Progressing Work-Based Learning of TVET System in Thailand
The main objective of the ProWoThai project is to further develop and strengthen varied approaches of work-related learning in schools and companies in Thailand as it is one core element of dual vocational training. Based on a theoretical foundation of work-related learning, different concepts and best practice examples in the current Thai vocational training landscape will be identified, analyzed and presented.
Next to this, further action-oriented research projects will be developed with the project partners involved (four universities, companies and education policy players) to build up vocational training research capacities in a participatory and cooperative process. The research approach includes the identification and analysis of (concrete) current practices and approaches to work-related learning as well as their further development, implementation and evaluation.
In summary, the main objective is subdivided into the following scientific and practice-oriented sub goals:
Build a theoretical foundation of approaches to work-based learning
Research activities to work-based learning including a comparison of approaches established in Thailand and Germany
Practical action research with the project partners involved will contribute to the improvement of Thai vocational education and training, in particular by increasing the (structured) involvement of the in-company training by strengthening work-based learning approaches
In medium and long term, system-innovative and reform-oriented vocational training research capacities will be established in Thailand
The process of the project activities is divided into the following three work phases:
Phase 1:
Conducting a preliminary study on the status quo of existing approaches to dual vocational training and of core elements of work-based learning in Thailand. The study will take into account past and current projects of German development cooperation, including those of the BMZ and implementing organizations (GIZ, SEQUA, KfW), the BMBF (or DAAD), the AHK Thailand (German-Thai-Chamber) and selected German companies that are particularly well established in Thailand. The experiences and findings on work-based learning gathered from a bilateral perspective serve as starting points for further research, development and transfer activities.
Phase 2:
In terms of comparative international VET research and a participatory field research methodology, examples for in-company, inter-company and vocational school approaches of work-process-oriented and integrated forms of learning will be analyzed and elements of the system (especially the training regulations available in Thailand) will be considered and compared with the German benchmark system. At the same time, a network with relevant stakeholders and decision makers from politics, research and economy will be established as a preparation for phase 3. On the one hand, the activities in phase 2 will form the content and strategic basics for VET policy development and reform processes in Thailand. On the other hand, the research activities build the foundation to prepare the transfer of the results (to the companies, workplace, schools…).
Phase 3:
In cooperation with companies, approaches to and types of work-based learning are developed, tested and evaluated across different learning venues. Education policy ideas and approaches to design reform projects will be developed and promoted together with the Thai Ministry of Education (OVEC) and the participating companies in order to implement elements of dual vocational training. In terms of an overall research strategy, further steps towards sustainable and future-oriented capacity building in line with the funding interests of the BMBF are planned with the universities and the Ministry of Higher Education (OHEC) involved.
The results of the project will be presented, discussed and evaluated at a final conference in Thailand. The insights gained will be drawn together and incorporated into the planning of follow-up projects.
In terms of research and its practical implications, target group-specific study and learning materials for initial and continuing education and training will be developed and tested based on the research results. Moreover, recommendations for further vocational education and training policy reforms in Thailand will be elaborated and discussed on the education policy level.
Project details and contact
01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023
Funding reference number
Contact persons
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Schröder
Dr. Sven Schulte
Project management
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Schröder
Dr. Sven Schulte
Project team members
Dr. Sven Schulte
Siriphorn Phalasoon
Julia Gulich
Cooperating institutions (national and international):
- Office of the Vocational Education Commission, Ministry of Education (OVEC)
- Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna (RMUTL)
- Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT)
- Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RMUTSV)
- King Mongkut University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB)
- Lamphun Technical College (LTC)
- Thai-Taiwan Technological College (BDI Group)
- Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)