Press Releases

2019/02/18: University Medical Center Mainz is implanting the first motor-controlled heart valves in Europe
Innovative new treatment option for narrowed aortic valves is first used in MainzCardiological patients of the University Medical Center Mainz have recently been able to benefit from a new treatment option for a narrowed aortic valve. Since the beginning of January, cardiologists have implanted a new motor-driven and self-expanding heart valve in three patients across Europe for the first time. The advantage: the flap can be implanted more easily and safely, and leakages after implantation are further minimized.

2019/02/04: World’s Largest Study Confirms Treatment Success in Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery
Despite rapidly increasing intervention rates, the complication rate remains consistently lowScientists at the Center for Cardiology of the Mainz University Medical Center have examined the success of more than 13,575 minimally invasive procedures on the mitral valve in the largest study of their kind to date. Key findings: Although patients grew older during the period from 2011 to 2015 and the number of procedures increased from year to year, mortality and complication rates remained consistently low.

2018/07/13: German Research Foundation promotes new aircraft noise study at the University Medical Center Mainz
300,000 euros to explore new strategies against the negative effects of aircraft noise on the cardiovascular system
2018/05/02: Noise brings the heart out of the rhythm
University Medical Center Mainz publishes new results on noise pollution from the Gutenberg Health Study
2018/03/09: Long-term survivors are at increased risk for cardiovascular disease
Long-term study results presented for the first time: Publication in the European Heart Journal
2017/11/09: How healthy is the population? Ten years of work for prevention
Anniversary event celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Gutenberg Health Study - population-based health research
2017/09/18: University Medical Center Mainz occupies top position in the treatment of right heart valve defects
Center for Cardiology successfully treats very high numbers of tricuspid valve diseases
2017/08/24: 16. Mainz Science Market: human and environment
Understand, grasp and admire our planet Earth
2017/08/18: Heart Center of the University Medical Center Mainz certified for the Treatment of adults with congenital heart disease
First EMAH-Specialist Clinic in the Rhine-Main-Area
2017/07/13: University Medical Center Mainz applied 3D-Model in highly complex carotid artery surgery for the first time
Patient with very serious atypical pattern of carotid artery successfully treated thanks to innovative surgery-planning
2017/06/22: Under development: European Chest Pain Unit Network
German Society of Cardiology and University Medical Center Mainz act as a driving force
2017/06/09: German Center for Children with Glaucoma Mainz inaugurated
New tread center at the University Medical Center Mainz as Germany-wide competent contact for little patients with glaucoma
2017/04/19: New minimal invasive therapy method of long-term effects of plea infarction
Cardiologists of the University Medical Center Mainz broaden the spectrum of minimal invasive medical interventions
2017/04/11: Do radical scavengers have a positive effect on vascular dysfunction caused by noise?
Science Foundation Mainz supports noise-Research Project of the Center of Cardiology at the University Medical Center Mainz
2017/03/16 Great recognition for recent noise research study in the journal "Nature"
New study presented as a „Research Highlight“

Recently Scientists from Mainz were able to identify the mechanisms responsible for vessel damage resulting from aircraft noise in a newly developed animal model. Already a short time later, this study achieved great echo all over the world. To be mentioned as a "Reserach Highlight" at the renowned journal "Nature" underlines the great importance of the research results.

2017/02/23 To identify Atrial Fibrillation better, helps reducing strokes
Scientists at the University Medical Center Göttingen and Mainz show: Simple, favourable and harmless diagnostiv approach better detect cardiac arrhythmia on stroke patients than procedures currently in use.
Published in the renowned Journal „Lancet Neurology“.
2017/02/22  Biobank for Bioliquids at the University Medical Center Mainz receives robotic platform
Important step towards the era of an automated and standardized sample processing
For Basic medical research biobanks are essential. Tissue samples, blood and other body fluids stored therein play a key role to produce meaningful research results.
In 2009 the Time Magazine elected Biobanking as one of the ten most important ideas of our century. The Biobank for Bioliquids as a part of the BioMaterialbank Mainz (BMBM) at the University Medical Center Mainz now put a robotic platform into operation. It is a pipetting robot, which is able to dispense more than 700 samples per hour into small tubes and prepare them for deep freezing storage.
2017/02/17  Breakthrough in noise research

