The project aims to examine competencies which math teachers must possess in the domain of German as a Second Language (GSL) which enables them to adequately support children whose first language is not German. Firstly, a framework of competency based standards for GSL will be developed and empirically validated. Building on former research on teacher professionalization (primarily MT21), an assessment instrument will be constructed in order to measure the relevant GSL-competencies of prospective teachers of mathematics. GSL-competencies will be operationalized using a nine-field matrix. In its horizontal dimension, the matrix comprises GSL as a subject, an interdisciplinary conjunction of didactics of mathematics and GSL, and pedagogy. The vertical dimension is subdivided into declarative knowledge, skills or procedural knowledge, and beliefs. On the basis of the resulting competence model, the project then aims to construct innovative stimulus-configurations with associated test items. In a pilot study, the latter will be verified and, if necessary, revised. Subsequently, the items will be standardized through representative sampling in order to obtain an instrument which captures the intraindividual development of competencies. Lastly, a standard-setting procedure will be used to define achievement standards on a continuous scale of GSL-competence.