- Beam parameter stabilization for the P2 experiment at MESA,
R. Kempf et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 982 (2020) 164554
- Weak charge and weak radius of 12C,
O. Koshchii et al., Phys.Rev.C 102 (2020) 2, 02250
- Reduced uncertainty of the axial γZ-box correction to the proton's weak charge,
J. Erler et al., Phys.Rev.D 100 (2019) 5, 053007
- MuPix8 — Large area monolithic HVCMOS pixel detector for the Mu3e experiment,
H. Augustin et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 936 (2019) 681-683
- The P2 experiment - A future high-precision measurement of the weak mixing angle at low momentum transfer, D. Becker et al., Eur. Phys. J. A (2018) 54: 208
- Study of Light Backgrounds from Relativistic Electrons in Air Light-Guides,
S. Riordan et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 896 (2018) 96-102
- Polarized Atomic Hydrogen Target at MESA,
Valery Tyukin, Kurt Aulenbacher, PoS PSTP2019 005 (2020)
- MuPix and ATLASPix -- Architectures and Results,
A. Schöning et al., PoS Vertex2019 (2020) 024 )
- Dispersion Matching With Space Charge in MESA,
A. Khan et al., Contribution to: ERL'19 (2020)
- Beam Dynamics Layout of the MESA ERL,
F. Hug et al., Contribution to: ERL'19 (2020)
- Cryomodules for the Mainz Energy-Recovering Superconducting Accelerator (MESA),
T. Stengler et al., Contribution to: ERL'19 (2020)
- Status of the MESA ERL Project,
F. Hug et al., Contribution to: ERL'19 (2020)
- Dispersive Two-Loop Calculations: Methodology and Applications,
A. Aleksejevs and S. Barkanova , PoS LeptonPhoton2019 (2019) 090
- Status of the P2 Experiment: A Measurement of the Weak Mixing Angle at Low Energy,
S. Baunack, D. Becker, K. Imai, and F. E. Maas, PoS SPIN2018 (2019) 081, Ferrara, Italy
- QED radiative corrections for Polarized Lepton-Proton Scattering, R.-D. Bucoveanu and H. Spiesberger , PoS SPIN2018 (2019) 115, Ferrara, Italy
- High Precision Beam Parameter Stabilization for P2 at MESA, R. Kempf, K. Aulenbacher, and J. Diefenbach Proceedings of IPAC2018, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2018)
- A Double scattering polarimeter for the P2 experiment at MESA, M. Molitor and K. Aulenbacher, PoS PSTP2017 (2018) 029
- Parameterization-based tracking for the P2 experiment, I. Sorokin, EPJ Web Conf. 150 (2017) 00012
- Precision Measurement of sin²ΘW at MESA, R. Bucoveanu, M. Gorchtein, H. Spiesberger, PoS LL2016 (2016) 061
- A Double scattering polarimeter for the P2 experiment at MESA, M. Molitor and K. Aulenbacher, PoS PSTP2015 (2016) 030
- Measuring the weak mixing angle with the P2 experiment at MESA, N. Berger et al., J.Univ.Sci.Tech.China 46 (2016) no.6, 481-487
- Testing a Digital Beam Position Stabilization for the P2-Experiment at MESA, .M. Dehn, K. Aulenbacher, F. Fichtner, R. Herbertz, W. Klag, p. MOPHA04 (2015)
- Project P2: The weak charge of the proton, D. Becker, PoS Bormio2014 (2014) 043
- P2 - The weak charge of the proton, D. Becker, K. Gerz, S. Baunack, K. Kumar, F. E. Maas, PoS Bormio2103 (2013) 024
- Measurement of the axial and strangeness magnetic form factor of the proton with a P2 backward angle setup, S. Baunack, D. Becker, K. Gerz, K, Kumar, F. E. Maas, AIP Conf. Proc. 1563 (2013) 73-77
- P2 - The weak charge of the proton, D. Becker, K. Gerz, S. Baunack, K, Kumar, F. E. Maas, AIP Conf. Proc. 1563 (2013) 78-81
- Measurement of the weak charge of carbon-12 nucleus within the P2 experiment in Mainz, K. Gerz, D. Becker, S. Baunack, K. Kumar, F. E. Maas, AIP Conf. Proc. 1563 (2013) 86-89
- P2 - a new measurement of the weak charge of the proton, D. Becker, S. Baunack, F. E. Maas, Hyperfine interact. 214 (2013) 1-3, 141-148
- The polarimetry chain for the P2 experiment, K. Aulenbacher, I. Alexander, V. Tioukine, Nuovo Cim. C035N04 (2012) 186-191
Doctoral theses
- A Fused Silica Cherenkov Detector for the Parity-Violating P2 Experiment at MESA,
Kathrin Imai (06/2021)
- Stabilisation der Strahlparameter für das P2-Experiment an MESA, Ruth Kempf (07/2020)
- Präzisionspolarimetrie mit Hilfe doppelter Mott-Streuung, Matthias Molitor (06/2020)
- Particle Rate Studies and Technical Design Development for the P2 Silicon Pixel Tracking Detector, Marco Zimmermann (05/2019)
- Voruntersuchungen zur Messung der schwachen Ladung des Protons im Rahmen des P2-Experiments, Dominik Becker (11/2018)
Master theses
- Entwurf eines Luminositätsmonitors für das P2-Experiment, Tobias Rimke (09/2019)
- Erste Erfahrung mit der Messelektronik für das P2-Experiment an MESA, Thomas Jennewein (08/2015)
Bachelor theses
- Systematische Studien zur Linearität eines Photomultipliersystems zur Vermessung paritätsverletzender Asymmetrien mit dem P2-Experiment am MESA-Beschleuniger,
Antoine Martinet (12/2023)
- Charakterisierung eines integrierenden Photomultipliersystems für das P2-Experiment,
Moran Neher (09/2022)
- Entwicklung eines Pick-and-Place-Systems für den Bau des P2-Spurdetektors,
David C. Anthofer (02/2022)
- Entwicklung einer Klebestrategie für den Bau des P2-Spurdetektors,
Jana Weyrich (02/2022)
- Spannungsversorgung für den Spurdetektor des P2-Experiments,
Johannes Hoffmann (01/2022)
- Estimate of particle rates for elastic and inelastic parity-violating electron scattering off different spin 0 nuclei, Shahin Sepanlou (05/2021)
- Gaskühlung für den Spurdetektor des P2-Experiments,
Fabian Greiner (10/2019)
- Tests der Mechanik und Kühlung des Spurdetektors für das P2-Experiment,
Frederic Stieler (12/2018)
- Simulation der durch das P2-Experiment erzeugten Direktstrahlung und der remanenten Radioaktivität, Matou Stemmler (06/2018)
- Effizienz eines HV-MAP Sensors auf niederenergetische Photonen,
Martin Müller (04/2017)
- Antwortverhalten eines Quarzglasdetektors auf Gammastrahlung für das P2-Experiment,
Tobias Rimke (01/2017)