P2 spectrometer
February 19, 2024: Lead shield for the P2 spectrometer arrived at the institute
The lead rings that shield the fused silica detector from background:
June 12, 2023: First test of backward angle detector prototypes at MAMI beam
Micromegas detectors developped by IRFU (Saclay) were tested:
August 29, 2022: Characterization of photomultiplier tubes
Moran Neher's bachelor thesis successfully investigated the response of ET Enterprises photomultiplier tubes to single photons.
April 5-8, 2022: Test beamtime at MAMI
- Test of prototype of the luminosity monitor
- Hunt for single photons
November 17-23, 2020: Test beamtime at MAMI
- Test of modified prototype of the luminosity monitor
- First test of new sampling ADC
July 6-10, 2020: Test beamtime at MAMI
- Test of new prototype of the luminosity monitor
- Test of enhanced version of PMT base and preamplifier
November 5-11, 2019: Test beamtime at MAMI
- Test of new prototype of the PMT base together with preamplifier
- Measurements with low beam rate (kHz range). DAQ: CAEN V965 QDC
- Measurements with beam rates which are equivalent to those expected under real P2 data taking conditions (GHz range). DAQ: Qweak Sampling ADC
- Investigation of sensitivity of the electronics to radiation
March 21-25, 2019: Test beamtime at MAMI
- A fused silica bar with the geometry foreseen for the final P2 setup was tested at the MAMI beam. The bar has a length of 65 cm. The detector response on various impact positions and angles of the incident electrons was studied.
- Prototypes for a luminosity monitor were also tested. Cherenkov media were fused silica and aerogel.