Our department offers a variety of subjects in sports medicine, prevention and rehabilitation.
- Fundamentals of Sports Medicine I: Sports Physiology
- Fundamentals of Sports Medicine II: Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System
- Fundamentals of Sports Medicine III: Internal Medicine
- Fundamentals of Sports Medicine IV: Orthopedic Medicine
- Fachdidaktik Rehabilitation sportsI + II
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of scientific projects
- Specialization in sports medicine
- Occupational Health Management
- Exercise & Nutrition
- Colloquium Sports Medicine
- Fundamentals of Sports Medicine I: Sports Physiology
- Fundamentals of Sports Medicine II: Anatomy of the Musculoskeletal System
- Specialization in sports medicine
- Interdisciplinary research project on concrete goals and topics of school sport
- Colloquium Sports Medicine
In the Master of Science program "Health Promotion and Therapy through Sport", special knowledge in the field of prevention and rehabilitation of civilization diseases, sports injuries and selected neurological-psychological diseases is taught.
Detailed information about the M.Sc. program can be found here.
Excerpt of the subject contents:
- Health systems, public health and health policy
- Occupational health management and health promotion
- Limits of physical performance as a function of disposition and training
- Exercise physiology and sports medicine diagnostics
- Technical and pharmacological influence on performance
- Healthy lifestyle through exercise and nutrition
- Business start-up
- Neuroscience
- Psychiatry / Psychosomatics
- Exercise and its health-promoting character
- Orthopedic-sport-scientific assessment methods and medical training therapy (MTT)
- New and classical movement therapy approaches
- Sports technology and healthy lifestyle
- Methods of diagnostics and analysis of functional and organic sport adaptations
- Health sport and sport therapy: indication-specific interventions I + II
- Colloquium
If you are interested in writing your final thesis in the field of sports medicine, please contact us - we will be happy to help you.
Award-winning final theses
- Barlo Hillen (2017): Das Temperaturmuster der Beinrückseite – Ein Marker für den aerob-anaeroben Übergangsbereich bei Ausdauerathleten und bei chronisch erkrankten Menschen mit CF.
- David Ochmann (2016): Unterschiedliche Akuteffekte von bergauf und bergab Dauerläufen auf die cfDNA und gängige Belastungsmarker
- Daniel Pfirrmann (2013): "A systematic review of intervention strategies leading to healthy and long-lasting lifestyle in patients with type 2 diabetes"