For more information about the TWIND project please visit our association-homepage. (the following webiste is only available in german) |
February 2024: Publication of TWIND-brochure
As part of the TWIND (Technology and Economics: Integrated Education) joint project, multimedia media packages were developed specifically for teacher training in the general and vocational education sector and tested in the three phases of teacher training.
The TWIND brochure "Digital media packages for student teachers, trainee teachers and teaching staff" is dedicated to presenting the individual media packages and offers valuable tips on the didactic implementation and integration of the media packages in courses. The TWIND brochure is now available via VCRP (in German only): |
February 2024: Comment Publication Open Access
99 trainee teachers for vocational schools worked with the teaching-learning tools for two weeks. The tools led to a positive change in the target knowledge facets. Based on the evaluation results, the limitations of the study and implications for further research and practice of digitally transformed teacher training are presented. Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Brückner, S., Schell, M., Liederbach, N., Dormann, C. & Reichert-Schlax, J. (2023). Evaluation of multimedia teaching-learning tools to promote the media-didactic knowledge of student teachers in teacher education. Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand, 16(2), 144–163. Website: |
October 2023: Announcement publication
Frank, K., Brückner, S., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Schell, M. & Reichert-Schlax, J. (2023). Digitale Lehr-Lerntools zur Förderung handlungsorientierter Kompetenzen (angehender) Lehrkräfte. In J. Aufenanger & M. Bigos (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung in der Lehrer:innenbildung – Corona als Katalysator?! (S. 228–242). Beltz Juventa. You can find the publisher volume under the following link. |
August 2023: 2. Development Workshop of the project TWIND On 14.08.2023 the 2nd TWIND development workshop took place at JGU Mainz. Once again, explanatory videos on topics of teaching research were reviewed, revised, adapted and newly developed. For the first time, current digital challenges such as dealing with AI-supported applications in the classroom played a role in this workshop. In small groups, several cloud-based learning media were again made available to promote general didactic and subject-specific didactic competencies.
May 2023: Comment Publication Open Access Reichert-Schlax, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Frank, K., Brückner, S., Schneider, M. & Müller, A. (2023). Development and Evaluation of Digital Learning Tools Promoting Applicable Knowledge in Economics and German Teacher Education. Education Sciences, 13(5), 481. Abstract: Digital teaching interventions allow for tailor-made university teaching. This is especially relevant for teacher education, where applicable professional teaching knowledge needs to be promoted for later professional success. Digital teaching tools have been shown to be a promising supplement for this purpose. Even though the corresponding demands in teacher education have been increasing in recent years, the need to develop digital learning tools usable in instruction is still urgent. The TWIND project develops digital learning tools for teacher education and evaluates them in a quasi-experimental design. The present work investigates the usability and application of these newly developed tools. Sixty-three trainee teachers worked independently over four weeks with one of two digital learning tools, focusing on either ‘Multilingualism in Classrooms’ or ‘Professional Communication in Classrooms.’ This study includes a pre-post-test of pedagogical knowledge facets as well as student and instructor ratings on the digital tools. The digital learning tools led to a positive change in the respective target facets of pedagogical knowledge. The student and instructor feedback reflected positively on the usability and usefulness of the new digital tools. Based on these findings, the limitations of the study as well as implications for further research and teacher education practice have been outlined. Website: PDF Version: |
March 2023: 1. Development Workshop of the project TWIND
On March 13, 2023, the TWIND development workshop took place at JGU Mainz. The goal of the workshop was to strengthen the competencies of academic staff and support staff for digital media development and to further advance the development of digital teaching-learning materials in the TWIND project. In groups, the participants looked at newly developed media packages on the topics of "Feedback and Feedback Types", "Criteria of Good Teaching" and "Learning Field vs. Subject Orientation". Interactive exercises were revised with the software LUMI and explanatory videos were adapted with the cloud-based video development platform VYOND in order to be able to effectively promote general didactic competencies of future teachers by means of the digital media packages.
Cooperation with Studienseminar Speyer in the development of learning media
The successful cooperation with the Studienseminar Speyer in the development of video-based learning materials in the project "Technology and Economics: Integrated Didactics (TWIND)" of the Quality Offensive Teacher Education will be continued in the summer semester 2023. Last year, common topics were identified on which a development of learning materials can support the transition between the first and second teacher education phases and thus counteract the theory-practice problem in teacher education.
