Inspire others, use your knowledge, cross boundaries
The jcm provides targeted augmentation of school-level education and supports the phase of transition from school to university. JGU has been cooperating for many years now with local schools with the aim of making research findings accessible and extending activity options. Knowledge is made real and accessible, arousing the curiosity of the leaders and innovators of the future and promoting this attitude while they are at school and after.
Making knowledge available through experience
The jcm offers a well-structured and innovative program of events that build on each other and deal with subjects from theory and practice. On offer are more than 200 projects per year concerning aspects of the natural sciences, mathematics, the humanities, the social sciences, sports science, medicine as well as art and music that are designed for children and youngsters from preschool age to senior year. Among other things, these include school class visits, experimental days and project weeks, vacation academies, research weekends, mentoring programs, and even supervision of school projects. The jcm also provides an extensive series of continuing education events tailored to the needs of teachers to ensure that these maintain contact with the world of research and academia even after graduating from university. Students on teacher training courses will find a suitably practice-oriented curriculum at the jcm.