Business and Economics Education JGU Mainz

Welcome to the homepage of the Mainz Business and Economics Education Department!


Juli 2024: Announcement

Summer party 2024

This year's summer party took place on 9 July 2024, which was also attended by staff from other chairs in the department. In the best midsummer weather, we spent a wonderful evening with delicious barbecue specialities, which were actively prepared by our assistants, among others.


July 2024: Announcement

Doctorate Denis Federiakin

Denis Federiakin successfully passed the disputation a part of his doctoral procedure on 10 july 2024. The dissertation is entitled: "Psychometric Modeling of Student's Generic and Domain-Specific Competencies Using Bifactor Models“.

We congratulate Mr Federiakin on his outstanding doctorate.


July 2024: Announcement

From June 21-27, Prof. Patricia Alexander was a guest at the Chair of Business Education.
Prof. Alexander, a distinguished Professor at the University of Maryland, Director of the Learning Research Lab and a long-term PLATO PI, is a world- leading expert in (digital) media literacy, multiple source use, and critical and relational reasoning, and developed the higly renowned Model of Domain Learning and the integrative Framework of Learning from Multiple (online) Texts, which the FOR stongly relies on in its research.


July 2024: Announcement publication

Michael Gessler, M., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Bohlinger, S., Olivier, C., Toepper, M., Bieß, A., Greppmair, A.-C., Nguyen Long, H., Scheuch, I. (Eds.) (2024). Expanding Horizons. Research on the Internationalization of Vocational Education and Training. Springer VS.

Available via


July 2024: Presentations at SIG BWP 2024
We are looking forward to presenting our research work from September 16 - 18 at the BWP 2024 in Dresden.

Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Braunheim, D., Nagel, M.-T., & Shavelson, R. (2024). Kriterienbasierte Bewertung von Critical Thinking – Prozesse bei der Auswahl und Nutzung multipler Quellen von Wirtschaftspädagogik - Studierenden.

Hodes, P., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Fischer, J., Molerov, D. (2024). Critical Online Reasoning beim internetbasierten Lernen von Studierenden der Wirtschaftspädagogik - eine systematische Forschungsübersicht.

Nagel, M.-T., Zlatkin-Troitschanskai, O., Hodes, P., Schmidt, S., Beck, K., Martin de los Santos, L. (2024). Domänenspezifisches Critical Online Reasoning (DOM-COR) bei StudienanfängerInnen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und der Wirtschaftspädagogik und wesentliche Einflussfaktoren auf die DOM-COR Baseline.


July 2024: Presentations at SIG 4 & 17 2024
We are looking forward to presenting our research work from September 25 - 27 at the SIG 4 & 17 in Utrecht.

Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., & Reichert-Schlax, J. (2024). Evaluation of Teaching-Learning Tools for Promotion of Students’ Media-Didactic Knowledge and Skills. [Poster]

Frank, K., Braunheim, D., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Nagel, M.-T., & Shavelson, R. (2024). Evaluation of Critical Thinking Processes in Selection and Use of Information by University Students. [Poster]


July 2024: Paper presentation at JURE 2024

On 28 June, Kati Frank presented a paper on "Digital Tools for Promoting Teaching Competencies - Evaluation through Longitudinal Analyses" at JURE 2024:

Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O. & Reichert-Schlax, J. (2024, Jun 28). Digital Tools for Promoting Teaching Competencies – Evaluation through Longitudinal Analyses [Paper presentation]. JURE 2024, Sevilla, Spain.


June 2024: Announcement

Doctorate Alice Laufer
Alice Laufer successfully passed the disputation as part of her doctoral procedure on 12 June 2024. The dissertation is entitled: "Einfluss von Personen- und Webseitenmerkmalen auf den Such- und Evaluationsprozess beim Lösen eines Online-Informationsproblems“.
We would like to congratulate Mrs Laufer on her outstanding doctorate.


May 2024: Announcement publication

Olga Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia (Spring 2024). Global Education without Walls: A Multidisciplinary Investigation of University Learning in Online Environments across Disciplines.Daedalus 153(2), pp. 237–245.

You are also welcome to visit the homepage.


