Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kruip
Professor for Christian Anthropology and Social Ethics at the Faculty for Catholic Theology of the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz.
Curriculum Vitae
- 1957 Born in Munich (Germany)
- 1975-1981 Studies of Mathematics and Catholic Theology in Würzburg (Germany) and Paris (France)
- 1982/1983 Research stay in Mexico
- 1985-1995 Assistant Professor for Social Ethics at the Faculty for Catholic Theology of the University of Würzburg
- 1989 Dr. theol.
- 1991/1992 Research stay in Mexico
- 1995 Dr. habil. theol.
- 1995-2000 Director of the Catholic academy for youth issues (Katholische Akademie für Jugendfragen/Permanent formation) in Altenberg
- 2000-2009 Director of the Hanover Institute for Philosophical Research (Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie, fiph, Hannover)
- since 2006 Professor for Christian Anthropology and Social Ethics at the Faculty for Catholic Theology of the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
- 2012 Award of the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz for an excellent academic teaching
- 2012-2015 Dean of the Faculty for Catholic Theology of the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
- Retired on April 1, 2024
Main Research Interests
- Educational justice, global justice, Latin American theology, business ethics, reforms of the Catholic Church
- 1990 Guest lecturer at the Universidad de Salamanca (Spain)
- 1995 Guest lecturer at the "Studienjahr" of the Dormitian Abbey in Jerusalem (Israel)
- 1994-1997 Faculty for Catholic Theology of Fulda (Germany)
- 1996-2000 Institute for Catholic Theology at the University of Cologne (Germany)
- 2000-2001 Catholic University of Applied Sciences of Berlin (Germany)
- 2001-2006 Philosophical Seminar and Institute of Catholic Theology at the Leibniz University of Hanover (Germany)
Involvement in Committees and networks (a selection)
- until Febr., 2020: Advisary board of the Berlin Institute of Christian Ethics and Politics (Beirat des Berliner Instituts für Christliche Ethik und Politik, ICEP)
- until Febr., 2020: 2006-2016 Consultant of Commission VI and Subcommission for contacts with Latin America of the German Bishops Conference (Berater der Kommission VI und der Unterkommission für Kontakte mit Lateinamerika der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz DBK)
- 2016 - Febr., 2020: Consultant of the Caritas Commission of the German Bishops Conference (Berater der Caritaskommission der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz DBK)
- until Febr., 2020: Consultant of the Permanent Working Group for Political Fundamental Issues of the Central Committee of German Catholics (Berater im ständigen Arbeitskreis für politische Grundsatzfragen des Zentralkomitees der deutschen Katholiken, ZdK)
- 2006-2015 Assembly of Delegates of the German Caritas Association (Delegiertenversammlung des Deutschen Caritasverbandes)
- 2011-2024: "Editor-in-Chief" of "ET-Studies", Journal of the European Society for Catholic Theology (Herausgeber der ET-Studies, Zeitschrift der Europäischen Gesellschaft für katholische Theologie)
- Board of Trustees of the scholarship organization Latin America-Germany (Kuratorium des Stipendienwerks Lateinamerika-Deutschland)
- Expert group World Economy and Social Ethics of the German Bishops Conference (Sachverständigengruppe Weltwirtschaft und Sozialethik der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz DBK)
- until Febr., 2020: Scientific advisary board of distance learning for theology (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat von Theologie im Fernkurs)
- until Febr., 2020: Consultant of the working group „Europe“ of the German Bishops Conference (Berater der Arbeitsgruppe „Europa“ der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz DBK)
Memberships (a selection)
- Asociación Alemana de Investigacion sobre América Latina; Working group of German research about Latin America (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Lateinamerikaforschung, ADLAF)
- European Society for Catholic Theology (Europäische Gesellschaft für Katholische Theologie)
- International Association for Moral Theology and Social Ethics (Internationale Vereinigung für Moraltheologie und Sozialethik)
- European Society for Research in Ethics/ Societas Ethica (Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Ethik)
Mainz, March 1st, 2018