Andrej Malchukov studied Germanic philology and linguistics at the university of St-Petersburg. He is affiliated with the St.-Petersburg Institute for Linguistic Research ( Russian Academy of Sciences), since 2002 as a senior researcher at the department of Altaic languages. His dissertations (‘candidate’ thesis from 1990 and ‘habilitation’ thesis from 2002) deal with the morpho-syntax of the North Tungusic Even. Apart from descriptive work on Siberian (in particular, Tungusic) languages, his main research interests lie in the domain of morpho-syntactic typology. He is a member of the St-Petersburg Typology Group. Since 2006 he has been taking part (together with Bernard Comrie and Martin Haspelmath) in a DFG funded project on the typology of ditransitive constructions based at MPI EVA, and a follow-up project on the typology of valency classes.
Research Projects
Ditransitive constructions in the world's languages
In this project, we are studying the grammatical properties of ditransitive constructions (i.e. constructions with an agent, a recipient, and a theme argument) in a broadly comparative perspective. We are compiling a database with relevant information on about 200 languages, and we plan to publish this database as well as a monograph that presents the results of our inquiries. [more]
Valency Classes in the World's Languages
Bernard Comrie, Martin Haspelmath, and Andrej Malchukov This is a three-year project (2009-2012), funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, part of the Forschergruppe "Grammatik und Verarbeitung verbaler Argumente". It is a continuation of the project on Ditransitive constructions (see below). [Project description]
Universal and areal patterns in grammaticalization (with Walter Bisang)
Project members: Walter Bisang (PI), Andrej Malchukov (co-PI/coordinator), Linlin Sun (postdoc), Marvin Martiny (student research assistant), Svenja Lüll (research assistant), Eduard Schröder (student research assistant), Iris Rieder (affiliated researcher/PhD student)
This DFG supported project aims at the study of cross-linguistic variation in grammaticalization scenarios and paths. The main results of the project will be the forthcoming Comparative Handbook (Bisang & Malchukov (eds). Grammaticalization Scenarios. Areal Patterns and Cross-Linguistic Variation. ), as well as an online database (in preparation). The Handbook includes a position paper by the editorial team, a questionnaire and 25 contributions guided by a questionnaire/checklist written by leading experts, combining expertise of individual language families and grammaticalization theory (Christian Lehmann, Marianne Mithun, Martin Haspelmath, among others). Among the other project-related publications, the following edited volume, including a selection of papers from the 2015 conference, has already appeared and is accessible online:
- Walter Bisang & Andrej Malchukov (eds). 2017. Unity and diversity in grammaticalization Scenarios. Berlin: Language Science Press. available at:
Membership of PhD examination boards
- 2000-2002 and from 2009 on. Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, St-Petersburg (permanent member)
- 2002. Chair of the MA-exam committee at the Hertzen State University (St-Petersburg).
- 2003, 2006. Radboud University Nijmegen
- 2007. University of Antwerp.
- 2009 University of Amsterdam
- 2011 University of Rome
- 2013 University of Mainz (Promotion: Typologie/Afrikanistik)
- 2014 University of Mainz (Promotion: Slavistik)
- 2015 University of Mainz (Habilitation: Typologie)
- 2019 University of Helsinki (Typology)
- A member of the Academic (PhD) Council at the Institute of Linguistic Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, St-Petersburg.
- 2010 Leitungskollegium, University of Mainz
- Member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea/The Linguistic Society of Europe) executive committee: 2016-9
Academic service
Journal of Linguistics (editorial board member), Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta (editorial board member); Mouton’s Comparative Handbook in Linguistics series (series editor, together with Edith Moravcsik)
Scholarships and prizes
- Visiting Professorship at Institute for Japanese language and Linguistics (NINJAL), 2010
- JSPS Fellowship Kobe University, Japan, spring-fall 2004
- Fellowship department of Germanic and general linguistics of the University of Antwerp (spring-fall 2001)
- Grant of NWO Bezoekersbeurs department of linguistics; Leiden University (summer 1997)
- Alexander von Humboldt Seminar für Orientkunde at the University of Mainz fellowship (winter 1994 - summer 1996)
Ad-hoc reviewer for various international journals
- Journals: Lingua, Linguistics, Linguistic Typology, Natural Language and Linguistic Theory; Studies in language, Language Sciences
Ad-hoc reviewer of grant applications
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Belgian Science Foundation; Italian Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Universities (ANVUR), National Science Foundation (NSF)
Other information
Further Biographical information can be found on the Linguist of the Day List at
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