General Information
Information about the Faculty of Catholic Theology
The examinations office of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
Studying at Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz
Mainz, Capital City of Rhineland-Palatinate
Scientific work
On the website of the examinations office you will find a download, which helps you to prepare scientific examination works. The download is available under "Allgemeine Informationen für alle Studiengänge", document: "Eine Handreichung zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten" (German)
Scientific writing
03/2023: NEW: Schreiben als theologiedidaktische Herausforderung
How can students learn scientific writing well? A group of former and current staff members of our faculty have dealt with this question in depth in the context of the project "IntWiss". Some of these reflections have now been published in this versatile anthology:
An article of Edith Wittenbrink, Luisa Fischer, Martin Lüstraeten, Katharina Pultar, Benedict Schöning: Wissenschaftliches Schreiben lernen. Eine curriculare Verortung des Methodenkompetenzerwerbs im Theologiestudium.
In: Ludger Hiepel, Monnica Klöckener (Hg.): Schreiben als theologiedidaktische Herausforderung. Münster: LIT, 29-45. ISBN: 978-3-643-15236-7
Support for Oral presentations (German)
Questioning and preparation of scientific socioethical Finals
Questioning and Preparation of scientific socioethical Finals (German)
Literature research and Literatur administration
Literature research and Literature adminstration -cources of the University library- (German)
Major criterias for the Assessment of qualified written academic performances
Major criterias for the Assessment of qualified written academic performances (German)
Plagiarism - Case of fraud or a Trivial offence?
Plagiarism - Case of fraud or a Trivial offence? (German)