„Thomas Schröder & Siriphorn Schlattmann @ YoriVET“
On Monday 24 October 2022, the YoriVET webinar on Work-based Learning (WBL) took place. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Schröder (TU Dortmund University, Germany) started with a theory input on WBL and international practices. Siriphorn Schlattmann (also TU Dortmund University, Germany) then gave a comprehensive insight into the BMBF-funded international cooperation project ProWoThai - "Progressing Work-based Learning of TVET System in Thailand", which, together with three Thai universities, is researching and developing sustainable approaches to WBL in order to modernise the dual vocational training system in Thailand in terms of structure, methodology and didactics. The webinar was completed by exciting questions from the participants, which were answered in detail by the speakers.
The webinar is available online in full length: https://cloud.itb.uni-bremen.de/index.php/s/F7abFsygA2nMxmJ
„Thomas Schröder, Siriphorn Schlattmann & Julia Gulich @ YoriVET“
We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Thomas Schröder, Siriphorn Schlattmann und Julia Gulich (TU Dortmund University, Germany) as speakers at our YoriVET Round Table on 24 October 2022. The topic of the webinar is " Work-based Learning".
Interested PhD students can register for the session via email: anja.greppmair@uni-bremen.de
„Sophia Grunert & Martin Roggenkamp @ YoriVET“
We are very pleased to welcome Sophia Grunert (ZDH – Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks / German Confederation of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses) and Martin Roggenkamp (bfw – Unternehmen für Bildung / Companies for Education) as guests at our YoriVET Round Table on 13 July 2022, who are working in the strategy projects SCIVET and Unions4VET. The topic of the session is "The Role of Social Partners in the German Dual VET System and in Partner Countries".
YoriVET (Young researchers for internationalization of VET) is a network of young researchers within the MP-INVET project.
Interested PhD students can register for the session via email: anja.greppmair@uni-bremen.de
We are pleased to be able to participate with the following papers at this year's conference of the Comparative & International Education Society from April 18th to 22nd, 2022.
CIES 2022
Nguyen, H. L., Bohlinger, S., Scheuch, I. & Bieß, A. (2022). Meta-Study on the Monitoring and Evaluation of International Research Projects in Vocational Education and Training [Paper, accepted].
Bohlinger, S., Bieß, A., Nguyen, H. L. & Scheuch, I. (2022). How is education policy steered? Understanding education policy in multilevel governance systems: The case of the European Union [Paper, accepted].
Scheuch, I., Bohlinger, S., Bieß, A. & Nguyen, H. L. (2022). MP-INVET Project: Collaborative research network in international vocational education and training (VET) [Paper, accepted].
YoriVET Round Table
On 29 March 2022, the first YoriVET Round Table of 2022 was held online. The participating young researchers had a good exchange about their doctoral projects. Some commonalities and new opportunities for cooperation were identified. Overlaps were found in the areas of teacher training, curriculum development/analysis and comparative studies. The research projects presented are embedded in the following country contexts: China, Germany, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand.
In addition to the research projects, feedback was also collected on the past webinars with Marianne Teräs and Martin Mulder, which was very positive. Moreover, it was discussed, what topics might be of interest for YoriVET in the future. In order to take into account the interests of the non-attending YoriVET community, an internal survey is currently ongoing on desired topics and/or guest researchers that would help the young researchers in their projects.
If you have any questions about YoriVET - or if you would like to become part of the community - please write an email to: anja.greppmair@uni-bremen.de
Publication of the Special Issues in Research in Comparative and International Education (RCIE).
Barabasch, A., Bohlinger, S. & Wolf, S. (Guest-Eds.). (2021). Special Issue: Policy Transfer in vocational education and training and adult education. Research in Comparative and International Education.
For more information please visit:
Publication of the Special Issues im International Journal of Vocational Education and Training (IJRVET).
Gessler, M., Bohlinger S. & Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. (Eds.). (2021). Special Issue: International Vocational Education and Training Research. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training.
For more information please visit:
SFUVET-Symposium „Policy Transfer in Vocational Education and Training“
The 7th Congress of the Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training (SFUVET) was held online this year from February 02 to 04, 2022. The title of this year's congress is "The future potential of vocational education and training: Strengthening VET for the next generation".
The IBBF funding line and the metaproject (MP-INVET) were represented in a symposium organized by Prof. Dr. Sandra Bohlinger together with Prof. Dr. Antje Barabasch and Stefan Wolf.
Lectures at this year's SFUVET-Symposium:
Barabasch, A., Bohlinger, S. & Wolf, S. (2022). Reconstructing policy transfer in adult and vocational education und training.
Graf, L. & Lohse, A. (2022). Conditions for Cross-border Policy Transfer and Cooperation: Analysing Differences between Vocational Training and Higher Education.
Kersh, N. & Laczik, A. (2022). Enhancing social and economic inclusion of young adults through VET and work-related learning: facilitating integration through policy learning.
Li, J. (2022). The role of the vocational schools in the transfer of dual apprenticeship: the hidden driving forces.
Le Mouillour, I. (2022). Governance for international cooperation in vocational education in the francophone microcosm.
Maurer, M. (2022). The diffusion of "recognition of prior learning" (RPL) instruments through development cooperation.
