The study program contains different modules which are composed of different courses. The entire program consists of seven modules:
- A propaedeutic "Adjustment Module" (18 credits) to adjust the level of education in the main subject which has not been the subject of the previous Bachelor program. The courses are taken from to the corresponding Bachelor program.
- The module "Wissenschaftliches Rechnen" (Computational Science) gives a deeper insight on the role of numerical mathematics within interdisciplinary topics.
- The module "Main Subject Natural Science" (15 credits) gives a deeper insight in the chosen natural science.
- On top of that, there is an "Enhancement Module" (16 credits), one for each of the five main subjects (except for Theoretical Chemistry).
- In the field of Computer Science two of the following modules have to be chosen (16 credits in total):
- Software Development (6 credits)
- Software Engineering (6 or 10 credits)
- Computer Graphics (6 or 10 credits)
- Data Banks (6 or 10 credits)
- Simulations (6 credits)
- The so-called "Final Module" includes a specialization part (10 credits) and the Master thesis (30 credits). The thesis has to be written within six months and ends with an oral defense. It is obligatory to actively participate in the "Oberseminar" while taking this module.
- Prior to enrollment into the “Final Module”, students look for a supervisor for their Master’s Thesis. Together they fix the tasks for the specialization part. The enrollment into the final module is carried out by the examination office. The final module has a duration of 9 months. After 3 months, the supervisor provides the subject of the Master’s Thesis to the examination office, another 6 months later the thesis must be submitted. At this time, also the participation at the “Oberseminar” and the successful completion of the specialization part will be reported. All students enrolled in this program will get an invitation to this "Oberseminar" lecture from the Students' Office; this lecture should take place about 2-3 months before submitting the Master's Thesis.
- Students who choose the enhancement module “Physics of Condensed Matters” are enrolled into the enhancement module and the final module by the examination office at the same time. In this case, the order to submit a subject of the Master’s Thesis is issued 6 months after the enrollment.