New study of cardiology of Mainz University identifies mechanisms responsible for vessel damage resulting from aircraft noise

(Mainz, 17 February 2017, ok) Aircraft noise has been shown to be associated with cardiovascular disease and is considered as a novel vascular risk factor. In 2013, the research team of Professor Thomas Münzel has succeeded in proving that simulated night-flying noise increases the stress hormone adrenaline, reduces sleep quality and triggers a vascular damage called endothelial dysfunction. However, the molecular mechanisms of this vascular damage have not been established so far. In a newly developed animal model, the scientists have now been able to detect that aircraft noise leads to a significant increase in stress hormones, vascular dysfunction, increased oxidative stress and a marked change in the expression of genes within the vessel wall. They also decoded the enzymes responsible for vascular damage. The results of this study enable us for the first time to develop specific strategies, which may mitigate the negative consequences for the vasculature caused by noise. The study, published in the European Heart Journal, the most prestigious cardiological journal in Europe, describe the scientists as a breakthrough in (aircraft) noise research. The results were presented today at the University of Mainz.

2017/02/09 Treatment of Thrombosis: Therapeutic benefit of T-Cells
University Medical Center Mainz has achieved new findings about the role of memory cells of the immune defence at dissolving blood clots.

Scientists of the Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH), the dermatology clinic and the immunology of the University Medical Center Mainz have achieved new findings about the mechanisms of dissolving blood clots (Thrombus). They were able to Show for the first time, that the Effector-Memory-T-Cells, a specialized subgroup of the so called adaptive immune cells, invade into blood clots and cause inflammations. As a result the resolution of the blood clot delays.
The research findings could lead to an improved therapy of the disrupted cardiovascular system.
The research findings were published in the paper “Innate Effector-Memory T-Cell Activation Regulates Post-Thrombotic Vein Wall Inflammation and Thrombus Resolution” in the renowned Journal „Circulation Research“.

2017/02/02 So far unknown mechanism for the Treatment of Hypertension discovered

Hypertension is one of the most common illnesses of our time. If the blood pressure is too high, the risk of heart attacks, strokes and long-term organ damages rises. Despite a plethora of established medicines, long-term damages of high blood pressure often can't be prevented adequately. A Research Group of the Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) at the University Medical Center Mainz headed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philip Wenzel now discoverd a so far unknown interaction between blood coagulation factors and inflammatory reaction: They were able to show that the so called coagulation factor XI is more activated at patients with high blood pressure. If this coagulation factor is inhibited, the blood pressure can be considerably reduced and inflammatory reactions are emerging less often.
These findings open up new therapy options for Hypertension and inflammatory diseases.
The findings were published in the renowned Journal ‚Science Translational Medicine‘.

2017/01/27 The retina of the eye as an indicator of cardio vascular diseases

Promotional Prize of the Hermann-Wacker-Fonds awarded to Dr. Alexander Karl-Georg Schuster

How far can the vascular structure provide Information about the individual risk of cardio vascular diseases? That`s the central question of Dr. Schusters promotional work, for which he was awarded with the Promotional Prize of the Hermann-Wacker-Fonds.  Dr. Schuster was able to show in this work, that it is to be asumed that there is a connection between the vascular structure of the retina and cardio vascular risk factors like high blood pressure or cardiac insufficiency.
The Promotional Prize of the Hermann-Wacker-Fonds includes prize money of €1,000.