An announcement of the Studienseminar Speyer is available: (only available in german) |
December 2022: Video shooting in the TWIND project continued successfully The TWIND project has videotaped further teaching scenes for the new teaching-learning tools. In a converted teaching room, typical teaching situations were depicted together with students, which, as part of video-based tasks, are intended to support trainee teachers in the future in developing their actionable teaching-related skills. The aim is to facilitate the application of theory-based knowledge, which is often described as a major challenge, through authentic and dynamic representations of lessons. The pictures below give an impression of the video shooting. |
The transfer of the professional knowledge acquired during teacher education into effective performance in practical teaching situations is often insufficient and requires effective training. Due to the increasing interlinking of the commercial and technical professional domains as well as the establishment of new (hybrid) professions such as e-commerce, (prospective) teachers are expected to teach commercial subjects, which are subject to technical-digital change, in an action-oriented manner. However, validated training tools for the effective development of action-oriented skills in the first and second phase of teacher education are still limited.
Project structure
The TWIND project develops and establishes digital teaching-and-learning tools to support the effective training of (prospective) teachers in vocational education and training. This collaborative project of JGU Mainz, the Technical University of Darmstadt, the Leibniz University of Hannover and the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd was initiated as part of the Quality Initiative for Teacher Training, which is jointly funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry of Education Rhineland-Palatinate.
Project Objective
The aim of the TWIND project is to integrate professional, technical, and economic didactics as well as general educational didactics (related to subjects like German, politics) more systematically in order to address current developments in digitalization and hybridization in the professional sector.
Consequently, the project focuses on the development, testing, evaluation, and optimization of innovative digital media tools for the effective promotion of action-oriented competencies among (prospective) teachers as well as on the transferability of these tools between domains using an integrative approach. These media tools will be used for the effective training of teachers and student teachers for the vocational school sector, particularly for vocational schools specialized in commercial or technical training. Based on the constructive alignment approach and established competency models, innovative training tools (e.g. using video-based teaching-learning materials and corresponding examination tasks), which are provided in a flexible and adaptive way to promote and test the action-related competencies of future teachers, are developed and evaluated regarding their effectiveness.
Project Design: TWIND-WiPaed
The sub-project conducted by the Department for Business and Economics Education at JGU Mainz focuses in particular on the development of digital media tools in the commercial sector as well as on the association-wide evaluation of the practical suitability and effectiveness of the newly implemented media tools.
Media Tools
Overview media tools
Course modelling
Project evaluation
The tools will be tested nationwide in two evaluation phases and further optimized for practical application. On this basis, comprehensive statements on quality-assuring conditions for the success of competency-oriented teacher training are to be derived.
External evaluation (Phase 1) | Internal evaluation (Phase 2) |
The developed media tools and teaching-learning tools will be tested nationwide at 10 project locations in a controlled, quasi-experimental comparison groups design with pre-post measurements in the 1st and 2nd teacher training phase. The evaluation will take place at 6 universities and 4 teacher-training colleges with a total of about 400 study participants. The study participants will be tested before and after the intervention, which consists of training using the developed media and teaching-and-learning tools for the duration of one semester. This will be followed by a concluding measurement of the study participants’ action-related competencies. On the basis of the evaluation findings, the tools will be further optimized for practical application. |
In a second step, new surveys will be conducted at associated partner locations using standardized instruments (questionnaires, interviews based on key questions) based on the mixed-method approach. The focus lies thereby on the investigation of the cost-benefit ratio, the applicability and the subjective satisfaction of the target group. This is followed by a renewed revision based on the feedback. The results of the two-step evaluation process are optimized teaching-learning tools that have already been tested in practice. Consequently, a transfer into practice already takes place during the project duration. |
Example: Video within a media package
*The video is only available in german
Project team TWIND-WiPaed
Contact TWIND-WiPaed
Principal Investigator TWIND JGU |
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Prof. Dr. Markus Höffer-Mehlmer Jakob-Welder-Weg 20 |
Project Investigators TWIND-WiPaed JGU | |
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Chair of Business and Economics Education |
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Prof. Dr. Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia Chair of Business and Economics Education |
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Chair of Business and Economics Education |
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Chair of Business and Economics Education |
Project Team TWIND-WiPaed JGU | |
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Dr. Jasmin Reichert-Schlax (on maternity leave)Chair of Business and Economics Education Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Faculty 03, Chair of Business and Economics Education E-Mail: |
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Chair of Business and Economics Education |
Collaborative Partners
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz | |
Center for teacher training | Prof. Dr. Markus Höffer-Mehlmer |
Domain-specific didactics German | Prof. Dr. Anja Müller |
Domain-specific didactics of political education | Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pohl |
Leibniz University Hannover |
Professional education and technical didactics | Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bach |
Technical University Darmstadt | |
Professional education and technical didactics | Prof. Dr. Ralf Tenberg |
University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd | |
Professional education and technical didactics | Prof. Dr. Uwe Faßhauer, Prof. Dr. Lars Windelband |
For more details*
*The additional information is only available in german
You can also find us on Research Gate.