Spaltung durch (un)soziale Medien? Zum kohäsiven Potenzial der Informationsnutzung auf sozialen Netzwerkseiten [Division through (Un)Social Media? On the Cohesive Potential of Information Use on Social Networking Sites]. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) March 13-15, Erfurt (with Daniel Stegmann and Birgit Stark).
Ich bau mir die Welt, wie sie mir gefällt. Meinungsbildungsrelevanz aus Nutzungsperspektive. [I build the world the way I want it. Opinion-Forming-Relevance from a User Perspective]. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) March 13-15, Erfurt (with Daniel Stegmann and Birgit Stark).
From media concentration law to holistic regulation of media power – a threat-oriented approach to promoting media diversity. 2023 ECREA Communication Law and Policy Workshop 'Digital Platform Policy Spring? Promises and Trajectories for Digital Platform Regulation', Salzburg November 2-3 (with Daniel Stegmann & Birgit Stark).
An appropriate response to online hate speech? An evaluation of the Digital Services Act. 2023 ECREA Communication Law and Policy Workshop 'Digital Platform Policy Spring? Promises and Trajectories for Digital Platform Regulation', Salzburg November 2-3.
Das könnte Dich interessieren. Algorithmische Empfehlungen aus Publikumssicht [You might be interested in this. Algorithmic recommendations from the audience's point of view.]. Mediensymposium 2023, Zürich, October 12-13 (with Birgit Stark and Andreas Riedl).
Vielfalt durch Technik? Vier Perspektiven auf gemeinwohlorientierte Empfehlungssysteme [Diversity through technology? Four perspectives on public good based recommender systems]. Annual conference of the DGPuK, May 18-20, Bremen (with Alexander Grün, Valerie Rhein, Tabea Rößner, Daniel Stegmann, and Birgit Stark).
Opinion power under the microscope. A framework for a holistic, contemporary platform regulation. Paper presented to ECREA's 9th European Communication Conference, October 19-22, Aarhus (with Daniel Stegmann, Birgit Stark, Lisa Zieringer & Carsten Reinemann).
Noticed, appreciated, and useful? How news readers process external and internal viewpoint diversity. Poster presented to the 72nd Annual ICA Conference. May 26-30, Paris (with Thomas Zerback).
Die Kommunikationswissenschaft als Impulsgeber für eine evidenzbasierte Medien- und Plattformregulierung im Online-Zeitalter [Communication Science as an Impetus for Evidence-Based Media and Platform Regulation in the Online Age]. Workshop at the Annual Conference of the DGPuK. February 22, Passau (with Hannah Schmid-Petri, Steliyana Doseva, Birgit Stark, and Stephan Dreyer).
Bist Du noch zu retten? Bedarfe, Chancen und Risiken einer öffentlichen Förderung von Regional- und
Lokaljournalismus aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven [Can you still be saved? Needs, opportunities and risks of public funding for regional and local journalism from different perspectives]. 10th Workshop of the Network Media Structures 'Media and Democracy in the Sign of Digitalization' [online]. October 15 (with Leyla Dogruel, Konrad Bleyer-Simon, Wiebke Möhring and Joseph Trappel).
Got it! Explainers and the alleged suggestive power of video. Paper presented to the 8th ECREA's Biennal Conference, October 2-3, Braga.
Opinion power under the lens. An approach to holistic, modern platform regulation. Paper presented to the Media Symposium 2021 [online], June 10-11, Zurich (with Daniel Stegmann, Birgit Stark, Carsten Reinemann, and Lisa Zieringer).
News from the user's perspective: With naivety to validity. Full paper presented to the 71st ICA Annual Conference [online], May 27-31, Denver.
Under pressure. A framework of power relations between journalism, media and information intermediaries. Full paper presented to the 14th World Media Management and Economics Conference [online]. May 20-21, Rome.