2016/12/27 German Olympic Sports Conferderation licensed the University Medical Center Mainz and the JGU as a "sports medical research Center"
The University Medical Center Mainz and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) are licensed as "sports medical research center" of the German Olympic Sports Conderderation. As a result they are part of the sports medical infrastructure of the sports association, which includes 25 such Centers throughout Germany.
2016/12/21 1000th heart valve implanted through a catheter
At the University Medical Center Mainz the TAVI-technique is used since 2008.
Cardiologists of the University Medical Center Mainz now implanted the 1000th heart valve with the TAVI-technique
2016/12/09 Second successful recertification of the Chest Pain Unit t the University Medical Center Mainz
German Society of Cardiology certified the highest Quality standarts to the Chest Pain Unit of the University Medical Center Mainz
2016/12/06 The right surgical technique prevents thrombosis in case of self-dispersing stents
A full scale study of the University Medical Center Mainz and the German Center for Cardiovascular Research came up with important findings
2016/11/24 Center of Cardiology expands Rhythmology
Invasive Treatment of children and Young People with cardiac arrhythmia at the University Medical Center Mainz - Prof. Hoffmann establishes new focus
2016:/11/16How alcohol abuse causes damage to the heart

Cardiologists of the University Medical Center Mainz published research findings in  the trade Journal Scientific Reports

Weak hearts are no longer able to sufficiently supply the organism with blood. Approximately 1.8 Million affected People live in Germany. Heart failure caused by alcohol abuse is responsible for more than one fifth of the heart muscle diseases (myocardial diseases) not caused by a circulatory disorder.
A Research Group of the Center of Cardiology at the University Medical Center Mainz now successfully described how Ethanol supports the production of Oxygen radicals with devasting consequences.
These Oxygen radicals again disturb the function of the mitochondria, the power plants of the cell. Heart muscle cells get destroyed and an irreparable heart muscle damage arises.
These findings were published in the renowned Journal Scientific Research, which is published by the Nature Publishing Group.

2016/10/21 Glaucoma successfully treated: The key are arly diagnosis and therapy 

3. International Glaucoma Symposium on 28. and 29. October 2016 at the University Medical Center Mainz

The dangerous thing of glaucoma is that People often don't recognize the optic nerve is fading for a long time. But glaucoma can be successfully treated. Important is to start therapy in good time to prevent the worst-case-Scenario - blindness.
At the 3. International Glaucoma Symposium, new minimally invasive surgery methods are one of the main topics. An other topic are new technologies for personalized diagnosis of glaucoma, from which the patient can benefit directly. The special highlight of the symposium are glaucoma-live-surgeries.
The two-day event takes place from the 28th to the 29th of October 2016 in the lecture hall of the Eyeclinic and Polyclinic of the University Medical Center Mainz, Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 Mainz. Numerous leading scientists from Europe, USA and even Australia will be participating. Patient associations like Pro Retina and the Bundesverband Selbshilfe e.V. will also take place to inform the patients.

2016/10/13 First Senior Research Professorship at the University Medical Center Mainz

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter will be Senior Research Professor at the Center of Thrombosis and Hemostasis at the University Medical Center Mainz

As the first physician in Rhineland-Palatinate Prof. Dr. Konrad Wolf awarded the former Scientific Director of the Center of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Walter, with a Senior Research Professorship. Aim of the Senior Research Professorship is to anchor Prof. Walters (67) Research Expertise at the University Medical Center Mainz and to increase the national and international visibility of the CTH.
The Senior Research Professorship is funded by the University Medical Center Mainz. It has a duration up to the end of 2017.

2016/10/12 Are intelligent People more likely to be short-sighted?

Study of the University Medical Center Mainz examines the relation of myopia and cognitive skills

Environmental factors and leisure behaviour have a greater influence on developing shortsightedness (myopia) than the ability to think logically or to solve problems. Although Myopia and the so called "fluid intelligence" are related, but only indirectly through the duration of education. Scientists of the University Medical Center Mainz discovered that in the study "Myopia and Cognitive Performance: Results From the Gutenberg Health Study". The results of the study are published in the October edition of the scientific Magazine “Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science”.

