Future Social Sciences Teacher´s Competencies

Project description

A competence model of reflective thinking in history didactics was elaborated, describing the domain specific thinking in terms of integrating content, pedagogical content and pedagogical content concepts (Shulman 1985). In a first step, qualitative data will be generated in authentic curricular courses of history didactics with the issue “The Anne Frank diary as a learning source for the topic “Holocaust” in history classes”. Students are asked to write text-based learning journals (Nückles et al. 2010) and to analyse the core concepts of the text, how they could help to design learning enhancing tasks (Blömeke et al. 2006). To design learning enhancing tasks is the product, students elaborate collaboratively during the second half of the term. They reason their decisions concerning the title and the text/task fitting didactically in a handout. The reflections represented in learning journals and handouts are analysed with the method of content analysis with the aim to identify objects that are representative for specific levels of didactical reasoning. They were needed to construct standardized items for a text-booklet to be proofed in the second half of the project. The results will be analysed by psychometrical tests (factor analysis).

Project data and contact information

Homepage of the project: The homepage is currently still under construction.
Duration: 01/09/2014 - 31/08/2015
Support code: 01PK11023
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Nicola Brauch (Nicola.Brauch[at]
Martina Griesbaum (martina.griesbaum[at]

Project director

Prof. Dr. Nicola Brauch, Universität Bochum

Cooperation partner

Prof. Dr. Matthias Nückles, Universität Freiburg i. Br.
Prof. Dr. Dietmar von Reeken, Universität Oldenburg
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Herbert, Universität Freiburg i. Br.

Staff members

Sarah Kury, Universität Freiburg i. Br.
Marie Kiefer, Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe