Presentations and conference contributions

  • Issues in the typology of case-marking' (3 lectures). EALING 2012, September 11-13, Paris, École normale supérieure,
  • Markedness effects in valency-changing operations' (invited talk). NINJAL International Symposium on Valency Classes and Alternations in Japanese, August 3-4 2012, Tokyo, Tachikawa,
  • Non-canonical subjects and differential subject marking: synchronic and diachronic perspectives' (plenary talk). Symposium Non-Canonically Case Marked Subjects within and across Languages and Language Families, 4.–8. June 2012, Reykjavík
  • Predicting case frames across languages: a competing motivations approach to (differential) case marking' (plenary talk). Explorations in syntactic government and subcategorization, 31 Aug – 3 September 2011, University of Cambridge,
  • Rare phenomena in case marking and their theoretical implications; A lecture presented at NINJAL colloquium (Tokyo, May 8, 2010); and at Slavic Research Center (University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, 8 June 2010)
  • Transitivity parameters and transitivity alternations (Talk presented at the Tokyo Institute of Foreign Studies, May 29, 2010)
  • Constraining the typology of nominalization. Talk presented at the Research Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, May 29, 2010)
  • Remarks on deverbalization (talk presented at the workshop on Noun Concluding Construction at the Institute of the Japanese language and Linguistics; April 8, 2010)
  • Constraining syntagmatic interaction of grammatical categories through markedness hierarchies; Fourth Workshop on Optimality Theory and Interpretation; June 2009; Utrecht
  • Constraining syntagmatic interaction of grammatical categories: functional and structural factors. Talk presented at ALT VII (Association of Linguistic typology Biannual meeting), Paris, 25-28 September, 2007 (
  • (with Johan van der Auwera and Ewa Schalley). Imperatives and aspect choice. Talk presented at ALT VII (Association of Linguistic typology Biannual meeting), Paris, 25-28 September, 2007 (
  • Functional typology and optimality theory: competing motivations in the domain of case-marking. Invited talk at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 29 August - 1 September 2007. University of Joensuu (Finland)
  • Constraining nominalization: Functional and structural factors in interaction. Invited talk at the International symposium Nouns Cross-linguistically, 22-23 June, 2007, Campobasso(Italy). (
  • Asymmetries in Differential Case Marking and Case Marking Strategies. Workshop: Object Positions: Formal and Functional Approaches ( January 18-19, 2007, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • "Transitivity splits, transitivity alternations and case competition", GK-lecture University of Leipzig (Graduiertenkolleg "Universalität und Diversität; Zentrum för Höhere Studien, Universität Leipzig), 8 November 2006. (
  • Infelicitous combinations of TAM categories: typological and semantic aspects, TAM-TAM workshop 15 - 16 November 2006, Nijmegen.
  • (with Toshiyuki Sadanobu). Modal extensions of aspecto-temporal forms in Japanese. Talk presented at: Chronos 7: International conference on tense, aspect, mood and modality, 18-20 September, 2006, University of Antwerp ( )
  • Constraining interaction of TAM categories. Talk presented at: Chronos 7: International conference on tense, aspect, mood and modality, 18-20 September, 2006, University of Antwerp
  • On RRG analysis of mixed categories. Talk presented at: 2006 International conference on Role and Reference grammar, 28-30 September, 2006, University of Leipzig (
  • Cross-linguistically rare phenomena in case-marking, Talk at the Bi-annual conference of the St-Petersburg typology group, 5-6 September, 2006.(
  • Constraining nominalization: functional and structural factors. Talk at a Pionier workshop on Nominalizations, June 7, 2006, Nijmegen (
  • Quirky case: cross-linguistically rare phenomena in case-marking. Rara and rarissima: collecting and interpreting unusual characteristics of human languages, MPI, Leipzig, April 1.
  • Verb type hierarchies and a typology of transitivity splits. Typology Lecture Series, Department of Linguistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, March 16.
  • Towards an integrated model of alignment splits, Taalkunde in Nederland-dag 2006, Leiden, February 4.
  • Bezlichnye konstrukcii i evoljucija rascheplennoj intranzitivnosti [Impersonal constructions and rise of split-intransitivity]. Lecture at the 2nd Conference for Junior researchers/graduate school, St. Petersburg, October 22, 2005.
  • Verb type hierarchies and a typology of transitivity splits, Association of Linguistic Typology Biannual Meeting VI, Padang, Indonesia, July 24, 2005
  • with Helen de Hoop, Case marking strategies, Workshop on OT syntax at LSA summer institute, MIT, Boston, July 2, 2005
  • Split intransitives, experiencer objects and 'transimpersonal' constructions: (re-)establishing the connection, Workshop on the Typology of active-stative languages, MPI, Leipzig, May 22, 2005.
  • Animacy and case-marking, Workshop on 'Animacy', Nijmegen, May 19, 2005 (Animacy.ppt)
  • Impersonal constructions: variations on the theme, Mini-Workshop on Typology of argument structure, Nijmegen, May 9, 2005
  • with Helen de Hoop, Monique Lamers, Bhuvana Narasimhan and Peter de Swart, Modelling case and prominence: incremental and time-insensitive optimisation (motivation and perspectives), Symposium on argument comprehension from a cross-linguistic perspective, MPI Leipzig, April 25-26, 2005
  • Case pattern split and verb type hierarchies, Taalkunde in Nederland-dag, Utrecht, January 29, 2005; Workshop on Transitivity and Verb Types, Tohoku (Sendai), November 27, 2004.
  • Transitivity parameters and transitivity alternations: constraining co-variation?, Workshop on Transitivity and Verb Types, Tohoku (Sendai), November 27, 2004; Department of general linguistics, Tsukuba, November 5, 2004, Linguistic Circle of Kansai area, Japan, June 27, 2004.
  • Russian interference in the grammar of North-Tungusic languages in an areal-typological perspective, Slavic Research Center, Sapporo, October 27, 2004.
  • with Helen de Hoop, Constraints on case marking, Linguistics Colloquium, Houston, March 25, 2004.
  • Tungusic converbs and the typology of relative tense, Workshop on Northern Languages, Abashiri (Japan), July 3, 2004; Conference on the Tungusic languages, St. Petersburg, Institute for linguistic research, October 13-14, 2003.
  • Constraining nominalization: function-form competition, Seventh Workshop on Optimality Theory Syntax, Nijmegen, October 27-28, 2003.
  • Infelicitous grammeme combinations: Towards a typology, Conference on "Interaction of grammatical categories", St.Petersburg, Institute of Linguistic Research, September 22-24, 2003.
  • Towards a typology of transcategorial operations, ALT V Conference, Cagliari, Italy 15-18 September 2003.
  • Transitivity parameters and transitivity alternations: constraining co-variation, TIN-dag, Utrecht, 7 February 2004, Cognition Meeting, Nijmegen, September 9, 2003; PIONIER Workshop on Case, Valency and Transitivity, Nijmegen, June 17-20, 2003
  • Towards a typology of adversative constructions: a semantic map approach, Contrast in Discourse, Nijmegen, April 7-8, 2003