2016/10/01 University Medical Center Mainz stages a Doctor-Patient-Seminar on the subject of "vasculitides" on the 1st of October
The I. Medical Clinik focuses on vascular inflammations
Vasculitides are rheumatic inflammations of blood vessels. Because of the demographic development in the following years, a rising number of patients with so called vessel vasculitides can be expected. Almost all vasculitides are autoimmune diseases. That means they are activated through the errant reactions of the immune System against body's own tissue and because of that they're called Immunovasculitis. Untreated, a Vasculitis can entail serious organ damages. With its Doctor-Patient-Seminar, the Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Center of the University Medical Center Mainz gives Information about the latest developments and perspectives in Treatment of vessel inflammations.
The Interdisciplinary Autoimmune Center of the I. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic of the University Medical Center Mainz invites all interested or concerned persons and relatives to the leecture hall of the Dermatology (Building 401H, University Medical Center Mainz, Langenbeckstr. 1, 55131 Mainz). Entry is free.
September 08, 2016: Dynamite for the cells: Nitroglycerin induces DNA-Damages

A new study of cardiologists from Mainz reevaluates the role of the vasodilative substance.

A Research Group headed up by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Daiber of the University Medical Center Mainz detected new side effects of the organic nitrate Nitroglycerin. These could affect the prognosis of treated patients on a long-lasting way. As the recent Study of Mainz shows, a multi-day treatment with nitroglycerin can lead to a damage of the DNA. This could lead to a dying of stem cells, which are important for the repairing processes, as well as of endothelial cells. The latter form the separating layer between blood stream and the surrounding tissue. The recent publication appeared in the scientific journal “Basic Research in Cardiology”.

September 09, 2016: Mental Health of People with Migrant background

Findings of the Gutenberg Health Study.

The mental health of people with migrant background, which are already born in Germany (Migrants of the 2. Generation) is comparable with the mental health of people without migrant background.

People with migrant background, who moved on their own after 1949 (Migrants of the 1. Generation) suffer from mental problems.

These are the findings of a recent research work in the course of the Gutenberg Health Study.

August 30, 2016: A new Milestone was attained: the tricuspid valve of thee heart has been repaired for the first time

Doctors of the University Medical Center Mainz have successfully cured a patient, who suffered from a high leakage of the tricuspid valve, with a catheter for the first time. It is one of the first two surgical interventions with a cardiotape at the tricuspid valve worldwide. While the specialists of the University Medical Center Mainz executed surgical interventions at the aortic and mitral valve with the latest catheter technologies, the corresponding surgical intervention at the tricuspid valve constitutes a special challenge – which is successfully mastered in Mainz now.

Essential for the resent Success is the tight interdisciplinary cooperation of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in the recently founded Heartcenter Mainz.

August 23, 2016: Minister of Health Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler is impressed by the Center of Thrombosis and Hemostasis of the University Medical Center Mainz

How can a telemedical-supported coagulation service contribute to the optimized treatment of patients with an oral anticoagulation? This and more questions were asked to the experts of the Center of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) today by the Minister of Health of the state Rhineland Palatinate, Sabine Bätzing-Lichtenthäler, in the course of her summer tour. She was impressed by the explanations about the structure, procedures and projects of the treatment of Thrombosis and Hemostasis diseases.

August 09, 2016: The role of blood platelets at the development of cardiovascular diseases and thrombosis deccoded - Scientists of the University Medical Center Mainz published Research results about blood platelets volume in the renowned Research Magazine Blood

People with enlarged thrombocytes (blood platelets) have a higher risk for cardiovascular diseases and thrombosis. The main reasons for an enlarged thrombocyte volume are genetic as well as not genetic factors. This was figured out by Dr. Marina Panova-Noeva from the Center of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) at the University Medical Center Mainz. Corresponding data of the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) are underlying to her research results. The thrombocyte volume may be usable as a marker for risk assessment with regard to vascular-obliterating diseases.

