Plain Language in Processes of Religious Education


Religiöse Sprache ist eine schwere Sprache. Muss das so sein? Ein Projekt für Religionsunterricht und Katechese nutzt die Grundidee der Leichten Sprache, um mit Kindern und Jugendlichen religiöse Begriffe so verständlich wie möglich zu 'übersetzen'.


Plain Language in processes of religious education

The concept of a „Plain Language“ has been developed for people with learning difficulties. Texts in plain language aim at good understandability, barrier-free access and participation for all.

Language of religion and faith, theology and church in particular is often perceived as old, difficult and formalistic. Thus, some compare it to a foreign language that is difficult to learn and not used in everyday life.

This project tries to use the rules of plain language for RE lessons, not as an instrument of inclusion but rather as didactic concept. Pupils translate religious language and theological concepts in language that they perceive as understandable. They try to explain terms such as charity, resurrection, prayer, conscience etc. as understandable as possible using their own words.



Altmeyer, Stefan, Was wahr ist, ist auch leicht zu sagen - oder?, in: KatBl 142 (2017) 259-262.

Bredel, Ursula/Maaß, Christiane, Duden: Leichte Sprache. Theoretische Grundlagen. Orientierung für die Praxis, Berlin 2016.

Flügge, Erik: Der Jargon der Betroffenheit: Wie die Kirche an ihrer Sprache verreckt (2016).

Katechetische Blätter Heft 4/2017: Leichte Sprache.

Kraft, Julia/Altmeyer, Stefan, Sag's doch einfach! ... In deinen eigenen Worten, in: KatBl 142 (2017) 281-283.

Netzwerk Leichte Sprache e.V. (