September 2024
FTN-Young Reseacher Ms. Dr. Sandra Schick (IMB) has received an "ERC (EU) Starting Grant for her research "SWItchFate".
For further information please write a mail to Dr. Sandra Schick
Dorothee Dormann receives ERC Consolidator Grant for research into neurodegenerative diseases
EU funding for research into the assembly of the protein TDP-43.
Hannelore Kohl advancement award 2023
The CNS - Hannelore Kohl Foundation will award the Hannelore Kohl advancement award 2023.
The work must be submitted by 31.03.2023!
CNS Doctoral Scholarship 2023
The CNS - Hannelore Kohl Foundation supports a doctoral thesis in the field of neuroscience with a focus on traumatic brain injury within the framework of a scholarship. Clinical, clinical-experimental and experimental work will be funded.
The application must be submitted by 31.03.2023!
Marion Silies receives ERC Consolidator Grant for research on adaptive functions of visual systems
EU funding for work on the adaptive properties of visual systems of insects.
Neuroscience (M.Sc.) Application closed for Winter term 2022
The Master studies course Neuroscience is a consecutive course of studies for the Bachelor degrees in Biology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biomedicine, molecular Medicine, Biophysics and Bioinformatics at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz (JGU) or equivalent courses of studies at other universities.
The Master in Neuroscience is offered in English only.
Application Period:
Winter term: 01.04. - 15.05.
Summer term: 01.10.-15.11.
The rmn² retreat in Oberwesel 8th to 10th June 2022.
The rmn² retreat in Oberwesel, which has been a major event in the neuroscience community of the Rhine Main area for many years now, will take place this year: 8./9./10. June 2022. It will start on Wednesday at 2pm and end on Friday at around lunch time. There will be - as usual - a number of high-ranking keynotes, talks by colleagues from the rmn², especially those who are new in the region, poster-talks and poster presentations.
Our plenary speakers will be this year:
Laurent Groc
David Poeppel
Angela Yu
Viola Priesemann
The retreat will deal with reasearch areas under the following headings:
“Mind the Gap – from the Presynapse to the Postsynapse”
“Processing of Sensory Information”
“Cognition and Computation”
“Naturalistic Behaviour”
There will soon be a website for the event and we will let you know how to register!
Especially for PhD candidates it will be interesting to apply for a poster talk by handing in an abstract of 250 words with the registration.
If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact Martina Diehl or Gabi Lahner who are the core organizing team.
Jakob von Engelhardt, Hermann Cuntz, Frank Jäkel, Pascal Nicklas (Scientific Organizers)
7. International Symposium on Resilience Research in Mainz
The meeting covers latest developments and break-throughs in stress resilience research, both in animal models and in human studies. It is organized by the Deutsches Resilienz Zentrum (DRZ), the International Resilience Alliance (intresa), the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center 1193 "Neurobiology of Resilience", and the EU Horizon project DynaMORE. More Information: or on Twitter @ResilienceRes, #resilience2021 ...
5th International Symposium on Resilience Research in MainzThe meeting covers latest developments and break-throughs in stress resilience research, both in animal models and in human studies. It is organized by the Deutsches Resilienz Zentrum (DRZ), the International Resilience Alliance (intresa), the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Center 1193 "Neurobiology of Resilience", and the EU Horizon project DynaMORE ...
2nd International Spring School on Resilience Research
The 2nd International Spring School on Resilience Research for PhD students and postdocs will take place from May 15-19, 2019, in Castle Etelsen, near Bremen. Please find further information here ...
1st International Spring School on Resilience Research
The 1st International Spring School on Resilience Research for PhD students and postdocs will take place from May 21-25, 2018, in Seeon Abbey, close to Munich. Please find further information here ...
"Das plastische Gehirn: Wie Schmerz erlernt und verlernt wird"
"4. rmn² lecture" of the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network, with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herta Flor of the Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, at the University Medical Center in Mainz (Flyer for download, in German)
FTN retreat at conference center Schloss Waldthausen (Budenheim)
All FTN members, PIs, stipends, postdocs and PhD students are kindly invited to present their science. Please find the program for download here ...
German Research Foundation extends funding for basic research in the neurosciences
Collaborative Research Center 1080 on "Molecular and cellular mechanisms of neuronal homeostasis" is to be financed for a further four years ...
2nd International Symposium on Resilience Research in Mainz
The symposium is organized by the DRZ (Deutsches Resilienz-Zentrum/German Resilience Center) and the International Resilience Alliance (intresa) and is supported by the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²).
While in 2015 the discussions focused on human stress resilience research, this year's meeting will cover latest developments and break-throughs in stress resilience research both in animals and humans ...
Biennial meeting of the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²)
After the very successful Meetings in previous years, the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (rmn²) will again host a biennial meeting this year. It will take place in Oberwesel June 22-24, 2016 and will address the neuroscience community in the Rhine Main area. We expect outstanding speakers presenting their research and would like to invite all interested neuroscientists in our region to attend and encourage them to foster their collaborations within their community.
Registration for this event is now open. Please find the detailed programme and the registration requirements here ...
German Research Foundation approves new Collaborative Research Centre on resilience research
Cooperation project (spokesperson: Prof. Beat Lutz, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz) will be funded with EUR 12.1 Million (press release in German) ...
"Rhein-Main CAMPUS"
Program on rheinmaintv about the Rhine-Main Universities and the Rhine-Main Neuroscience Network (in German) ...
Barrel Cortex Function 2016
International meeting on sensory cortical circuits from a multidisciplinary angle at the VU University Amsterdam ...
"The things that make us strong: Neurobiological and psychological mechanisms of stress resilience"

Scientists at the Institute of Molecular Biology find master switch for brain development

International Symposium at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt am Main

First FTN Fellows Symposium

First International Symposium on Resilience Research
The DRZ (Deutsches Resilienz-Zentrum) hosts the event at the Institute of Molecular Biology on the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz ...
Researchers in Mainz discover a new protective mechanism against damage to the nervous system

Neurons listen to glia cells

International congress for neuroimmunology in Mainz
Meeting of around 1000 biologists and medical professionals ...
New Humboldt Research Award winner at the University Medical Center Mainz

Immunologists of the Mainz University Medical Center present improved mass spectrometric method for proteomic analyses
Breakthrough discovery offers new perspectives for research on the immune and nervous system / Publication in Nature Methods ...