August 05, 2016: New minimally invasive surgical procedure helps patients with glaucoma
Glaucoma can lead to malfunctions in the field of visions and in the end to blindness. The main reason for this is the high intraocular pressure. In the Eyeclinic and Polyclinic of the University Medical Center Mainz a minimally invasive surgical procedure is used recently, with which the intraocular fluid can be released in an especially careful manner. In doing so, the intraocular pressure can be regulated and the anticipated blindness can be prevented.
August 03, 2016: Professor Wolfgang Kasper complements the Team at the University Medical Center Mainz

Good news for the Center of Cardiology at the University Medical Center Mainz: Professor Wolfgang Kasper will complement the team headed by Univ.- Prof. Dr. Thomas Münzel and Univ.- Prof. Dr. Thomas Rostock. Professor Kasper was until the End of July 2016 Head of the Medical Clinic I of Cardiology, Angiology and Pneumology at the St. Josefs-Hospital (JoHo) in Wiesbaden and has been retired there. In the Center of Cardiology he takes responsibility for the area of second opinion from the 15th of October 2016.

July 15, 2016: Heart Center Mainz is launched

Together for an improved and comprehensive treatment of patients suffering from a heart condition – Center of Cardiology, Clinic for cardiac, thorax and vascular surgery and the [...] Centre of Pediatrics and Youth Medicine form the new Heart Center Mainz.

With the aim to reinforce and extend the leading position in Rhineland Palatinate in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the University Medical Center Mainz now founded the treat center “Heart Center Mainz”. The establishment of the Heart Center Mainz matches up with the demand to intensify and further develop an interlinked and individual medical care of Heart patients of all ages in a future-oriented way. Most of all the new founded Heart Center, which offers the treatment of the whole spectrum of cardiovascular diseases, is characterized by tailor-made therapy concepts through interdisciplinary care.

Another aim is to develop research and teaching in this area. In the new treat center doctors and scientists of the Center of Cardiology and the Clinic for cardiac, thorax and vascular surgery work together. In case of especially young patients, doctors of the Centre of Pediatrics and Youth Medicine are consulted because of their special expertise.

June 27, 2016: Cooperation for a better Treatment of heart patients

The University Medical Center Mainz and the Catholic Medical Center of Koblenz-Montabaur agreed on a visionary cooperation

The Center of Cardiology of the University Medical Center Mainz and the Catholic Medical Center Koblenz-Montabaur gGmbH (KKM) start a new cooperation regarding the treatment of patients with complex cardiovascular diseases. The cardiac specialists of the University Medical Center Mainz concentrate on the highly specialized follow-up care, while the KKM ensures the qualified primary care. The cooperation is aiming to improve the generally treatment of cardiac patients.

June 23, 2016: "University Medical Center Mainz - We shape state-of-the-art medicine": Open house day at the 3rd of July

The University Medical Center Mainz is a place where state-of-the-art medicine is performed. This will be shown by the only University Medical Center in Rhineland Palatinate on Sunday, the 3rd of July in a very special way: For the first time since nearly 20 years it arranges an open house day. The visitors can experience fascinating things of the world of medicine at first hand, can take a look behind the scenes of the University Medical Center Mainz or inform themselves about teaching and training at the Medical Center. The detailed program booklet with more than 100 attractions is situated at the clinic gates and various places in the city, for example in the town hall or in the AZ-Costumer Center at the market. Furthermore it is available under

The occasion for the open house day of the University Medical Center Mainz is the 70th anniversary of the reopening of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz after the world war two. Furthermore the Science Alliance proclaimed the thematic year “Human and Medicine” in cooperation with the City Mainz. The entry is free and everyone interested is very welcome.

May 23, 2016: Noise Pollution is accompanied by anxiety and Depression - new findings of the Gutenberg Health Study

University Medical Center Mainz published a new study regarding aircraft noise pollution

Noise Pollution is a significant and international accepted indicator for the health impact of noise. Annoyance, anger, exhaustion and stress symptoms because of permanently noise affect well-being, health and quality of life. Although continuing stress is a fundamental reason for mental disorders, it has hardly been researched, how noise pollution and mental health are connected. Scientists of the Clinic and Polyclinic of Psychotherapy and the Center of Cardiology of the University Medical Center Mainz examined on a representative random sample of nearly 15,000 participants from the Areas Mainz and Mainz-Bingen between the age of 35 and 74 the connection of noise pollution and anxiety and depression on the one hand, the contribution of various noise sources to the noise pollution on the other hand.