April 2024: Presentations at BERA Conference and WERA Focal Meeting 2024
We are looking forward to presenting our research work from September 8 - 12 at the BERA Conference and WERA Focal Meeting 2024  in Manchester.



Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Braunheim, D., Nagel, M., & Shavelson, R. (2024) Criteria-based Evaluation of Critical Thinking Processes in the Selection and Use of Multiple Sources by University Students in Germany. [Paper presentation]

Maur, A., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Martin de los Santos Kleinz, L., Fischer, J. & Nagel, M. (2024). Exploring Log Data to Identify Online Reasoning Patterns in University Students and Graduates.

Nagel, M.-T., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Hartig, J., Martin de los Santos Kleinz, M., & Drake, P. (2024). Economics Students’ Domain-Specific (DOM)-COR-Skills. [Symposium]

Schelle, C., Banerjee, M., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Touzos, A., & Braunheim, D. (2024). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Measure, Analyze and Promote Critical Reasoning across Domains in Higher Education. [Symposium]

Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Fischer, J., Hodes, P., Martin de los Santos Kleinz, M., & Trierweiler, L. (2024). Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education. First Insights from an Interdisciplinary and International and Research Group on Internet-based Learning. [Poster]


February 2024: Publication of TWIND-brochure

As part of the TWIND (Technology and Economics: Integrated Education) joint project, multimedia media packages were developed specifically for teacher training in the general and vocational education sector and tested in the three phases of teacher training.

The TWIND brochure "Digital media packages for student teachers, trainee teachers and teaching staff" is dedicated to presenting the individual media packages and offers valuable tips on the didactic implementation and integration of the media packages in courses.

The TWIND brochure is now available via VCRP (in German only):


February 2024: Publication Open Access
Abstract: This article describes a comprehensive multi-perspective evaluation of the multimedia teaching and learning tools developed in the QLB project "Technik und Wirtschaft. Integrated Didactics" research-based multimedia teaching and learning tools, the "SAMR model" and "ICAP model", which address the use of media in the classroom. The focus is on evaluating the potential to effectively promote action-oriented, media-didactic knowledge among prospective teachers of business education courses. In order to evaluate the use of the newly developed tools, data from a quasi-experimental pre-post design study was analyzed.

99 trainee teachers for vocational schools worked with the teaching-learning tools for two weeks. The tools led to a positive change in the target knowledge facets. Based on the evaluation results, the limitations of the study and implications for further research and practice of digitally transformed teacher training are presented.

Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Brückner, S., Schell, M., Liederbach, N., Dormann, C. & Reichert-Schlax, J. (2023). Evaluation of multimedia teaching-learning tools to promote the media-didactic knowledge of student teachers in teacher education. Lehrerbildung auf dem Prüfstand, 16(2), 144–163.



February 2024: Presentation at RMU Dialogue Conference

A TWIND contribution will be presented at the RMU Dialogue Conference:

16.02.2024 - 2:30 pm Presentation 4 and Dialogue

Innovative Medienpakete zur multimedialen Förderung handlungsorientierter Kompetenzen (angehender) Lehrkräfte – Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Nutzbarkeit

Frank, Katharina, Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, Olga, Brückner, Sebastian, Kuhn, Christiane &
Reichert-Schlax, Jasmin


Obituary for Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmidt

The PLATO program as well as the newly established DFG research unit CORE (FOR 5404) mourns the passing of our brilliant colleague and principal investigator Prof. Dr. Uwe Schmidt, who left us much too soon on December 18, 2023, at the age of 63.

Uwe was an outstanding, internationally renowned sociologist and higher education researcher. He was the Director of the Center for Quality Assurance and Development at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (since 2012) and of the office of the Evaluation Association of Institutes of Higher Education (for Southwest Germany). He was a member of the Commission of Institutional Evaluation of FIBAA, of the German Council of Science and Humanities, and (since 2018) a permanent guest in an Advisory Capacity of the German Accreditation Council.

Under his leadership, important milestones in higher education research and practice were achieved, including - but not limited to - the expansion of the mapping to include types of higher education institutions outside the state universities and the reintroduction of degree programs in small subjects into this mapping. In the field of higher education research, Uwe Schmidt headed several successful third-funded projects, including projects within the PLATO program and one project within the new DFG research unit CORE. Despite his recent serious illness, Uwe Schmidt remained actively involved in various interdisciplinary projects, including PLATO and CORE. His unwavering dedication was instrumental in the success of these endeavors.

In his numerous national and international projects and corresponding publications, his particular focus lay with questions of complex interrelationships of study success and quality development in higher education. His outstanding research work is relevant for many domains and helped substantially to reduce deficits and desiderata in national and international empirical research in the field of higher education.

Uwe's contribution to higher education research, practice, and policy is truly remarkable despite his relatively young academic age. In addition, he consistently demonstrated enthusiastic support for the promotion of young researchers. His academic legacy is significant and his work will undoubtedly inspire many generations to come. With his untimely passing, we mourn the loss of an excellent, dedicated, border-crossing researcher in the interdisciplinary community of higher education, as well as a wonderful colleague and friend. His academic work has a strong appeal and will remain an example of an innovative future-oriented research vision in higher education and beyond.

In deep sorrow and silent appreciation, we would like to bid a fond academic farewell to our Fellow Uwe Schmidt. We hope that the family and friends of Uwe Schmidt can find solace in knowing that his contributions enriched the lives of so many people and that his work will continue to influence the field for many years to come.

For the PLATO program and the FOR CORE, Olga Troitschanskaia


November 2023: Announcement
We congratulate Annika Müller on the funding of approximately 10,000 € for her dissertation project "Between Right and Wrong: Moral Stress in Science".


The aim of Ms. Müller's research project is to make a contribution to university research by identifying moral problem areas among academic staff and their stress-related effects. The Academic Time Act in combination with the pressure to publish is an example of a requirement that academic staff have to deal with in their everyday work. Do such professional demands conflict with moral concepts and do such demands lead to moral stress or demotivation? Ms. Müller is addressing this question in her research project as part of a longitudinal study.


October 2023: Promotion of digital teaching project

The adept handling of data is indispensable in economics and social sciences. However, the evaluation of data in statistical software is generally only taught as a peripheral topic at the end of the Bachelor's degree and examined in summative form, so that support needs are not recognized in good time and students begin their methodological theses with little practical preparation.

Against this background, we are pleased to announce the approval of funding in the amount of approx. 5,000 € for the teaching project "FORSTAT - Development of formative e-quizzes and competence-based e-portfolios to promote statistical learning processes in a methodology course" under the direction of Dr. Andreas Maur as part of the "Funding line for digitally supported examination formats".

In the teaching project, two formative, digitally supported examination formats will be further developed and redesigned in a statistical methods course in business education. The first format is an e-quiz task pool, which contains up to 200 action-oriented tasks on various topics that reflect the students' current performance level during the semester and are varied on a semester-by-semester basis and depending on individual performance levels. The second component is competence-based e-portfolios, in which students carry out and document independent data analyses with SPSS for the first time. The portfolio comprises the development of up to 20 different research scenarios, which students work on in teams of two. The exercises developed are linked to SPSS software tutorials in order to make the acquisition of knowledge more autonomous. The concept will be tested in winter semester 23/24 and further optimized in the following years.


October 2023: Announcement publication
Abstract: In teacher education, digital teaching-learning tools to promote action-oriented competencies in preparation for classroom practice have become an essential component. This paper presents selected digital tools developed in the QLB project Technology and Business. Integrated Didactics project are presented, e.g. for "Teaching in the training occupation of e-commerce clerk". The focus is on the potential of the new tools through multiple cross-phase application possibilities as well as the broad transfer in teacher training.

Frank, K., Brückner, S., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Schell, M. & Reichert-Schlax, J. (2023). Digitale Lehr-Lerntools zur Förderung handlungsorientierter Kompetenzen (angehender) Lehrkräfte. In J. Aufenanger & M. Bigos (Hrsg.), Digitalisierung in der Lehrer:innenbildung – Corona als Katalysator?! (S. 228–242). Beltz Juventa.

You can find the publisher volume under the following link.


October 2023: Presentations at ERAS International Conference and WERA Focal Meeting 2023


We are looking forward to presenting our research work from November 22 - 24 at the ERAS International Conference and WERA Focal Meeting 2023 in


Banerjee, M., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Schelle, C. (2023). Narrative Framing & Latent Meaning Structures of Online Information Used by Students in Their Critical Online Reasoning.

Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Reichert-Schlax, J., Dormann, C. & Brückner, S. (2023). Effectiveness of Digital Tools for Promoting Situation-Specific Skills of (Prospective) Teachers – A Pre-Post-Study.

Fischer, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Pötzsch, J. & Schumacher, J. (2023). Use of Online Media for Student Learning in Higher Education – Insights from a Review of International Current Research.

Kohmer, A., Klose, V., Nagel, M.-T., Fischer, K. & Martin de los Santos Kleinz, L. (2023). Effects of Digital Training on “Critical Online Reasoning” among Young Professionals in Medicine: A Pre-Post-Study.

Laufer, A., Federiakin, D. & Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia (2023). Measuring Relations between Individual and Website Characteristics on Information Search Using Bayesian Statistics.

Nagel, M.-T., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Fischer, J., Andreas Maur, Martin de los Santos Kleinz, L., Molerov, D. & Shavelson, R. J. (2023). Development and Validation of a Critical Online Reasoning Assessment in Higher Education – An International Study.

Reichert-Schlax, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Frank, K., Liederbach, N., Schell, M., Dormann, C. & Brückner, S. (2023). Effects of Digital Learning Tool on Media-Didactic Knowledge in German Teacher Education: Results from a Pre-Post-Study.

You can find more information about the conference under the following link.


August 2023: Announcement presentations in September

We are pleased to present our research at the following conferences:

BMBF-Tagung „Vielfalt und Chancengerechtigkeit in Studium und Wissenschaft: bekannte Fragen – bessere Antworten – bewährte Praxisansätze“, 5. - 6. September 2023, Berlin:
Chancengerechtigkeit im Lehramtsstudium durch Digitalisierung: Ein kritischer Blick auf digitale Lehr-Lern-Interventionen und ihre Potentiale. Liederbach, N., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Reichert-Schlax, J., Frank, K., Schell, M., Dormann, C. & Brückner, S.

Jahrestagung 2023 der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (BWP), 6. - 8. September 2023, Flensburg:

Nutzung analoger Unterrichtsmaterialien durch LehramtsreferendarInnen - Analyse der Auswahlkriterien und tatsächlichen Mediennutzung. Fischer, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Nagel, M.-T., Martin de los Santos, L. & Maur, A.

Förderung mediendidaktischer Lehrkompetenzen durch multimediale Lehr-Lerntools – Einfluss des Studienfortschritts auf den Kompetenzerwerb. Frank, K., Reichert-Schlax, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Dormann, C. & Brückner, S.

Digitale Kompetenzen und Einstellungen angehender Lehrkräfte zur Nutzung digitaler Lernmedien als Ausgangslage für digitale Lehre. Liederbach, N., Reichert-Schlax, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Frank, K., Schell, M., Brückner, S. & Dormann, C.

Digitale Lehr-Lerntools zur Förderung handlungsnaher Kompetenzen angehender Lehrkräfte – Konzeption und Entwicklung. Schell, M., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Frank, K., Reichert-Schlax, J., Liederbach, N., Dormann, C. & Brückner, S.

Relevance and Applicability of International Vocational Education and Training (VET) Research Projects and Implications for Further Research and Practice. Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Olivier, C., Toepper, M. & Liederbach, N.

Sektionstagung empirische Bildungsforschung der Arbeitsgruppe für Empirische Pädagogische Forschung (AEPF), 13. - 15. September 2023, Potsdam:

Entwicklung und Validierung eines digitalen Trainings zur Erfassung und Förderung des kritischen Umgangs mit Online-Informationen bei LehramtsreferendarInnen im Fach Wirtschaft. Kohmer, A., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Nagel, M.-T. & Fischer, J.

13. Fachtagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- & Wirtschaftspsychologie der DGPs, 13. - 15.9.2023, Kassel:

Moral Stress at Work: Development and Validation of Occupational Moral Impact Scales (OMIS). Müller, A. & Dormann, C.

Joint Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health-Work Organization (ICOH-WOPS) and Psychological Factors & Asia Pacific Academy for Psychological Factors at Work (APA-PFAW), 19. - 22. September 2023, Tokyo, Japan:

Incorporating Time in Job Stress Models, Concepts, Measures, Measurement Occasions, and Statistical Analyses. Dormann, C.

