Subject Matter
The Master's program in linguistics is a consecutive MA program with a research-oriented profile and deals with language and its properties from the perspective of certain individual languages or language families as well as from the perspective of the general possibilities and the cognitive motivations behind them of linguistic structures in psycholinguistics and language processing. In this context, experiments on language understanding regularly take place in the Neurolinguistic Laboratory of General and Comparative Linguistics. These are independently supervised by students in MA Linguistics, Focus on General and Comparative Linguistics, under guidance. See Neurolinguistics lab
- Certificate: Master of Arts
- Restriction: university-inside
- TIP: For licensing the choice of a main focus is necessary with the registration to the study. The licensing conditions differ after the specialist main focuses. A singular change of main focus is possible till the end of the second professional semester, provided that the licensing conditions for main focus elective are fulfilled too. The change is to be discussed with the affected main representatives and to inform the coordinators/female co-coordinators of MA Linguistics. (Licensing conditions: see there)
- Study beginning: In winter semester and summer semester possible.
- In order to study MA Linguistics a knowledge of German is required in all focus areas
- Average period of study: 4 semesters
A fast-track is possible
Master of Arts (MA) Linguistics program includes the following subjects:
- General Linguistics and Linguistic Typology
- English Linguistics
- Roman Linguistics
- Slavonic Studies, Linguistics
- Northern European and Baltic Languages and Cultures
- German Linguistics
- Turkic Studies
The choice of a priority from one of these subjects is required for application. The conditions for admission differ according to the technical priorities.
The licensing to MA linguistics assumes a bachelor-exam end (at least 6 semesters average period of study, at least 36 Credit points in linguistic lectures), e.g.: BA Linguistics Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz (major subject or minor subject) or another linguistically oriented BA certificates on Johannes Gutenberg-University or another German or foreign University (incl. B. Ed). The more exact specifications of certification requirements are specific for main focus and are regulated in the appendix to the order of faculties 02, 05 and 07 of Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz for the check in the Master's course of studies. Knowledge of the English is assumed also. For the licensing the choice of a main focus is necessary with the registration to the study. A unique change of the main focus is possible till the end of the second professional semester, provided that the licensing conditions for the main focus elective anew are also fulfilled. Licensing conditions for the single main focuses of the MA programme within the scope of the involved fields or main focuses (entire version see above Examination regulations).
Choice of a focus area is required when enrolling in the degree programme. The admission requirements vary according to the focus areas:
Focus on General Linguistics and Linguistics Typology First university degree: Admission requires the completion of a Bachelor's degree programme with a minimum standard period of study of six semesters at a university in Germany or abroad with a portion of the programme consisting of at least 36 credit points in Linguistics or an equivalent diploma with equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications.
Students must have very good passive knowledge of English to read extensive specialist texts fluently and understand specialist lectures and courses in this language.
Focus on English Linguistics First university degree: Admission requires the completion of a Bachelor's degree programme (including B.Ed.) with a minimum standard period of study of six semesters at a university in Germany or abroad with a portion of the programme consisting of at least 36 credit points in Linguistics or English Language/English Linguistics or an equivalent diploma with equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications. A
Students must have very good active and passive knowledge of English to produce written course work and written and oral examination qualifications in English. As a rule, the language for teaching and examinations is English. In some parts of the course, German may also be used for teaching and examinations. Proof of language proficiency can be demonstrated in one of the following ways. The test results may not be older than two years at the time of the application deadline:
- "Certificate in Advanced English" (offered by: Cambridge ESOL; with a minimum grade of: C)
- "Certificate of Proficiency in English" (offered by: Cambridge ESOL; with a minimum grade of: C)
- "Test of English as a Foreign Language" (TOEFL; offered by: Educational Testing Service) with a minimum score of 85 out of 120 points (the Internet-based TOEFL [iBT]) or 567 out of 677 points (the written version of the TOEFL [IPT]).
Focus on Slavic Linguistics First university degree: Admission requires the completion of a Bachelor's degree programme (including B.Ed.) with a minimum standard period of study of six semesters at a university in Germany or abroad or a similar degree. At least 36 credit points must be in Linguistics or Slavic Linguistics. The applicant must provide proof of equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications for degree programmes that do not have credit points.
Students must have good active and passive knowledge of either two Slavic languages or one Slavic and one Baltic language both corresponding to a minimum level of B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Students must have very good passive knowledge of English to read extensive specialist texts fluently and understand specialist lectures and courses in this language.
Focus on Northern European and Baltic Languages First university degree: Admission is conditional upon completion of a Bachelor's degree programme with a minimum standard period of study of six semesters at a university in Germany or abroad with a portion of the programme consisting of at least 36 credit points in Linguistics or Scandinavian Studies, Baltic Studies or Fenno-Baltic Studies and/or Fenno-Ugric Studies or an equivalent diploma with equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications.
