To apply for the Master program ”Computational Sciences - Rechnergestützte Naturwissenschaften” the following qualifications are required (see the Prüfungsordnung for more details):
- Bachelor degree in either Chemistry, Geosciences, Mathematics, Atmospheric Physics, or Physics,
- ability of algorithmic thinking and programming (certificated with 6 credits),
- certificate on mathematical education (at least 20 credits),
- certificate on education in natural sciences (at least 20 credits):
In case Atmospheric Physics or Physics of Condensed Matter is chosen as the main subject of natural sciences, 20 credits have to be documented within one of these subjects; if Theoretical Chemistry is the main subject of natural sciences, these credits need to be obtained in Physics or Physical Chemistry.
Johannes Gutenberg University will accept foreign certificates only if they include a certificate of validation of the application documents.
The German language requirements can be found here.
Usually all lectures of the study program are given in German. If the participants agree they can be offered in English instead.
If not all of the formal criteria are achieved it still might be possible that the applicant is admitted with some obligations.