
Prof. Dr. Stefan Altmeyer

Selected publications in English, for my full list of publications see the German Website.



  • A theory of recognition as framework for religious education. Reading Axel Honneth from a pedagogical and theological perspective. In: Journal of Beliefs and Values 2018, DOI:10.1080/13617672.2018.1442979.


  • Together with Klein, Constantin, 'Spirituality' and 'Religion' - Corpus Analysis of Subjective Definitions in the Questionnaire. In: Streib, Heinz; Hood, Ralph W. (Hrsg.), Semantics and Psychology of Spirituality. A Cross-Cultural Analysis. Cham 2016, 105-123.


  • Together with Klein, Constantin; Keller, Barbara; Silver, Christopher F.; Hood, Ralph W.; Streib, Heinz, Subjective Definitions of Spirituality and Religion. An exploratory Study in Germany and the US. In: International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 20 (2015), 526-552.
  • Rez. „Stephen G. Parker; Rob Freathy; Leslie J. Francis (Hrsg.), History, Remembrance and Religious Education. Bern 2015 (= Religion, Education and Values 7).” In: History of Education 44 (2015) (DOI:10.1080/0046).
  • The Aesthetic Dimension of Believing and Learning. In: Buchanan, Michael T.; Gellel, Adrian-Mario (Hrsg.), Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools, Cham 2015, 61-72.
  • Exploring the Unknown: The Language Use of German RE-Students writing Texts about God. In: British Journal of Religious Education 37 (2015) 20-36.


  • New Ways of Exploring God-Talk Based on Empirical Evidence. In: Religious Education Journal of Australia 27 (2011) 3-8. [Abstract]


  • Competences in Inter-religious Learning. In: Engebretson, Kath; Souza, Marian de; Durka, Gloria; Gearon, Liam (Hrsg.), International Handbook of Inter-religious Education. Part 2, Dordrecht 2010 (= International Handbooks of Religion and Education 4), 627-640. [Abstract]


  • Looking for a language to remember the Holocaust. In: Religious Education Journal of Australia 24 (2008) 28-33. [Download] [Abstract]