The study found a substantial increase of depression and anxiety regarding to an increasing noise pollution. Compared with other noise sources like street-, rail- and neighborhood noise the harassment because of aircraft noise is of prime importance and affects at least 60% of the population. The findings are now published in the latest edition of the renowned trade journal “PLOSone”.

May 11, 2016: German Society of Cardiology appreciates the Research the Research of Dr. Lukas Hobohm with the Hans Blömer-Young Investigator Award - Research on diseases of the vascular systemof the lungs focuses on improving diagnostics

The chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a particular form of pulmonary hypertension, which is rated as a very serious disease. It arises through blood clots getting into the lungs repeatedly. The young investigator Dr. Lukas Hobohm from the Center of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) of the University Medical Center Mainz just examined that angiopoetin-2 (Ang-2), a growth factor and regulator for blood and lymph vessels, is existing in an higher amount by CTEPH-patients. This research result suggests that the determination of the Ang-2-concentration in the blood could be used as a diagnostic marker to early recognize an increased risk of the development of a CTEPH.

From the German Society of Cardiology – Cardiovascular Research e.V. (DGK) Hobohm now received the Hans-Blömer-Young Investigator Award for clinical cardiovascular research for this research work.

April 14, 2016: Offensive against Chest Pain - Awareness Campaign starts

University Medical Center Mainz, Cardiopraxis Mainz and the 1. FSV Mainz 05 as well as Boehringer Ingelheim again count on the broad information of the population regarding the issue of heart attacks.

On Friday, the 15th of April 2016, the awareness campaign on the subject of heart attacks and Chest Pain Unit (CPU) initiated by the University Medical Center Mainz starts again for the fifth time. With 50 percent, cardiovascular diseases still are the main course of death in this country. According to the statistics, heart attacks are the most common followed by strokes and cardiac insufficiency. Alarming: For nearly forty percent of people suffering a heart attack, every help comes too late – they die before the emergency doctor arrives. Mostly it was missed to inform an emergency doctor in due time. The best treatment result can be achieved within an hour – which is called the “golden hour”. Actually the pre-hospital treatment, the time from the beginning of symptoms to the arrival at the hospital, is up to 225 minutes. To inform and educate in this regard is the primary aim of the fifth awareness campaign “Offensive against Chest Pain”. The campaign is supported by the 1. FSV Mainz 05, Boehringer Ingelheim, the German Heart Foundation and the Cardiopraxis Mainz.

March 01, 2016: The state-of-the-art new building of the Cardiology starts operations - First Patient welcomed in the new building

The Cardiology of the University Medical Center Mainz moved into a new building and started operations. In the new building with the Number 401K the Rhythmology is housed. That’s the section of the Cardiology which deals with all forms of cardiac arrhythmia. The core of the building are three highly modern cardiac catheter laboratories – which underlie the highest technological and hygienically standards and partly run with a cardiological practice established at the ground floor. Today the first patient was welcomed.

February 02, 2016: University Medical Center Mainz examines diagnosis and therapy decision of the acute coronary syndrome

1000th participant welcomed to the ProsPECTUS-study

Cardiovascular diseases rank among the most common causes of death in Germany. The most common here is the heart attack, followed by stroke and cardiac insufficiency. Every fourth patient with an acute heart attack dies before the arriving the hospital – every minute counts when it comes to a heart attack. To develop diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases like a heart attack and to examine the long-term cause of the symptoms around chest pain, since 2014 there is the so called ProsPECTUS-study at the Center of Cardiology (formerly II. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic) of the University Medical Center Mainz. The study directors Univ.-Prof. Dr. Philipp Wild and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Münzel recently welcomed Renate Strigler as the 1000st participant.

