Research Projects

CAPE-VET – Cooperative investigation of the prerequisites for the successful design of higher education qualification programmes for vocational training staff

CodeVET – Competence development in VET. A comparative analysis of intended and implemented curricula in the field of business administration.

Cori VET – Costa Rican Vocational Education and Training

DualReg – Locally rooted – worldwide linked up: Mexico – Success conditions for transfer of vocational education and dual practices

efach – Factors for successful cooperation in vocational training with People’s Republic of China – a comparison of state, civil society and private sector concepts

IntVet – Success factors of international business models for the export of vocational training to Vietnam

KuPraMex – Cultural Practice of Non-Academic Work in Mexico

PeruDual – In-company training quality and role of trainers in dual VET in Peru

ProWoThai – Progressing Work-Based Learning of TVET System in Thailand

QualIndia – Quality Analysis of Indian Vocational Education and Training Institutions with a Focus on Industrial Training Institutes and Polytechnic Colleges

VoCasian - Development of capacities and graduate schools as well as the implementation of a PhD program for vocational education and training research in Georgia