Prizes and Awards

Robert-Müller-Science Award

The Robert-Müller-Foundation immediately supports science and research at the department of the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, especially in the field of angio-cardiology. It intends to support education and research institutions as well as certain, specialized and short-term research projects, scientific papers and publications.

The Board of Directors and the Advisory Council annually tender a Science Award. All scientists of the department of the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, who especially work in the field of angio-cardiology, are permitted to apply.

In 2016 the Robert-Müller-Science Award was handed over to Mrs cand. med. Anja Käberich. she was awarded for her work „Age-adjusted high-sensitivity troponin T-cut-off value for risk stratification of pulmonary embolism“.


Promotional Prize of the Margarete-Waitz-Foundation

The Margarete-Waitz-Foundation was established in 2004, on request and in implementation of the testamentary will of the deceased founder. The foundation awards grants for excellent scientific doctoral thesises, which were created in the II. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic of the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.

The doctoral thesis may be started elsewhere, but has to be finished in the respective previous calendar year at the II. Medical Clinic and Polyclinic. The Promotional Prize consists of a certificate and an amount of money. It is tendered every year.

The amount of money is variable and is annually defined by the foundation council. In 2014 it was endowed with 3000 Euro.

In 2016 the Promotional Prize was handed over to Dr. med. Steffen Daub for his doctoral thesis „Effekt der CD40 Ligand Defizienz auf Angiotensin II vermittelte Hypertension im Mausmodell“

For more information about the Margarete-Waitz-Stiftung and the Pormotional Prize see the Foundation Hompage.


Science Award of the Foundation “Mainzer Herz”

The foundation “Mainzer Herz” awards prizes in the fields of preclinical research and clinical research for excellent research work /papers of outstanding junior scientists.

In 2016 the Science Prize of the Foundation “Mainzer Herz” was awarded to:

In the field of clinical research
- Dr. med. Ioannis Drosos „Differences between perivascular adipose tissue surrounding the heart and the internal mammary artery: possible role for the leptin-inflammation-fibrosis-hypoxia axis“

- Dr. med. Thomas Jansen “Coronary evaginations and peri-scaffold aneurysms following implantation of bioresorbable scaffolds: incidence, outcome, and optical coherence tomography analysis of possible machanisms”

In the field of preclinical research
- Dr. rer. Nat Rajinikanth Gogiraju „Endothelial delection of protein tyrosine phosoharase-1B protects against pressure overload-induced heart failure in mice”

- Dr. med. Moritz Brandt  “NOX2 amplifies acetaldehydemediated cardiomyocyte mitochondrial dysfunction in alcoholic cardiomyopathy”

You can get more information directly at the Foundation Mainzer Herz


Foundations and Prizes of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz

More information about the subsidy programs and the promotion of young researchers at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz are available on the homepage of the JGU