In the context of teacher education, teachers’ professional competence proved its importance for effective learning of students. Based on a broad understanding of competence, the model of professional competence (Baumert & Kunter, 2006) contains subject-specific, generic, cognitive and emotional-motivational aspects. Defined as the ability to handle ones’ own resources consciously, the model integrates an adaptive self-regulation as generic aspect, which is important for successful teaching. Up to now, there is no empirical evidence whether work-related self-regulation is a stable disposition over time or alterable throughout teacher education and training. Drawing on data from a longitudinal study, which attends two representative student-samples of the final year in secondary school into university education and the first years in the profession, the aim of the present study is to examine the individual development of self-regulation and its personal and institutional constraints. Data of self-regulation, cognitive and psychosocial characteristics as well as conditions and success of the university education are available for a period of 8 respectively 4 years. The assessment of occupational success is planned to examine the predictive validity of teachers’ self-regulation.