Chinese University of Hong Kong, 26. - 27. September 2023: Continuous time structural equation modelling (CTSEM). Dormann, C.


June 2023: Announcement presentations at EARLI

We are pleased to present our research from BRIDGE and TWIND at EARLI 2023, August 22-26, in Greece:

Regular media use and learning effects on the ability to critically reason with digital media
Braunheim, D. [Poster Prasentation]

Promoting Media-Didactic Skills through Multimedia Tools – Influencing Factors on Learning Success
Frank, K., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Reichert-Schlax, J., Dormann, C., & Brückner, S. [Single Paper]

Measurement and Promotion of Critical Online Reasoning Skills among Young Professionals
Martin de los Santos Kleinz, L., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Nagel, M-T. & Federiakin, D. [Single Paper]

For more information on the presentations, please see the conference program.


June 2023: Business and Economics Education

Study! But what?
What does one do in Business and Economics Education?

Franziska and Julia ask Holger about his studies in business and economics education. He tells them about the content of this exciting combination and about the many career opportunities after graduation.

You can find the podcast at the following Link (the podcast is only available in german)


June 2023: BRIDGE participation at the 102nd German Law Faculty Day

At the 102nd German Law Faculty Day on June 15-16, 2023 in Saarbrücken, the BRIDGE project was able to present current research results in the form of a handout.


May 2023: Announcement Publication

Publication of the dissertation by Dr. Andreas Maur at Springer

Maur, A. (2023). Electronic Feedback in Large University Statistics Courses. The Longitudinal Effects of Quizzes on Motivation, Emotion, and Cognition. Springer.

Abstract: Digital tools and pedagogies in public higher education are unfolding their potential by providing large groups of students with automated, continuous learning and feedback opportunities. However, most of the existing studies are cross-sectional, unidirectional and focus on a limited selection of relevant target variables and instructional features. In a field study, Andreas Maur used longitudinal latent structural equation modelling with a large sample of students to analyse the interrelations between formative feedback from electronic quizzes and different facets of the control value theory of achievement emotions. The results suggest that regular quizzes most consistently improve expectancy-value and emotional appraisals over time. These findings highlight the need to cultivate feedback systems with higher levels of sophistication, adaptability, and gamification mechanics.

Link to the e-book:


May 2023: Presentations

We are pleased to present our research at the 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Congress in Katowice, Poland:

Dormann, C. & Driver, C. (2023). Traits Out – Stress Gone? A Random Intercept Continuous Time Meta-Analysis (RI-CoTiMA) of Workload-Burnout Relations. 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland, Mai 24 – 27, 2023.

Che Mat, N., Idris, M. A., & Dormann, C. (2023). The competing effect of within-person vs between-person of three types of job stressors on burnout. 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland, Mai 24 – 27, 2023.

Dormann, C. (2023). The future is (almost) now: Changing the world of analysing time in occupational health psychology research (Part 1 & 2) - Introduction to the Symposium. 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland, Mai 24 – 27, 2023.

Plückhahn, W., Rigotti, T., & Dormann, C. (2023). Challenging unidirectionality. A continuous time meta-analysis of short-term reciprocal effects of relational resources and negative affect. 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland, Mai 24 – 27, 2023.

Müller, A., Guthier, C. & Dormann, C. (2023). Longitudinal moderation effects of personality on reciprocal relations between burnout and illegitimate tasks. 21st European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Katowice, Poland, Mai 24 – 27, 2023.

For more information on the presentations, please see the conference program.


May 2023: What ist Business and Economics Education?

What I wish I had known about business and economics education as a first semester

Work in business or become a teacher - studying business and economics education keeps both career paths open. One student explains why this is not always easy. And what helped her through the exam phase.

You can find the article under the following Link. (the article is only available in german)


May 2023: Comment Publication Open Access

Reichert-Schlax, J., Zlatkin-Troitschanskaia, O., Frank, K., Brückner, S., Schneider, M. & Müller, A. (2023). Development and Evaluation of Digital Learning Tools Promoting Applicable Knowledge in Economics and German Teacher Education. Education Sciences, 13(5), 481.

