Dean’s Office of the Faculty

Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

Professorin Dr. Heike Grieser (Early Church History and Patristics); Phone: +49 6131 39-26000; Room 00-516,
Address of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
Office hours: see postings,and by arrangement

Vice Dean of the Faculty of Catholic Theology

Professor Dr. Konrad Huber (New Testament); Phone: +49 6131 39-26000; Room 00-516,
Address of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
Office hours: see postings,and by arrangement

Head of the Dean's Office

Dr. Uwe Glüsenkamp; Phone: +49 6131 39-26000; Room 00-522,
Address of the Faculty of Catholic Theology
Office hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.