
Academic Text Competencies Of First-Year and Advanced Teacher Trainees With Particular Reference To Their Pre-Conditions

Project description

Basic reforms in secondary and higher education (e.g. reduction of school years in secondary schools from 9 to 8 years; conversion of teacher training into Bachelor and Master) require a systematic research of academic text competencies, which focuses on the changing conditions. AkaTex, which is located at the University of Cologne and the University of Siegen, applies itself to the task of modeling and measuring these competencies.First of all, it is necessary to clarify what kind of text competencies elementary (Bachelor) and advanced (Master) teacher trainees need in order to master the demands, placed by university and school (as the field of work), successfully. In order to do justice to both institutions, we distinguish academic text competencies in both a narrower and broader sense: Academic text competencies in a narrower sense refer to the capability of receiving scientific texts, locating them in scientific discourse as well as developing an own position supported by reasonable arguments. These competencies will be measured indirectly by the text form “discourse presentation” (which serves as foundation stone for the text type “academic paper”). Academic text competencies in a broader sense refer to the capability of receiving texts of pupils scientifically and educational-didactically, evaluating, supportingly assessing and grading them. These competencies will be measured indirectly by the text type “teacher’s comment”.

Project data and contact information

Homepage of the project:: www.uni-siegen.de/phil/akatex
Duration: 01/04/2012 - 31/03/2015
Support code: 01PK11016A
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Gesa Siebert-Ott ( siebert-ott[at]germanistik.uni-siegen.de)
PD Dr. Kirsten Schindler ( kirsten.schindler[at]uni-koeln.de)

Project director

Prof. Dr. Gesa Siebert-Ott, Universität Siegen
PD Dr. Kirsten Schindler, Universität zu Köln

Staff members

Lena Decker, Universität Siegen
Julia Fischbach, Universität zu Köln
Ina Kaplan, Universität Siegen
Alina Teichmann, Universität zu Köln