Abstract: Digital teaching interventions allow for tailor-made university teaching. This is especially relevant for teacher education, where applicable professional teaching knowledge needs to be promoted for later professional success. Digital teaching tools have been shown to be a promising supplement for this purpose. Even though the corresponding demands in teacher education have been increasing in recent years, the need to develop digital learning tools usable in instruction is still urgent. The TWIND project develops digital learning tools for teacher education and evaluates them in a quasi-experimental design. The present work investigates the usability and application of these newly developed tools. Sixty-three trainee teachers worked independently over four weeks with one of two digital learning tools, focusing on either ‘Multilingualism in Classrooms’ or ‘Professional Communication in Classrooms.’ This study includes a pre–post-test of pedagogical knowledge facets as well as student and instructor ratings on the digital tools. The digital learning tools led to a positive change in the respective target facets of pedagogical knowledge. The student and instructor feedback reflected positively on the usability and usefulness of the new digital tools. Based on these findings, the limitations of the study as well as implications for further research and teacher education practice have been outlined.


PDF version:


May 2023: New Research Unit Funding: Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education (CORE)

We are pleased to announce that the new Research Unit “Critical Online Reasoning in Higher Education (CORE)” has received funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for an initial period of four years (2023 – 2027). This interdisciplinary collaborative and international research unit aims to explore online learning behaviors and the online information landscapes that students in medicine, physics, business, and social sciences use for their studies. Besides Johannes Gutenberg University, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (LMU) and the Leibniz Institute for Human Development (DIPF), international partners from renowned North American universities including Stanford and Harvard will be participating in the research unit.

For further information, please click here.


April 2023: Announcement

Doctorate Jasmin Reichert-Schlax

Jasmin Reichert-Schlax has successfully passed the disputation in her doctoral thesis on 19.04.2023. The dissertation is entitled: "Types of academic success in economics and social sciences - An analysis of person-related conditioning factors of academic success over the course of the bachelor's degree program." We sincerely congratulate Ms. Reichert-Schlax on her outstanding doctorate.


March 2023: Announcement

Dr. Olga Diener receives the Dissertation Award of the Alfred Teves Foundation

Dr. Olga Diener receives the Dissertation Award of the Alfred Teves Foundation for the year 2022 in recognition of her excellent dissertation. The dissertation is entitled "Mediator and moderator effects of cognitive evaluation in the intraindividual demand coping process of young teachers: Qualitative approaches and quantitative multi-level analyses of event sampling data ".

Dr Olga Diener will receive her award on 16 June 2023 at the DIES Academicus of Johannes Gutenberg University. The chairs of Business and Economics Education congratulate her warmly on this award for her work.


March 2023: Announcement

Dr. Andreas Maur receives departmental award for his dissertation

In recognition of his excellent dissertation, Dr. Andreas Maur receives the Departmental Award of Law and Economics for 2022. The dissertation is entitled „The longitudinal impact of formative quiz feedback on students’ motivational, emotional, and cognitive learning outcomes in a large statistics lecture".

In his longitudinal study, he used autoregressive structural equation models to investigate the impact of electronic feedback on motivational and emotional learning outcomes of bachelor students throughout a semester of a large statistics lecture .

Dr. Andreas Maur will receive his award on 17 November 2023 during the doctoral graduation ceremony at Johannes Gutenberg University. The chairs of Business and Economics Education congratulate him warmly on this award for his work.


February 2023: Announcement

Doctorate Miriam Toepper

Miriam Toepper has successfully passed the disputation in her doctoral thesis on 14.02.2023. The dissertation is entitled: "Assessment of critical thinking of students in the German higher education sector - validity analysis of an international adapted test". We sincerely congratulate Ms. Toepper on her outstanding doctorate.


January 2023: GLK-Funding Innovative Teaching Project

We are pleased to announce the funding of the innovative teaching project “Development of digital microlearning units to promote media (subject) didactic competence and scientific methodological competence in business education studies” (EDiMiLE; runtime 04/2023-03/2024). Under the direction of Dr. Andreas Maur, Katharina Frank and Jasmin Reichert-Schlax, the project addresses the promotion of media(subject)didactic and scientific methodological competencies of students.

More news can be found here.