Modular courses of study
All of the courses of study below require a proof of language proficiency:
It is possible to present linguistic-proficiency examination results for consideration. Whether proctored by FB 07 or a third-party, accredited language institute, they will be evaluated in order to see that they correspond with the scope of the standards of eligibility, as defined by the Faculty of Catholic Theology. Please note that it is required to produce both written and oral results. In cases of approved written results, an oral exam may be conducted by the Faculty of Catholic Theology.
Theologiae Magister
The approval of linguistic proficiency requires the submission of original versions and copies of the relevant exam results and is conducted by the Faculty’s Examination Review Board (“Prüfuungsamt der Fakultät”).
Excerpt from the Module Handbook (“Modulhandbuch”):
- 3 Languages
- For the Catholic Theology course of studies, verified knowledge of the languages of the biblical and ecclesiastical tradition – Latin, Greek, Hebrew – is required in order to be able to deal with crucial, theological primary sources.
- Linguistic proficiency can be verified through the submission of state-approved certification (“staatlicher bzw. staatlich anerkannter Zeugnisse”). By the request of the student, the examination board (“Prüfungsausschuss”) determines to what extent such documents can be considered as proof of the language skill level required for the Catholic Theology degree program.
- In the case that linguistic proficiency is deemed insufficient at the start of the course of study, it must be acquired during your time as a student. As a result, the requirement of Hebrew is disregarded for those who begin without a background in Latin and/or Greek. In such cases, you must only demonstrate a basic understanding of Hebrew, equivalent to the scope of 4 SWS.
- For the acquisition of demonstrable linguistic proficiency, the Catholic Theology course of studies offers several specific options. These courses may also be partially completed in between semesters:
Latin: The course lasts for two semesters per 4 SWS
Greek: The course lasts for two semesters per 4 SWS.
Hebrew: The course lasts for two semesters per 4 SWS.
Hebrew Elementary Level: The course lasts for a semester per 4 SWS.
- The proof of linguistic proficiency should be acquired by the end of the first year of studies if possible. This must be done by the end of the first portion of study (“Studienabschnitt”) at the latest.
- With exceptions in individual cases, up to two semesters may not be included as a part of the standard period of study, if the time was spent acquiring the requisite language skills in Greek and Hebrew.
Catholic Theology as a minor in an undergraduate dual-degree program (“Beifach im Zwei-Fächer-Studiengang Bachelor of Arts”)
The approval of linguistic proficiency requires the submission of original versions and copies of the relevant exam results and is conducted by the Faculty’s Examination Review Board (“Prüfuungsamt der Fakultät”).
Excerpt from the examination regulations:
- 2 Admission prerequisites (“Zulassungsvoraussetzungen”)
(2) {?} Up until the end of the fourth semester, there are [moreover] additional linguistic requirements:
- a) Fundamental proficiency in Latin. In the case that such a certificate is not produced, admission to the elective modules (“Wahlpflichtmodulen”) is not possible.
Proof of the required knowledge of Latin and possibly also Greek must be established before the end of the fourth semester in accordance with state-approved credentials [i.e. those that have been a part of the university entrance qualification (“Hochschulzugangsberechtigung”) or other facilities (e.g. language offerings from the university* or language courses that are specifically offered by the Faculty of Catholic Theology and last longer that a semester with 4 SWS).
By the request of the student, the examination board determines to what extent such certificates could be considered as proof of linguistic ability.
- b) For the elective module B 8 (Deepening in the Old and New Testament departments (“Vertiefung im Bereich des Alten und Neuen Testaments”)) as the required basic proficiency in Greek (“Zulassungsvoraussetzung Grundkenntnisse in Griechisch”). The requirement of the necessary knowledge in Latin and potentially also Greek must be met before the end of the fourth semester by state-approved certification in accordance with state-approved credentials [i.e. those that have been a part of the university entrance qualification or other facilities (e.g. language offerings from the university or language courses that are specifically offered by the Faculty of Catholic Theology and last longer that a semester with 4 SWS).
By the request of the student, the examination board determines to what extent such certificates will be considered as proof of linguistic ability.
Catholic Religious Education Bachelor/Master of Education
As an admission requirement, the proof of linguistic ability is to be verified by the presentation of copied or original certificates to the Registrar’s Office (“Studierendensekretariat”) when applying to the Master’s program. The accreditation can be done at Student Services Office (“Studienbüro”) or Office of the Dean. Corresponding copies must be submitted along with the original certificates.
The appendix to the regulations for the examination of the undergraduate educator-oriented program (“lehramtsbezogen Bachelorstudiengang”) for a high-school teaching degree (“Lehramt an Gymnasien”) at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz stipulates:
- Subject-specific admission requirements
- Certification of subject-specific linguistic proficiency: For the studies of Catholic religious education as a part of a high-school teaching degree program, advanced proficiency in Latin and basic proficiency in Greek are required.
The language proficiencies are prerequisites and necessary for admission into the educator-oriented graduate program for the high-school teaching degree (“lehramtsbezogen Masterstudiengang für das Lehramt an Gymnasien”).
Advanced proficiency in Latin:
either: Latinum certification or verified knowledge of Latin acquired during secondary education (“am Gymnasium”) or by means of another certified establishment (a university course, etc.)
or: Language class with the Faculty of Catholic Theology: two semesters per 4 SWS.
Advanced proficiency in Greek:
either: Verified knowledge of Greek acquired during secondary education or by means of another certified establishment (a university course, etc.)
or: Language class with the Faculty of Catholic Theology: two semesters per 4 SWS.
Advancement examination for the Catholic religious education teachers’ certificate program (“Katholische Religionslehre lehramtsbezogenen Zertifikatsstudiengang Erweiterungsprüfung”)
Verification of language proficiency is determined by the Faculty’s Examination Review Board (“Prüfungsamt der Fakultät”) after presenting the relevant certificate originals and submitting corresponding copies. The proof must be produced before registering for modules 11 or 12.
The stipulations of the language requirements for the undergraduate and graduate teaching-related certificate program apply to the Catholic religious education teaching program as a so-called “third subject” (“Drittes Fach”). See
Catholic Theology as a concentration in the undergraduate economics degree program
Verification of language proficiency is determined by the Faculty’s Examination Review Board after presenting the relevant certificate originals and submitting corresponding copies.
The same language requirements apply as those for the Bachelor of Education program (advanced knowledge of Latin and basic knowledge of Greek; see above).
Programs of study for those who enrollment (“Neueinschreibung”) is no longer possible
Latin, Greek, Hebrew*
(*only Hebrew knowledge for those who have to learn or relearn Latin and/or Greek)
High-school teaching degree
Latinum, Greek knowledge