Vincent Weber Research Associate

Tel.: 06131 / 39 24 727
00-112 (VG)
Office hours: by appointment


Vincent Weber has been employed as a research associate in the Department of Sports Medicine, Prevention and Rehabilitation since 2021. His research focuses on the development of a multisensory training system that uses artificial intelligence to allow highly individualized and indication-specific training control for different healthy individuals and patients.


seit 2021

Promotion in der Abteilung Sportmedizin, Prävention & Rehabilitation | JGU Mainz


M. Sc. Gesundheitsförderung & Therapie durch Sport | JGU Mainz


B. A. Sportwissenschaften & Soziologie | TU Darmstadt


seit 2021

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Sportmedizin, Prävention & Rehabilitation | JGU Mainz

seit 2021

Sporttherapeut für innere Erkrankungen | Gesundheit für alle e.V.


Sportwissenschaftliche Leitung der Ambulanz (Elternzeitvertretung) | JGU Mainz


Praktikum | Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum (DKFZ) in Heidelberg


Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft in der Abteilung Theorie und Praxis der Sportarten | JGU Mainz


Sporttherapeut für orthopädische Erkrankungen | Asklepios Hirschpark Klinik


Tomaskovic, A., Weber, V., Ochmann, D. T., et al. (2024). Multimodal web-based telerehabilitation for patients with post COVID-19 condition (Mainz PCC TeR Study): Study protocol of a randomized controlled clinical trial (Preprint). In JMIR Publications Inc. DOI
Weber, V., Tomaskovic, A., Ochmann, D., et al. (2023, November 25). Poster | Effects of 12-week breathing therapy on hyperventilation syndrome in patients with Post COVID-19 Condition -a retrospective cohort study. 2. Kongress des Ärzte- und Ärztinnenverbandes Long COVID, Jena.
Weber, V., Tomaskovic, A. (2023, November 9). Presentation | Clinical and physiological profile of post-Covid-19 patients - Insights from cardiopulmonary exercise testing. German Exercise Science & Training Conference 2023, Köln.
Hillen, B., Zentgraf, S., Weber, V., et al. (2023, July 7). Poster | Deep neural network-driven time series analysis of posterior legs surface radiation during cardiopulmonary exercise testing and associations with core temperature and internal load. 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Paris.
Weber, V., Hillen, B., Nägele, M., et al. (2023, June 26). Poster | The intraindividual reproducibility of skin thermal radiation variations during repeated cardiopulmonary exercise tests and associations with physical capacity. Sports, Medicine and Health Summit, CCH Hamburg.
Weber, V., Hillen, B., Brahmer, A., et al. (2021). Poster | Pooled re-analysis to investigate the associations of laboratory markers with the cellfree DNA kinetics after bicycle and treadmill exercises. 95-95.
Schwab, L. M. M., Enders, K., Brahmer, A., et al. Approaches of individualized web-based exercise therapy in clinical settings. German Exercise Science & Training Conference 2023, Köln.