If you enjoy teaching and are interested in business administration and economics
Business and Economics Education is perfect for you!
Why study Business and Economics Education at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz?
Apart from comprehensive contents in the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Methods the faculty of Business and Economics Education in Mainz offers 12 majors:
German, English, French, Spanish, Computer Science, Mathematics, Management and Economics, Protestant and Catholic Theology, Sociology, Physical Education and Law.
Two Chairs of Business and Economics Education make for a wide-range of teaching (every semester) and intensive support in small groups.
A well-established co-operation with experts from vocational schools and training providing businesses enables systematic, specific support and gearing of the industrial and school placements with the theoretical training at university.
Diversified and fast university studies through very short ways to other faculties since the Johannes Gutenberg-University is a campus university.