A collaborative project of the international FORTHEM Lab Diversity and Migration
With this project we are fostering a confrontation with the fact of institutional racism within higher education in Europe. The history of racism is entangled with the history of university and of science, and still today universities in Europe are to a large extent white, upper-class, male institutions. But, at the same time, universities have a potential to develop further critical approaches in the different sciences and to implement strategies aiming at the reduction of discrimination based on these insights, having thereby also an impact on society. Therefore, this project wants to connect theoretical insights with reflections on the concrete situations and experiences in our universities and beyond, and to initiate an exchange on strategies how to reduce discrimination and exclusion.
Link: Report on the Project Start on the FORTHEM Website
In the menu on the left you will find the different events within the framework of this project.
Digital Kick-off Event on Friday, April 29, 10-12 Uhr CET
"European Universities as White Spaces? Challenges and Visions" with Prof. Kalwant Bhopal (Birmingham, Head of Centre for Research in Race & Education)
Lecture Series
Keynotes and discussions with international experts from different disciplines
"Structural Racism and Whiteness in Higher Education: Critical interdisciplinary approaches" - interactive seminar sessions related to the topics of the lecture series