the professional exchange about new and existing statistical methods and the continuing education in statistics and biometrics. For this purpose lectures about selected topics were given.
The Statistics-Seminar takes place every first Tuesday of the month at 4 pm.
Meeting place is in the building 406, 1. Floor, Room 128.
The contact person for this seminar is Andreas Schulz: