EULAG Workshop Timetable

Final time table for the EULAG Workshop 2014 in Mainz (23rd October 2014)

Note: the number in the time table indicates the abstract number, which can be found in the second table below. If you find mistakes or have questions, please contact Philipp Reutter.

Attention: The internal data of table “13” is corrupted!


Session nameAbstract numberAuthorsTitle
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING1Piotrowski, Smolarkiewicz, WyszogrodzkiEULAG 2014 model with three-dimensional MPI decomposition
2Ciznicki, Kopta, Kulczewski, KurowskiTowards efficient implementation of EULAG elliptic solver on GPU architectures
3Talk cancelled
4Waruszewski, Jaruga, Arabas, Jarecka, Pawlowska, Smolarkiewiczlibmpdata++: library of parallel MPDATA-based solvers built with emphasis on maintainability
5Wyrzykowski, Rojek, SzustakUsing GPU and Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors to accelerate computations in 3D MPDATA algorithm
NUMERICS6Yelash, Lukacova-Medvidova, Bispen, Mueller, Giraldo, WirthLarge time step discontinuous evolution Galerkin methods for multiscale atmospheric flow
7Kuehnlein, Smolarkiewicz, WediCombining a conservative non-oscillatory forward-in-time solver for soundproof and compressible PDEs with moving meshes
8Deconinck, Hamrud, Smolarkiewicz, Szmelter, ZhangA massively-parallel framework for finite-volume simulation of global atmospheric dynamics
9Papke, KleinMulti-scale behavior in vortical flows: a numerical approach
10Smolarkiewicz, Kuehnlein, WediA consistent framework for discrete integrations of all-scale atmospheric dynamics
11Klein, Benacchio, O'NeillObservations from the construction of two time level integrators for compressible and sound-proof models
12Szmelter, Smolarkiewicz, Zhang, CaoAn unstructured-mesh nonhydrostatatic model for orographic flows
OROGRAPHY13Bettiol, Giaiotti, StelThe sensitivity of mesoscale heavy precipitation on atmospheric boundary layer over complex orography
14Eichhorn, Prestel, WirthSensitivity of Banner Cloud Formation to Mountain Geometry
15Prestel, WirthBoundary layer separation in the lee of steep mountains
16Wyszogrodzki, LobockiSurface-layer flux-gradient relationships over inclined terrain: implementation in EULAG
17Nurowska, Piotrowski, Malinowski, GrabowskiHigh resolution modeling of flows over Tatra mountains
18Bachmann, Du00f6rnbrack, GisingerLarge Eddy Simulation of turbulent urban flows
19Kulczewski, Kurowski, Tronowski, WyszogrodzkiModelling air quailty in urban canyons
20Korycki,Lobocki, WyszogrodzkiApplication of EULAG to the simulation of flow through the urban structure in Warsaw
CLOUDS21Wojcik, Piotrowski, Rosa, ZiemianskiThe development and testing of EULAG version for numerical weather prediction
22Kurowski, GrabowskiTowards high-resolution simulation of moist global flows
23Kopec, Malinowski, PiotrowskiPhysics of Stratocumulus Top: results of large eddy simulations sampled with a virtual aircraft method compared to airborne data
24Voigt, SpichtingerFormation of thin cirrus clouds: Homogeneous or heterogeneous nucleation?
25SpichtingerSubvisible cirrus clouds driven by slow updrafts
26Kempf, CraigTesting a Phase Transition Theory for Convective Organisation
27Kopec, Malinowski, PiotrowskiImpact of wind shear on the top of stratocumulus cloud
28Scheufele, CraigResolution Dependence of Cumulus Statistics in Radiative-Convective Equilibrium
29Unterstrasser, Su00f6lch, Stegmaier, Lainer, Gu00f6rschThe Lagrangian ice microphysics code LCM within EULAG: Introduction, current developments and applications
30Grabowski, KurowskiA novel methodology for testing multiscale moist atmospheric models
31Rosa, Wojcik, Ziemianski, GrabowskiModeling of daytime convective development over land with a new prototype model COSMO-EULAG
FUNDAMENTAL FLUID DYNAMICS AND SOLAR PHYSICS32Charbonneau, Lawson, Passos, SmolarkiewiczSimulations of the solar magnetic cycle with EULAG-MHD
33Kumar, Bhattacharyya, SmolarkiewiczFormation of current sheets and magnetic ejecta: A numerical study
34Kumar, Bhattacharyya, SmolarkiewiczFormation of magnetic discontinuities through viscous relaxation
35Schreiber, Schmidt, Sommer, Garcia-Bardon, Breit, Graafen, KreitnerComputational Fluid Dynamics Simulations to Understand Mass Transport in Major Vessels of the Heart and Brain
36Schru00f6ttle, Du00f6rnbrack, SchumannMeandering of a wind mill wake vortex
37Talk cancelled
GRAVITY WAVES38Bense, SpichtingerPropagation of gravity waves through the tropopause
39Talk cancelled
40Remmler, Fruman, Hickel, AchatzLargy-Eddy Simulation of Gravity-Wave Breaking: Validation against DNS
LARGE SCALE FLOWS41von Larcher, DoernbrackModeling baroclinic driven flows with the immersed boundary method
42PrusaBaroclinic Dynamics in the Atmosphere: Soundproof vs. Compressible Computations
43WediIncreasing horizontal resolution in global NWP and climate simulations -- illusion or panacea