Meyer, W. & Zhu, Shan (2022). The Continuity and Transfer of Vocational Education and Training Policy in China.
Kaßberg, G. (2022). Strategic Partnerships in International Business Models of German VET providers.
We are pleased to be able to announce that our third Newsletter in 2021 ist now available for download under the following link Veröffentlichungen – Newsletter.
„Marianne Teräs @ YoriVET“
We are very pleased to welcome Prof. Marianne Teräs (Stockholm University/Department of Education, Sweden) as a guest at our YoriVET Round Table on 23 November 2021. The topic of the session is "Cultural-historical Activity Theory".
YoriVET (Young researchers for internationalization of VET) is a network of young researchers within the MP-INVET project.
Interested PhD students can register for the session via email: anja.greppmair@uni-bremen.de
ENT | GRENZ | UNGEN | DGfE-Congress 2022 Bremen
The DGfE-Congress 2022 Ent | grenz | ungen [1] focuses on trends that impose or remove boundaries in their meaning for processes of education, upbringing and socialisation and will take place as an online event from 13 to 16 March 2022 at the University of Bremen.
The pre-conference, organised by the MP-INVET team, offers junior researchers, senior researchers, lecturers and professors the opportunity to exchange ideas in fishbowl discussions on the following topics:
- Fishbowl A: Researching and teaching in relations of difference
- Fishbowl B: Sensitive research data management
- Fishbowl C: International research collaboration
- Fishbowl D: Sustainable working conditions in science
Please note: The pre-conference will be held in German language only.
Registration will be possible from 08 October 2021.
For more information, please visit https://blogs.uni-bremen.de/dgfe2022/pre-conference/ and the Congress website www.dgfe2022.de.
[1] The term Ent|grenz|ungen can loosely be translated as the phenomenon in which, either through deliberate action or societal change, borders or boundaries (whether conceptual or physical) can be said to be abolished or dissolved.
„Martin Mulder @ YoriVET“
We are very pleased to welcome Em. Prof. Dr. Martin Mulder as a guest at our YoriVET Round Table on 9 November 2021. The topic of the session is "Competence Theory and Research".
YoriVET (Young researchers for internationalization of VET) is a network of young researchers within the MP-INVET project.
Interested PhD students can register for the session via email: anja.greppmair@uni-bremen.de
Networking with strategic projects
On 30 September 2021, a networking meeting will take place between the scientific monitoring projects wb-ibb and MP-INVET with representatives of the strategic projects SCIVET, KIBB, bfw and Unions4VET. Current topics in the projects will be discussed in an open exchange.
Further information on the projects can be found following these links:
ECER-Symposium on September 6th, 2021 Geneva (online)
In the week of September 6-10 the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) took place. It was held online by the European Educational Research Association (EERA). The IBBF funding line and the metaproject (MP-INVET) were represented with two sessions as part of a joint symposium on the topic "Internationalization of VET Research".
02 SES 01 A, Internationalization of VET Research
02 SES 01 A, Internationalization of VET Research
For more information on the ECER-conference visit: https://eera-ecer.de/ecer-2021-geneva/
We are pleased to be able to present our research work at the following events:
Österreichische Berufsbildungskonferenz (BBFK)
Bohlinger, S., Nguyen, H.L. (2021). Monitoring und Evaluation in der internationalen Berufsbildungsforschung. [Vortrag, angenommen]
British Educational Research Association (BERA)
Bohlinger, S., Scheuch, I., Bieß, A., & Nguyen, H.L. (2021). Research on European Vocational Education and Training (VET) Policy [Paper, accepted].
Bohlinger, S., Scheuch, I., Bieß, A., & Praun, A. (2021). International Networks in International Vocational Education and Training Research [Poster, accepted].
Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik (BWP)
Toepper, M., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. & Kühling-Thees, C. (2021). Literature Review on International Empirical Research on Transfer of Vocational Education and Training – Frontiers and Advances [Vortrag, angenommen].
European Conference on Educational Research (ECER)
Bohlinger, S., Gessler,M., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., & Scheuch, I. (2021). Research for the Internationalization of Vocational Education and Training: Current State and Future Perspectives [Paper, accepted].
Gessler, M. (2021).Major Themes of VET Research from 2011 to2020: A Large Scale Bibliometric Analysis [Paper, accepted].
Siemer, C., & Gessler, M. (2021). The Role of Research Partners in Funded Model Projects In The Context Of The Internationalisation Of VET. Research Partners as Promoters [Paper, accepted].
Das ECER-Symposium zum Thema „Internationalization of VET Research“ wird von dem Metaprojekt „MP-INVET“ in Zusammenarbeit mit den Projekten aus der IBBF-Förderlinie organisiert.
We are pleased that another project in the funding line "Research on the internationalization of vocational education and training" has been funded since the beginning of October. The aim of the project VoCasion is the establishment of graduate schools as well as the development and implementation of a demand-oriented doctoral program in Georgia. You can find more information here.
We are pleased to have been accepted for the international online conference AERA the "American Educational Research Association" in spring 2021 with the following contribution.
Meta-Study on Research for the Internationalization of Vocational Education and training (MP-INVET)
Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Toepper, M. & Kühling-Thees, C.
Young scientists event at the university of Bremen