 January 25, 2016: Certified as a Center for minimal invasive heart valve replacement
Seal of quality for cardiological-cardiac surgical treatment at the University Medical Center Mainz.
An aortic stenosis is a constriction of the aortic valve of the heart. Thereof results that the valve is able to open in a reduced way. A minimal invasive surgery can help: with a so-called transcatheteraortic valve implantation (TAVI), a valve replacement gets inserted especially in elderly, seriously ill patients with serious aortic stenosis and a high surgical risk. The TAVI-method mostly has replaced the heart-valve-surgery as the most common treatment in this country. Now the German Society of Cardiology (DGK) attested the Center of Cardiology, Cardiology I, under the lead of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Münzel and the Clinic for Cardiothoratic and Vascular Surgery (HTG) under the lead of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christian-Friedrich Vahl to execute this surgery at the highest level and with adequate conditions in terms of structure and human resources. The DGK as well certified the Cardiology and the HTG together as a Center for minimal invasive heart valve replacement.
January 12, 2016: Cardiologist and Immunologist of the University Medical Center Mainz awarded the Boehringer Ingelheim-Prize 2015
As part of a festive award presentation ceremony today, the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation awarded the Cardiologist Dr. Susanne Karbach and the Immunologist Dr. Alexander Ulges from the University Medical Center Mainz with the this year’s Boehringer-Ingelheim-Prize. The two successful junior scientists are sharing the 30,000 € prize. Susanne Karbach found a possible explanation for the observation that patients with the skin disease psoriasis are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Alexander Ulges discovered a new group of regulatory t-cells, which regulates the immune defense of the lung and thereby he decoded the equivalent mechanism at molecular level.
November 09, 2015: Scientists of the University Medical Center Mainz discovered a new function of the blood coagulation System - important Impulse for the Investigation in an improved stem cell therapy
Stem cells have a haemopoietic function in the human body. How it works, to preserve the stem cells in the protective environment of the bone marrow and what role the coagulation system plays here, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfram Ruf from the University Medical Center Mainz found out now.
November 03, 2015: The two thousandth test Person is examined in the cardiac insufficiency Study Mainz - MyoVasc-Study of the University Medical Center Mainz aims to improve the prevention, diagnostics and therapy of heart failure

Heart failure – also known as cardiac insufficiency – is wide spread according to information of the German Heart Foundation: In Germany more than 1.8 Million People are affected.

October 13, 2016: More than 1000 catheter-based heart valve surgeries in seven years

Cardiologic treatment at the University Medical Center Mainz at a high level

A minimal invasive surgery can help patients who suffer a serious aortic stenosis or an untight mitral valve. It’s not necessary to open the thorax. Since 2008 specialists of the University Medical Center Mainz execute this heart valve surgery with state-of-the-art catheter technology. Recently it was possible to treat the 1000st patient with the minimal invasive method.

September 15, 2015: 25 Million Euro for the Center of Thrombosis (CTH) of the University Medical Center Mainz - Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the Center for five more years
An international expert group gave recommendations to support the Center of Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH) for five more years. According to this recommendation the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the CTH in the course of its program “Integrated Research- and Therapy Centers (IFB)” with 25 million Euro.
July 22, 2016: German Heart Foundation supports aviation noise Research at the University Medical Center Mainz

Scientists from Mainz examine the consequences of repeatedly sonication with aviation noise for the vessels.

Simulated night aviation noise can impair the vessel function of healthy study participants as well as of patients suffering from heart condition. That’s the result of a noise-effect-study(FluG-Risiko) of the II. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic of the University Medical Center Mainz in 2014.

In a further study, a research team headed by the cardiologist Dr. Frank Schmidt wants to examine the thesis that blood vessels don’t familiarize with aviation noise. In fact, various findings indicate that vessels react more sensitive on repeated sonication with noise.

The German Heart Foundation supports the study over a period of 18 months with 55,000 Euro.

July 10, 2016: University Medical Center Mainz in future also educational Institution for "Interventional Cardiology"

Cardiology of the University Medical Center Mainz is accredited as an educational institution for “Interventional Cardiology”

At the II. Medical Clinic of the University Medical Center Mainz, in future specialist doctors for cardiology can acquire the additional qualification “Interventional Cardiology”. Interventional Cardiologists for example widen narrowed coronary vessels with a balloon and implant stents to patients suffering heart attacks. The II. Medical Clinic received its accreditation as an educational institution from the relevant committee of the German Society of Cardiology (DGK).