KQ Consulting in Marriage Law

The offer

The canon procedural law provides in the Motu Proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus (Art 2 4 Ratio procedendi) that ecclesial counselors in marriage matters have to be implemented at various levels in dioceses and parishes. With the Instruction of the Congregation for Catholic Education of April 29, 2018 (Art 20-22), the legislator
now creates the normative framework for the formation and ongoing formation of these counselors.
Following the mandate of the Magisterium and the legislator, the Department of Canon Law, Canon Law
History and Law and Religion of the JGU Mainz offers appropriate training for advisors at the parish level,
suitable to be able to implement the mandate of the dioceses.

The offer is aimed at students of theology and law and those trained accordingly in church service, but also in counseling and legal professions working in the field of marriage and family.

For students of the JGU this is a free offer.
For JGU-external participants who have completed a course of study with a theological background,
the fee in total is 420 €. The fee in total for JGU external participants with a legal background are 910 €.
Students from other universities and colleges pay the following one-time costs, depending on the field of
study: Theologians 200 €, Lawyers 300 €


The study content

Subject   Course            HPW (ECTS)
Canon Law Marriage Law 2 (3)
Procedural Norms                          2 (3)
Sanctification     2 (3)
Tutorial: Case Law 1 (2)
Introduction into civil
Marriage and Family Law  
1 (1)
Seminar: Matrimonial
Proceedings / Matrimonial Laws in
Religious law      
2 (6)

Optional: courses to be

recognised for students from

the Mag.theol. and B./M.Ed.


Mandatory for non-theologians:
Theological Ethics     Matrimony and Family    1 (1)
Pastoral Theology  Tutorial: Communication in Pastoral Care 1 (2)
Liturgical Science 
Sacramental Celebrations 
2 (3)
    14 (24)


The standard period of study is 3 semesters. Courses are offered on an annual basis. The key qualification can be acquired concomitantly in the tenor of a full course of study. Examinations taken there, which include the aforementioned subjects, will be fully acknowledged (without taking over the examination grade of the
module examination). If the examination is a subject examination, the grade will be transferred. The key qualification can also be acquired in part-time distance learning, since the courses in Canon Law are offered simultaneously in presence and online.

All courses are examined in two oral semester examinations (á 15 min.). In the main semester, a written term paper of 12-15 pages must be submitted. In the exercise, a case study with a solution approach is required as an exercise performance. The theological courses are not examined separately.

A voucher proof has to be submitted.


Exemplary course of study

1. Semester     2. Semester      3. Semester
Marriage Law     Sanctification Procedural Norms
2 HPW – 3 CP     2 HPW – 3 CP          2 HPW – 3 CP


Matrimonial Proceedings / Matrimonial Laws in Religious law  

Introduction into civil Marriage and Family Law Tutorial: Case Law
2 HPW – 6 CP 1 HPW – 1 CP 1 HPW – 2 CP
Tutorial: Communication in Pastoral Care Matrimony and Family      Sacramental Celebrations
1 HPW – 1 CP 1 HPW – 1 CP   2 HPW – 3 CP
5 SWS – 10 CP  4 SWS –  5 CP  5 SWS – 8 CP


The coordination of the SQ studies lies with the Seminar for Canon Law. Registration and administration of the study programme also takes place there. For further information, please contact: kirchenrecht@uni-mainz.de.

You can find the specific course schedule under the menu item "Teaching".


Certificate (with canonical and state recognition)

The certificate of the key qualification is handed out by the Seminar for Canon Law on behalf of the Faculty of
Catholic Theology. It acts in accordance with the Instruction. "Studies in Canon Law in the Light of the Reform of the Marriage Process" of the Congregation for Catholic Education for a canonically legally recognised certificate of training or further education which at the same time enjoys the official accreditation of the JGU
(Certificate of Advanced Studies).