Organization of conferences


Invited talks

  • Exploring the domain of ditransitive constructions: issues in lexical typology. Invited talk presented at Workshop on Ditransitive constructions in a cross-linguistic perspective. University of Pavia, 11 September 2014
  • Constraining nominalization: Towards a typology of transcategorial operations. Plenary talk at the Inaugural Meeting of the Korean Association for Linguistic Typology, Seoul National University, July 2, 2014,
  • Differential argument marking and transimpersonals in perspective. Symposium The diachrony of differential argument marking, University of Konstanz, April 5-6, 2014
  • Plenary talk. Resolving alignment conflicts. (Конкурирующие мотивации и разрешение синтаксических конфликтов.) St-Petersburg University 43th International Philological Conference, 11-16 March, 2014.
  • Plenary talk. Typology of Nominalizations. Typology Festa, Tokyo, NINJAL, 22-23 February 2014;
  • Plenary talk: Markedness effects in valency change; International workshop on verbal valency change; Hermosillo, Mexico, March 21-22, University of Sonora’s
  • Internally headed relative clauses in Transeurasian languages .Symposium Paradigm change in historical reconstruction: the Transeurasian languages and beyond Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz March 7-8, 2013.
  • Valency classes cross-linguistically: parameters of variation; Pre ALT workshop on Valency classes in World’s languages; Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig; :
  • Internally headed relative clauses in Tungusic languages: descriptive, comparative and typological perspectives, Workshop on Internal Relative Clauses, .Das Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS), Berlin, 25-27October 2012
  • Invited lectures: Lectures on the typology of case marking. EaLing lectures (International Graduate School), Paris, Ecole Normale Superieure, 11-14 September, 2012.
  • Markedness Effects in Valency Changing Operations. NINJAL International Symposium on Valency Classes and Alternations in Japanese 4-6 August, 2012
  • Plenary talk: Non-Canonical Subjects and Differential Subject Marking:       Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective. Non-Canonically Case-Marked Subjects within and across Languages and Language Families: Stability, Variation and Change, University of Rejkjavik, Iceland. 4-8 June 2012.
  • Transimpersonal constructions from a cross-linguistic perspective. Unpersönliche Konstruktionen und verwandte Phänomene: kontrastive Studien zum Deutschen und Japanischen aus funktional-typologischer Sicht. Internationale Arbeitstagung, Uni Hamburg, 1-3 December 2011.
  • Insubordination and reanalysis in Siberian languages. Linguistisches Colloquium Series, University of Mainz, November 28, 2011
  • Verbalization and insubordination in Siberian languages. SYMPOSIUM SHARED GRAMMATICALIZATION IN THE TRANSEURASIAN LANGUAGES, University of Leuven, Belgium, September 21-23, 2011
  • Plenary talk. Predicting case frames across languages: a competing motivations approach to (differential) case marking’, Explorations in Syntactic Government and Subcategorisation, 31 August – 3 September 2011, University of Cambridge
  • Plenary talk. Exploring the domain of ditransitive constructions: issues in lexical typology. The Workshop on Referential Hierarchies in Three-participant Construction . University of Lancaster 20-22 May, 2011
  • Rare phenomena in case marking and their theoretical implications; A lecture presented at NINJAL colloquium (Tokyo, May 8, 2010); and at Slavic Research Center (University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, 8 June 2010)
  • Transitivity parameters and transitivity alternations (Talk presented at the Tokyo Institute of Foreign Studies, May 29, 2010)
  • Constraining the typology of nominalization. Talk presented at the Research Institute of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, May 29, 2010)
  • Remarks on deverbalization (talk presented at the workshop on Noun Concluding Construction at the National Institute of the Japanese language and Linguistics, Tokyo; April 8, 2010)
  • Constraining syntagmatic interaction of grammatical categories through markedness hierarchies; Fourth Workshop on Optimality Theory and Interpretation; June 2009; Utrecht
  • Rare phenomena in case marking; University of Zürich; December 2008
  • Contact induced and areal patterns in the grammar of (North-)Tungusic languages. A workshop on Verbal morphology and the historical comparison of the Trans-Eurasian languages; September 2008; University of Mainz.
  • Quirky case. Workshop on case variation, University of Stuttgart. 19-20 June 2008
  • Functional typology and optimality theory: competing motivations in the domain of case-marking. Plenary talk at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 29 August – 1 September 2007. University of Joensuu (Finland)
  • Constraining nominalization: Functional and structural factors in interaction International symposium Nouns Cross-linguistically, 22-23 June, 2007, Campobasso, Italy
  • Asymmetries in Differential Case Marking and Case Marking Strategies. Workshop: Object Positions: Formal and Functional Approaches. January 18-19, 2007, Aarhus, Denmark.
  • “Transitivity splits, transitivity alternations and case competition”, Graduiertenkolleg “Universalität und Diversität (Zentrum för Höhere Studien, Universität Leipzig), 8 November 2006.
  • with Helen de Hoop, Case marking strategies, Workshop on OT syntax at LSA summer institute, MIT, Boston, July 2, 2005.
  • Transitivity parameters and transitivity alternations: constraining co-variation, Linguistic Circle of Kansai area, June 27, 2004, Kobe, Japan.
  • Russian interference in the grammar of North-Tungusic languages in an areal-typological perspective, Slavic Research Center, Sapporo, October 27, 2004.


Field work experience

Field work on North-Tungusic Even (Topolinoe, Yakut/Saxa Republic, Eastern Siberia)

    • summer 1985 (ca. 2 months)
    • summer 1986 (ca. 2 months)
    • summer 1987 (ca. 2 months)
    • summer 1991 (ca. 2 months)
    • summer 1994 (ca. 2 months)