Students must have basic active and passive knowledge of at least one Nordic (i.e. Scandinavian or Fenno-Baltic) language or one Baltic language corresponding to a minimum level of A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The proof may be
- proven native speaker knowledge of the language
- by an appropriate language certificate
- a final degree with a minimum of 36 credit points in Scandinavian Studies, Baltic Studies, Fenno-Baltic Studies or an equivalent final degree with equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications. The applicant must provide proof of equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications for degree programmes that do not have credit points.
Students must have very good passive knowledge of English to read extensive specialist texts fluently and understand specialist lectures and courses in this language.
Focus on German Linguistics First university degree: Admission requires the completion of a Bachelor's degree programme (including B.Ed.) with a minimum standard period of study of six semesters at a university in Germany or abroad with a portion of the programme consisting of at least 36 credit points in Linguistics or German Linguistics or an equivalent diploma with equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications.
Students must have very good passive knowledge of English and German to read extensive specialist texts fluently and understand specialist lectures and courses in this language. Proof of participation in an introductory language history course. If proof is not available before the application deadline, it may be provided later until the end of the first semester of the Master's degree programme. The German Department will make sure that an appropriate course can be attended during the first semester of the Master's program.
Focus on Turkic Studies First university degree: Admission requires the completion of a Bachelor's degree program with a minimum standard period of study of six semesters at a university in Germany or abroad or a similar degree. Proof of at least one of the following: A minimum of 36 credit points in Linguistics or Turkic Linguistics/Turkic Philology or equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications if the degree programme was not based on credit points.
Students must have good active and passive knowledge of Turkic or another Turkic language corresponding to a minimum level of B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The proof may be:
- proven native speaker knowledge of the language
- a final degree with a minimum of 36 credit points in Turkic Studies; equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications is required for degree programmes not based on credit points.
- by an appropriate language certificate.
Students must have very good passive knowledge of English to read extensive specialist texts fluently and understand specialist lectures and courses in this language.
Focus on Roman Linguistics First university degree: Admission requires the completion of a Bachelor's degree programme (including B.Ed.) with a minimum standard period of study of six semesters at a university in Germany or abroad with a portion of the programme consisting of at least 36 credit points in Linguistics or Romance Linguistics/Romance Philology or an equivalent diploma with equivalent subject-related study and examination qualifications.
Students must have good active and passive knowledge in a Romance language corresponding to a minimum level of B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, Level B2.
Students must have very good passive knowledge of English to read extensive specialist texts fluently and understand specialist lectures and courses in this language
For all focus areas, proof of proficiency in the German language to the level of the "German Language Proficiency Examination for Admission to Higher Education for Foreign Applicants (DSH)" is required for foreign applicants from non-German-speaking countries.
The study is built up modular. A-modules are obligation modules for all students of MA linguistics, the S-modules are directed after the electoral focus, also module research impression and final module. The modules become parallel partly, partly on build up on others.
A-Modules (= for all students)
- Module A1: Theory I (6 SWS, 16 LP)
- Module A2: Empiric procedures I (8 SWS, 16 LP)
- Module A3: Linguistic change / Sociolinguistics (7 SWS, 16 LP)
S-Modules (= focus)
- Module S1 (4 SWS, 12 LPs)
- Module S2 (4 SWS, 12 LP)
- Module S3 (6 SWS, 14 LPs)
- Module S4e (German Linguistics) (6 SWS, 16 LP): Only for students with focus German Linguistics
- Module S4g I + II (Roman Linguistics) (12-16 SWS, 16 LP): Only for students with focus Romance Linguistics
The fast track programme is put on for three years. Students with above-average study achievements in the S. modules and the modules A1 and A2 can hit after their end, i.e. at the beginning of the third semester, this way of the doctorate. The almost track programme encloses 180 achievement points in the totality and divides itself into three areas and the content part which also contains the production of the doctorate work and the matching research with 150 LPs takes the main part of the programme. You find an overview of the study course in the study course plan.
Foreign linguistic knowledge
The foreign linguistic knowledge is among other things depending on the choice of the main focus; however, a good English text understanding is in all electoral areas necessarily to the discussion with specialist papers and for the visit of English-speaking lectures.
For modul A3: knownledge of German.
Persons in charge
Man in charge (M.A. Linguistics): Professor Dr Walter Bisang
Locum tenens (M.A. Linguistics): N.N.
Student Advising Office
Beatrix Spahn (Dipl.-Geol.)
Further information about the course of studies M.A. you find in MA of linguistics module manual
Information about the registration modalities of the master
Occupational fields
Colleges, research institutes, press, media, translation/interpretation, enterprise with international PR, adult education.