Wie der Begriff, so der Wandel. Ein diskursiver Beitrag zur Präzisierung der Begrifflichkeiten im Kontext des aktuellen Medienwandels [Like the Term, so is the Change. A discursive contribution to the specification of terminology in the context of current media change]. Paper presented to the Annual conference of the DGPuK / DACH21 three-country conference on communication science [online], April 7-9, Zurich (with Leyla Dogruel, Otfried Jarren, Christoph Neuberger, and Birgit Stark).
Nachrichtenverständnis als elementare News Literacy [News understanding as elementary news literacy] (Panel News Literacy: Aktuelle Perspektiven aus der Journalismusforschung) [Panel News Literacy: Current perspectives from journalism research]. Paper presented to the annual conference of the SGKM, November 20, Winterthur [online].
Professionell oder ganz nebenbei? Eine quantitative Befragung zum Stand der Professionalisierung von Social-Media-Redakteuren in deutschen Nachrichtenredaktionen [Professional or just by the way? A quantitative survey on the state of professionalization of social media editors in German newsrooms]. Paper presented to the Annual conference of the DGPuK, March 10-12, Munich (with Johannes Beckert, Pablo Jost, Simon Merz, Robin Riemann, Tobias Tornow & Christina Viehmann).
Inhalt erinnert, Quelle vergessen? Faktoren eines effektiven Social Brandings von Nachrichtenorganisationen [Content remembered, source forgotten? Factors of effective social branding of news organizations]. Poster presented to the annual conference of the DGPuK, March 10-12, Munich.
End of the story? Text reporting as part of online remits of European PSM. Paper presented to the Conference Inter/Transnational Media Policy and Regulation in Digital Environments: Debates, Strategies and Innovations. October 24-25, Dortmund.
Unter Druck. Institutionenökonomische Erklärungsansätze für den Wandel von Journalismus und Medien [Under pressure. Institutional economic explanatory approaches for the transformation of journalism and media]. Paper presented to the annual conference of the DGPuK journalism studies division, September 18-20, Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
News definition in the digital age: an audience approach. What's (the) news? Paper presented to the third biennial conference of the Brussels Institute for Journalism Studies (BIJU) "Values, viruses and vectors of newsworthiness", December 13., Brussels.
The message well I hear, the source alone is weak. Threats and opportunities of media branding in the age of social media. Paper presented to ECREA's 7th European Communication Conference, November 3, Lugano (with Philipp Müller, Birgit Stark & Bjørn von Rimscha).
Die Botschaft erinner‘ ich wohl, allein fehlt mir die Quelle. Chancen und Risiken von Publishing über Drittplattformen für Nachrichtenorganisationen und die Demokratie [The message well I hear, the source alone is weak. Opportunities and risks of publishing via third-party platforms for news organizations and democracy]. Paper presented to the symposium "Digitale Revolution in der Demokratie 2017", September 30, Dresden (with Philipp Müller).
Appetizer or Main Dish? Explaining the Use of Facebook News Content as a Substitute for Other News Sources. Full paper presented to the 66th ICA Annual Conference, June 10, Fukuoka (with Philipp Müller & Svenja Schäfer).
Appetizer oder Hauptgericht? Folgen der Rezeption von Nachrichteninhalten bei Facebook für die übrige Nachrichtennutzung [Appetizer or main course? Consequences of the reception of news content on Facebook for the rest of news usage]. Paper presented to the annual conference of the DGPuK media reception and effects division, January 30, Amsterdam (with Philipp Müller & Svenja Schäfer).
Invited presentations
Journalismusförderung geht doch?! [Public Funding of Journalism works after all?!] Series IJ Video Conference on the Future of Media [online], July 14, Dortmund (with Matthias Cornils).
Kategorisierung und Bedeutung "neuer Player" im Online-Bereich [Categorization and relevance of "new players" in the online sector]. UFITA Symposium "Current Issues of Legal Enforcement in the Online Sector" [online], July 2, Saarbrücken.