Our team is made up of medical doctors, sports scientists, sports teachers, biologists and trainee medical assistants.
Sports medicine outpatient clinic | Appointment Sports Medicine Outpatient Clinic E-Mail:sportmedizin@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 (0)6131 - 39 23 586 │ Fax: +49 (0)6131 - 39 23 598 Consultation hours: Mon-Thu 7:30-16:00 + Fri 7:30-14:30h │Room: 01 156 (VG) |
Head of Department | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Perikles Simon E-Mail:simonpe@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 (0)6131 - 39 25 586 Consultation hours: Do 11:00-11:00h und n. V. via felicitas.kessl@uni-mainz.de │Room: 00 158 (VG) #Profile |
Department secretariat | Dr. Lisa Reithmann E-Mail:l.reithmann@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 (0)6131 - 39 26 172 Consultation hours: Di & Do 9:30-15:00h│ Room: 01 122 (VG) |
Medical management of the outpatient clinic | Dr. med. Ella Lachtermann E-Mail:lachterm@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 (0)6131 - 39 20 148 Consultation hours: Di 13:00-14:00h und n. V. │Room: 00 146 (VG) #Profile |
Sports science management of the outpatient clinic | David Ochmann E-Mail:ochmann@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 (0)6131 - 39 21 781 Consultation hours: n. V. │Room: 00 126 (VG) #Profile |
Head of the molecular biology laboratory. | Dr. Elmo Neuberger E-Mail:neuberge@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 (0)6131 - 39 25 098 Consultation hours:Mo 8:30-9:30h │Room: 00 122 (DH) #Profile |
Scientific. Assistant / Head of Didactics in Athletics (Postdoc) | Dr. rer nat. Anne Huber E-Mail: ahuber@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131- 39 23 507 Consultation hours: Wed 12:15-13:15h │Room: Cont. 118 #Profile |
Research Associate | Dr. Alfonso De Falco E-Mail: adefalco@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131- 39 23 507 Consultation hours:│Room: 00-134 (VG) #Profile |
Research Associate | Dr. Nils Haller E-Mail:nhaller@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131- 39 23 587 Consultation hours:│Room: 00-128 (VG) #Profile |
Research Associate | Dr. Kristin Kalo E-Mail:kkalo@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131- 39 24 179 Consultation hours:│Room: 00-132 (VG) #Profile |
Research Associate | Dr. Alexandra Brahmer E-Mail: albrahme@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131- 39 37 283 Consultation hours:│Room: 00-122 (VG) #Profile |
Research Associate | Aleksandar Tomaskovic E-Mail: altomask@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 6131 39 27339 Consultation hours:n. V.│Room: 00-128 (VG) #Profile |
Research Associate | Barlo Hillen E-Mail: b.hillen@uni-mainz.de Tel.: +49 (0)6131- 39 29 923 Consultation hours: n. V. │Room: 00 112 (VG) #Profile |
Research Associate | Christian Rasche E-Mail: christian.rasche@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 28 253 #Profile |
Research Associate | Vincent Weber E-Mail: wevincen@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 24 727 Room: 00 112 (VG) #Profile |
Research Associate | Lisa Schwab E-Mail: lischwab@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 26 395 Room: 00-132 (VG) |
Research Associate | Ema Juškevičiūtė E-Mail: ejuskevi@uni-mainz.de Room: 00 122 (VG) |
Research Associate | Carina Daubermann E-Mail: cadauber@uni-mainz.de Room: 00 112 (VG) |
Research Associate | Kira Enders E-Mail: k.enders@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 24 727 Room: 00 112 (VG) #Profile |
External lecturer | Dr.(Belgium) Christian Schamberg-Bahadori E-Mail:schamber@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 26 681 |
Trainee Medical Assistant | Woithe, Tim E-Mail:twoithe@uni-mainz.de |
Trainee Medical Assistant | Szelinski, Anne E-Mail:aszelins@uni-mainz.de |
Trainee Medical Assistant | Goderdzishvili, Lana E-Mail:lgoderdz@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 23 586 |
Trainee Medical Assistant | Katharina Matijevic E-Mail: kmatijev@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 23 586 |
Trainee Medical Assistant | Tran, Phi Khanh E-Mail:phtran@uni-mainz.de Tel.:+49 (0)6131 - 39 23 586 |
#Seite wird zur Zeit noch aktualisiert.
- Dr. Sara Breitbach
- Dr. Suzan Tug
- Dr. Susanne Helmig
- Dr. Miriam Albus
- Dr. Pavel Dietz
- Dr. Sascha Hoffmann
- Sebastian Schmidt
- Matthias Dreher
- David Ochmann
- Dr. Tobias Ehlert
- Björn Sterzing
- Dr. Daniel Pfirrmann
- Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Moser
- Dr. Carlos Magallanes